366 research outputs found

    Fitoterapia no controlo das dislipidémias

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    Monografia realizada no âmbito da unidade de Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de CoimbraAs doenças cardiovasculares são hoje uma preocupação a nível mundial, sendo umas das principais causas de morte em indivíduos com idade inferior a 70 anos em todo o mundo. Sendo as dislipidémias, em particular o aumento do colesterol, um fator de risco para a incidência das doenças cardiovasculares, torna-se importante combater esse aumento. A mudança do estilo de vida dos indivíduos com alterações no perfil lipídico é o primeiro passo para a manutenção da saúde. No entanto, quando o recurso às terapêuticas não farmacológicas não é suficiente, é necessário o recorrer a terapêuticas farmacológicas. Este tipo de abordagem terapêutica tem-se mostrado bastante eficaz no combate às alterações do perfil lipídico. Contudo e como qualquer fármaco, podem ter efeitos secundários que podem condicionar a vida das pessoas. Assim, numa sociedade cada vez mais instruída devido à facilidade de acesso à informação, os doentes procuram alternativas naturais e que possam resolver as suas patologias sem ocorrência de tantos efeitos secundários como o que acontece em algumas terapêuticas farmacológicas. A Fitoterapia toma assim um lugar importante na vida desses doentes, sendo de extrema importância o estudo de certas plantas que possam ajudar no tratamento ou manutenção da saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho é dar a conhecer algumas possibilidades fitoterápicas que podem ter impacto no tratamento das dislipidémias.Cardiovascular diseases are a worldwide concern, being one of the main causes of death in individual under the age of 70 years. Dyslipidemia, in particular the raise of serum cholesterol, a risk factor for incidence of cardiovascular diseases, it is important to counteract this increase. Changing the lifestyle of people who have changes in lipid profile, become the first step to maintain health. Besides that, when non-pharmacological therapeutics isn’t enough to control it, the use of pharmacological therapies is needed. This therapeutic approach has proven to be very effective to control changes in lipid profile, however and like any drug could have side effects that can condition people’s life. Thus, in an increasingly informed society due to the ease access to information, patients are seeking natural alternatives that can resolve their pathologies without the occurrence of many side effects like what happens in some drug therapies. Phytotherapy thus take an important place in the patient’s life, being very important the study of certain herbs that can help in treatment or maintain health. The main objective of this work is to present some herbal alternatives that may have impact in treatment of dyslipidemias

    Attractor dynamics generates robot formations: from theory to implementation

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    We show how non-linear attractor dynamics can be used to implement robot formations in unknown environments. The desired formation geometry is given through a matrix where the parameters in each line (its leader, desired distance and relative orientation to the leader) define the desired pose of a robot in the formation. The parameter values are then used to shape the vector fields of the dynamical systems that generate values for the control variables (i.e. heading direction and path velocity). Then these dynamical systems are tuned such that the control variables are always very close to one of the resultant attractors. The advantage is that the systems are more robust against perturbations because the behavior is generated as a time series of asymptotically stable states. Experimental results (with three Khepera robots) demonstrate the ability of the team to create and stabilize the formation, as well as avoiding obstacles. Flexibility is achieved in that as the senses world changes, the systems may change their planning solutions continuously but also discontinuously (tunning the formation versus split to avoid obstacle).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - (POSI/SRI/38051/2001

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr

    Fire resistance of steel members protected with intumescent coatings

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    The required intumescent coating thicknesses needed for fire resistance are proposed by the paints manufactures based on the results of a limited number of standard fire resistance tests, considering different steel section factors and DFTs. This work presents a set of 50 experimental fire resistance tests made in a pilot gas furnace and considering: (i) different member cross-sections (IPE, SHS, CHS, LNP), (ii) analysis at ambient temperature and fire conditions, (iii) application of a mechanical loading in a tree-point bending setup, (iv) different utilization degree level (30%, 50%, 70%) and (v) different intumescent thicknesses. Results show that increasing intumescent fire protection thickness an increase in fire resistance time is achieved. For the same nominal protection thickness the critical temperature and fire resistance time decreases with increasing degree of utilisation. The results from the unprotected fire tests are compared with the ones obtained by the Eurocode 3 part 1.2 simplified calculation method.. Taking into account the nominal properties only the CHS section experimental results shows unsafe fire resistance times in comparison to the Eurocode values.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, project PTDC/EME-PME/64913/2006, “Assessment of Intumescent Paint Behaviour for Passive Protection of Structural Elements Submitted to Fire Conditions”, and fellowship SFRH/BD/28909/2006. The authors also acknowledge the contribution from the paints manufactures: CIN and Nullifire

