1,681 research outputs found

    An Erd\H{o}s--Hajnal analogue for permutation classes

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    Let C\mathcal{C} be a permutation class that does not contain all layered permutations or all colayered permutations. We prove that there is a constant cc such that every permutation in C\mathcal{C} of length nn contains a monotone subsequence of length cncn

    Finitely labeled generating trees and restricted permutations

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    Generating trees are a useful technique in the enumeration of various combinatorial objects, particularly restricted permutations. Quite often the generating tree for the set of permutations avoiding a set of patterns requires infinitely many labels. Sometimes, however, this generating tree needs only finitely many labels. We characterize the finite sets of patterns for which this phenomenon occurs. We also present an algorithm - in fact, a special case of an algorithm of Zeilberger - that is guaranteed to find such a generating tree if it exists.Comment: Accepted by J. Symb. Comp.; 12 page

    Small permutation classes

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    We establish a phase transition for permutation classes (downsets of permutations under the permutation containment order): there is an algebraic number κ\kappa, approximately 2.20557, for which there are only countably many permutation classes of growth rate (Stanley-Wilf limit) less than κ\kappa but uncountably many permutation classes of growth rate κ\kappa, answering a question of Klazar. We go on to completely characterize the possible sub-κ\kappa growth rates of permutation classes, answering a question of Kaiser and Klazar. Central to our proofs are the concepts of generalized grid classes (introduced herein), partial well-order, and atomicity (also known as the joint embedding property)

    Maximal independent sets and separating covers

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    In 1973, Katona raised the problem of determining the maximum number of subsets in a separating cover on n elements. The answer to Katona's question turns out to be the inverse to the answer to a much simpler question: what is the largest integer which is the product of positive integers with sum n? We give a combinatorial explanation for this relationship, via Moon and Moser's answer to a question of Erdos: how many maximal independent sets can a graph on n vertices have? We conclude by showing how Moon and Moser's solution also sheds light on a problem of Mahler and Popken's about the complexity of integers.Comment: To appear in the Monthl

    On the effective and automatic enumeration of polynomial permutation classes

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    We describe an algorithm, implemented in Python, which can enumerate any permutation class with polynomial enumeration from a structural description of the class. In particular, this allows us to find formulas for the number of permutations of length n which can be obtained by a finite number of block sorting operations (e.g., reversals, block transpositions, cut-and-paste moves)

    Grid classes and the Fibonacci dichotomy for restricted permutations

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    We introduce and characterise grid classes, which are natural generalisations of other well-studied permutation classes. This characterisation allows us to give a new, short proof of the Fibonacci dichotomy: the number of permutations of length n in a permutation class is either at least as large as the nth Fibonacci number or is eventually polynomial
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