2 research outputs found

    Рsychological Analysis of Procrastination as a Destructive Factor in the Formation of Professionalism

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    The article actualizes the problem of psychological research features of procrastination, and definition of its influence on formation of professionalism at student's age. The psychological analysis of the concept of "procrastination" is carried out, the essence and specifics of procrastination development in student age are investigated, the level of procrastination development in student age and psychological mechanisms of its influence on formation of professionalism are investigated. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical methods (analysis of scientific and methodological literature of noctive and foreign authors in psychology); empirical methods (Scale of assessment of the need for achievements of Yu. Orlov; Methods of research of volitional self-regulation A. Zverkov, E. Eidman; Melbourne decision-making questionnaire (adaptation of T. Kornilova, S. Kornilov); Scale of procrastination for students S. Ley; Methodology "Self-assessment organization"; Questionnaire "Control over action" Yu. Kulya; Temporary Perspective Questionnaire (ZTPI) Zimbardo; Questionnaire "Integral job satisfaction" N. Fetiskin, V. Kozlov, G. Manuilov). The experimental base of the study were students majoring in 053 "Psychology" of Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus (n = 92 people) aged 18-22 years.</p

    Psychocorrection of Adolescents 'Anxiety by Music Therapy

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    Personal anxiety in adolescence is largely determined by psychological factors (personal, adaptive, motivational), and the correction of personal anxiety in adolescents is possible by combining two areas of work: reducing the effects of psychological factors on its occurrence; development of constructive forms of behavior in psychogenic situations, in conditions of increased anxiety through the use of music therapy. The aim of the study is to study the state of anxiety in adolescence after psychocorrection by music therapy. A set of methods was used to study the psychological features of anxiety in adolescents, ways to overcome and level before and after the psychocorrection program. There are a number of positive changes in the indicators of personal and motivational factors of anxiety: an increase in self-esteem and responsibility, increased self-esteem, which, in turn, led to a decrease in the difference between this indicator and the level of claims, a change in attitude realistic type, changing the distribution of affiliation motives and achieving in favor of the motive of the desire to accept and the desire to succeed, respectively. The effectiveness of the corrective effect was manifested in the change in the distribution of subjects by levels of anxiety. A high level of personal anxiety was recorded, after the implementation of the program it halved. During the study, a number of positive changes in the indicators of personal and motivational factors of anxiety were recorded. The results show, however, that psychocorrectional work with music therapy is effective in the work of a psychologist. The obtained results can be used both during the training of future psychologists, the development of a psycho-correctional program and during family counseling.</em