    Estudo experimental de vigas protegidas com tinta intumescente sob a acção do fogo

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    São apresentados os resultados de 50 testes de elementos à flexão para análise da eficácia da aplicação de tintas intumescentes em elementos sujeitos à flexão, aplicada a distintas secções transversais, IPE, CHS, SHS e LNP. O carregamento mecânico aplicado é mantido constante durante os testes e corresponde a valores do grau de utilização de 30%, 50% e 70%. Os testes são conduzidos à temperatura ambiente e ao fogo, segundo a curva ISO834, com diferentes espessuras de protecção e sem protecção. Verifica-se um aumento do tempo de resistência ao fogo com a aplicação deste tipo de protecção. Para a mesma espessura de protecção a temperatura crítica e o tempo de resistência ao fogo diminui com o aumento do grau de utilização

    Soberania, vontade geral e revolução: entre Jean Jacques Rousseau e Hannah Arendt

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    Neste texto, discute-se os conceitos de vontade geral e de soberania em Jean-Jacques Rousseau visando realizar um breve contraponto com a leitura contemporânea de Hannah Arendt no tocante a influência destes conceitos no desenvolvimento da Revolução Francesa. Para tanto, parte-se do livro O Contrato Social (1996) de Jean Jacques-Rousseau e Da revolução (1990) de Hannah Arendt, no qual há uma leitura crítica que incide sobre as apropriações das ideias rousseaunianas de soberania e vontade geral por parte dos revolucionários franceses. Com esse percurso, visa-se iluminar alguns temas e problemas rousseanianos, e a partir do contraste com a compreensão arendtiana do termo revolução e de ideal democrático, explicitar como se define a visão arendtiana de revolução e, por conseguinte, de lierdade


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    Trata-se de apresentar a crítica de Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) a noção de progresso a partir de seu livro Sobre a violência (1969). A saber, Arendt indica na segunda parte de seu livro Sobre a violência, que a ideia de progresso passou a ser vista dentro do movimento da Nova Esquerda [New Left] como um refúgio confortável com relação à realidade, dado que poderia fornecer respostas à pergunta: o que faremos agora? E a resposta seria apostar na ação violenta como o elemento necessário para modificar o curso político. Todavia, Arendt observa ainda que o conceito de progresso, dentro de qualquer teoria da história de vertente teleológica, está em flagrante contradição com o século XX, dados os eventos totalmente inauditos que nele se passaram. Não obstante, trata-se de pensar, de acordo com a autora alemã, o progresso nos termos de uma “fé cega”, que encontrou aceitação universal devido aos avanços das ciências naturais e a crença subjacente de que estas seriam ciências “universais”, responsáveis pela tarefa hercúlea de explorar ilimitadamente o espaço e de “elevar a estatura humana.”

    Optimization models to support sustainable electricity planning decisions

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    Over the last decades, models and concepts related to sustainable electricity planning decisions have been changed according to the society, energy policy objectives and concerns. New and clean energy technologies are emerging as major contributors for the achievement of a set of imposed goals, being the energy efficiency combined with renewable energy sources (RES) a key strategy for a sustainable future. Power planning based on optimization models plays an important role for, not only electricity industry decision making process, but also for all processes where complex decision must be made. Following the idea of sustainability combined with the emergence of RES, this study aims to present an on-going research project that involves the development of a set of mathematical models to be used on the electricity planning. Assuming a time period of 10 years and through scenario analysis, the expected impacts in terms of costs and CO2 emissions were evaluated. The behaviour of system when coal and gas fuel price varies is observed. The results put evidence the significant wind power and hydro power impacts on the electricity sector performance and demonstrate importance of these technologies to achieve the European Union goals for the sector.This work was financed by: the QREN – Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors, the European Union – European Regional Development Fund and National Funds- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under Project FCOMP-01- 0124-FEDER-011377 and Project Pest-OE/EME/UI0252/2011

    Short-term scheduling model for a wind-hydro-thermal electricity system

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    This study addresses the problem of the self-scheduling of an electricity system mainly based on hydro, fossil fuel thermal and wind power plants. A binary mixed integer non-linear optimization model is described and applied to short-term electricity planning of a system close to the expected Portuguese one on the year 2020. The model is written in a GAMS code and a global optimization solver is used to obtain the numerical results. The objective function encompasses the minimization of total system production costs through a centralized unit commitment. Different constraints, essentially related to operating parameters that characterize the power plants available for dispatch, are included in the model. The obtained results show the importance of the renewable energy sources seasonality on the thermal power plants operating conditions and on the total cost of the system.QREN, COMPETE, FCT, under Project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-01137