3 research outputs found
Uma avaliação feita por licenciandos sobre atividades investigativa-exploratórias de matemática financeira
Resumo: O presente artigo objetiva apresentar as ações e produções de licenciandos em Matemática, numa avaliação com atividades investigativo-exploratórias envolvendo conteúdos e temáticas da Matemática Financeira. A fundamentação teórica foi realizada em Kistemann Jr. no tocante à Educação Financeira e Ensino de Matemática Financeira, Skovsmose na temática da Educação Matemática Crítica e Cenários para Investigação e Zigmunt Bauman que problematiza a sociedade de consumo líquido-moderna. Como principal resultado da prática realizada destacamos a participação dos estudantes e as reflexões efetuadas nas situações envolvendo temas cotidianos da realidade econômica que os cerca e que, em geral passa desapercebido dos indivíduos-consumidores
Palavras-chave: Educação Financeira; Matemática Financeira; Cenários para Investigação.
An assessment by graduates on investigative-exploratory activities of financial mathematics
Abstract: This article aims to present the actions and student’s productions in mathematics, an assessment with investigative activities-involving content and thematic exploration of financial mathematics. The theoretical foundation was held in Kistemann Jr. regarding financial education and teaching financial mathematics, Mathematical Education in Skovsmose and scenarios for investigation and Zigmunt Bauman that discusses society of consumption liquid-modern. As a main result of practice held the participation of students and the reflections made in situations involving everyday themes of economic reality around them and that generally passes unnoticed of individuals-consumers.
Keywords: Financial Education; Financial Mathematics; Scenarios for Investigation
Avaliar para aprender: um ato de insubordinação criativa
Com o fechamento das escolas em 2020, surgiu a necessidade de ressignificar as atividades de ensino para modelos não presenciais e, consequentemente, adaptar as formas de avaliação. Os professores se viram obrigados a se reinventar, buscando estratégias diversificadas e, até mesmo, insubordinadas, no sentido criativo sugerido por
Insubordinate practices in mathematics evaluation
This article reports a Conversation Sessionpresented at ICOCIME 2,discussingactions undertaken bythreePhD students of the Post-Graduate Program in Mathematics Teaching (PEMAT), of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Innovative evaluation proposals differ from traditional models, both in terms of the assessment of students’ performance, and in relation to the attitudes of the teachersresponsible for the assignment of the grades. Commonly associated with tests, school assessments in mathematics are instruments with generally well-defined characteristics: individual, written, and time bounded.They are usually composed bysingle response questions and offer generic treatment to all students withthe intention of being neutral.Usually applied at the end of a learning cycle, the tests are conceived in a positivist philosophy that attributes to this instrument a character of impartiality and justice. Insubordinate and creative proposals indicate the need to know the students involved in the process, in order to establish a meaningful teaching and learning relationship. In a critical and progressive perspective of the evaluation, it is necessary to consider democracy in the evaluating instrument to build bridges between teachers and students, avoiding the deviations of subjectivity and biases in the correction of the tests