7 research outputs found

    Sandyites and rocks of monzonite composition of the Ilmenogorsk miaskit massive (the Southern Urals)

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    The results of study of rocks of the Ilmenogorsk miaskite block - mylonitized miaskites, “sandyites” and monzonitic rocks, which were found for the first time, are presented in the paper. We studied textural-structural features of rock and their mineral and chemical composition. The composition of petrogenic elements in rocks were determined by atomic absobtion method, rare earth, rare and trace elements - ICP-MS method. Microprobe analyses compositions of minerals were made on the scanning electron microscope REMMА-202 M with energy-dispersive console Link systems LZ with Si-Li detector. Correlation of data was performed using the program “Magellanes”. These data allowed us to establish the degree of transformation of rocks and multistage metasomatic processes. The mineral assemblages indicate amphibolite facies of metamorphism, which was accompanied by participation of the F-bearing fluid and formation of specific accessory minerals - highly aluminous titanite and allanite. The highly variable Al contents of these minerals is evidence of high alkalinity at the presence of the fluorine in the fluid. The minerals of the banalsite-stronalsite group in sandyites points to a wide range of temperatures during metasomatic processes. Alteration of rocks results of the change of their chemical composition: the ТiO2, MgО, СаО, total Fe, and LREE contents increased and SiO2, Al2O3, and К2O contents decreased. The rocks are characterized by high REE contents in contrast to the host mylonitized miaskites and the high contents of lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, Sr, Th) and low contents of Co, Cu, W, Ni, Cr, and Pb. Our data indicate the metasomatic origin of the studied rocks. The increase in the contents of trace and rare earth elements from milonitized miaskites to sandyites and monzonitic rocks reflect their mobility and significant role of assimilation of the continental crust. The mobility of these elements and their redistribution in the rocks increase during active influence of fluid and growth in it the contents of alkalis and fluorine. Thus, sandyites of the Ilmenogorsky miaskite block are metasomatic rocks which produced after mylonitized miaskites in the linear tectonic zones during late postcollisional shear stage. The monzonitic rocks are ortho-rocks and were probably formed after country diorites. They kept relics of primary structures, but were transformed simultaneously with sandyites under influence of multistage tectonic-metamorphic processes

    Contribution assessment of a technological factor to reducing CO

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    Currently, the economy should develop along an innovative way of development with an increase in the efficiency of the use of natural resources and a decrease in negative impacts on the environment to ensure stable economic growth and improve the quality of life of the population. The purpose of the study is to assess the environmental and energy effects that affect the environment and energy intensity in the country. The dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia are contemporaneously influenced by many different factors, such as the industry structure of the economy, the structure of the fuel and energy balance, the level of technological equipment, and the situation in world markets. Our analysis showed that the dynamics of CO2 emissions in Russia are determined primarily by the growth rates of the population’s well-being and by the growth of industrial production. At the same time, in the period 2000-2012, the effect of welfare growth was partially offset by a decrease in the energy intensity of the economy, but then the potential for reducing energy intensity due to changes in the structure of the economy was exhausted. The contribution of the technological factor is also insufficient. So for the period 2000-2017, the improvement of technologies in the field of heat and electric energy production from fossil energy sources made it possible to reduce CO2 emissions by only 33 million tons. Another significant constraint to the transition to a low-carbon trajectory of development is the low rate of implementation of energy-saving technologies in the production of energy-intensive industrial products, maintenance of residential and public buildings

    Identification of factors affecting sustainable development of renewable energy sources in transport

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    At present motor transport is one of the key components of the formation of a long-term policy of sustainable economic development. Analysis of the structure of energy consumption in motor transport is necessary for better understanding of the factors that affect the increase in the share of renewable energy sources in transport and the effectiveness of specific support measures for the transition to vehicles with minimal or no greenhouse gas emissions. Models of pooled regression, regression with random and fixed effects were built in order to reveal the influence of the chosen factors on the share of renewable energy and electricity in the structure of energy consumption by vehicles. The results of evaluation for 31 European countries in the 2005-2017 showed that the criterion, which allows identifying groups of countries, is the volume of environmental transport taxes per vehicle unit. Countries with higher taxation volumes has such influencing factors as Corruption Perceptions Index, Energy productivity, Total environmental taxes per capita and Employment in high- and medium-high technology manufacturing sectors and knowledge-intensive service sectors. Consumption in countries with lower tax differentiation is influenced by index of research intensity, Corruption Perceptions Index and Shares of environmental and labour taxes

    Identification of factors affecting sustainable development of renewable energy sources in transport

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    At present motor transport is one of the key components of the formation of a long-term policy of sustainable economic development. Analysis of the structure of energy consumption in motor transport is necessary for better understanding of the factors that affect the increase in the share of renewable energy sources in transport and the effectiveness of specific support measures for the transition to vehicles with minimal or no greenhouse gas emissions. Models of pooled regression, regression with random and fixed effects were built in order to reveal the influence of the chosen factors on the share of renewable energy and electricity in the structure of energy consumption by vehicles. The results of evaluation for 31 European countries in the 2005-2017 showed that the criterion, which allows identifying groups of countries, is the volume of environmental transport taxes per vehicle unit. Countries with higher taxation volumes has such influencing factors as Corruption Perceptions Index, Energy productivity, Total environmental taxes per capita and Employment in high- and medium-high technology manufacturing sectors and knowledge-intensive service sectors. Consumption in countries with lower tax differentiation is influenced by index of research intensity, Corruption Perceptions Index and Shares of environmental and labour taxes

    State-private partnership - the growth factor of gasification of Russian region

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    The gasification of Russian regions is one of the most important problems for the national economy. The development of the gas supply system contributes to the socio-economic development of the regional economy, to the increase increasing the level and quality of life, and to the solution of the key environmental issues. The Krasnoyarskiy Kray is the only region in the east of the country that has a significant resource potential of natural gas but at the same time, it can’t be connected to the trunk gas pipeline in the short and long term perspective. The purpose of the study is to assess the efficiency of investments in the construction of gas supply facilities, gasification, and their exploitation in the southern and central regions of the Krasnoyarskiy Kray. In this study authors solved the following objectives: we systematized information about the current state of the Krasnoyarskiy Kray gasification and the prerequisites for its development (resource base and transport infrastructure); we assessed economic efficiency of the investments in the construction, gasification, and exploitation of gas supply facilities in the southern and central regions of the Krasnoyarskiy Kray; we formulated proposals to ensure economic efficiency using the mechanism of public-private partnership. The authors recommend an option according to which federal budget investments will amount to 70% of their total investment in the Krasnoyarskiy Kray gasification program. Under this option, the selling price of gas will drop to 4708 rubles per 1000 cubic meters of natural gas excluding VAT. Organization of production, preparation for transport, and transportation of natural gas in the central regions of the Krasnoyarskiy Kray will create new highly paid jobs, significantly increase the GRP, and improve the demographic situation

    Convergence of the carbon intensity of the economies of the Asia-Pacific and non-OECD countries to the level of the OECD countries

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    The global goal of the world community is the transition to a “green” economy, characterized by rational use of electricity, reduction of harmful emissions, and consumption of renewable energy sources. The purpose of the research was to study the convergence of capacity emissions in developing countries to European countries’ level. According to the results, countries striving for a lower emission intensity level to varying degrees. In non-OECD European countries, per capita income growth leads to a 0.26% reduction in emissions intensity. This fact means that economic growth creates additional resources that can be used to develop energy-efficient technologies. In the post-Soviet space and the Asia-Pacific region, a significant effect on reducing emission intensity is provided by environmental policy’s effectiveness to minimize carbon dioxide emissions

    Ecological aspects of economical development: issues of forecast greenhouse gas emissions in road transport in Europe and regions of Russia

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    Environmental aspects are an essential part of economic development. Improvement of the environmental situation can have a significant impact on the pace and structure of economic development. For environmental component, it is important to analyze the current state and predict greenhouse gas emissions. The development of methodological approaches in this area will allow for more detailed forecasting of the situation. In order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, European countries have set targets for efficiency of energy consumption and widespread use of renewable energy sources, which they have achieved and become world leaders in using them. By 2020, the goal is set for energy consumption to be at least 20% from renewable sources. According to the forecast on average, in 2040 the share of oil products in the structure of fuel consumption in road transport in Europe will be reduced to 80%. Nevertheless, in the countries of Europe, various trends in the field of greenhouse gas emissions are expected. Most countries have a high potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion on road vehicles. In Russia, emissions from vehicles are projected to reduce by 8% by 2040