411 research outputs found

    Spin-dependent transmission in waveguides with periodically modulated strength of the spin-orbit interaction

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    The electron transmission TT is evaluated through waveguides, in which the strength of the spin-orbit interaction(SOI) α\alpha is varied periodically, using the transfer-matrix technique. It is shown that TT exhibits a {\it spin-transistor} action, as a function of α\alpha or of the length of one of the two subunits of the unit cell, provided only one mode is allowed to propagate in the waveguide. A similar but not periodic behavior occurs as a function of the incident electron energy. A transparent formula for TT through one unit is obtained and helps explain its periodic behavior. The structure considered is a good candidate for the establishment of a realistic spin transistor

    Spin-depedent transmission of holes through periodically modulated diluted magnetic semiconductor waveguides

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    We study spin transport of holes through stubless or stubbed waveguides modulated periodically by diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) sections of width b1 . Injected holes of up (down) spin feel a periodically modulated barrier (well) potential in the DMS sections and have different transmission (T) coefficients. T oscillates with b1 for spin-down and decreases fast for spin-up holes while the relative polarization Pr depends nearly periodically on the stub height. Using asymmetric stubs leads to a nearly square-wave pattern in T and to wide plateaus in Pr . T oscillates with the length between the DMS sections. With two DMS sections per unit, T shows periodically wide gaps for spin-down holes when a DMS width is varied. The results can be used to create efficient spin filters.Comment: 5figure

    Magneto-optical transport properties of monolayer phosphorene

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    The electronic properties of monolayer phosphorene are exotic due to its puckered structure and large intrinsic direct band gap. We derive and discuss its band structure in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. Further, we evaluate the magneto-optical Hall and longitudinal optical conductivities, as functions of temperature, magnetic field, and Fermi energy, and show that they are strongly influenced by the magnetic field. The imaginary part of the former and the real part of the latter exhibit regular {\it interband} oscillations as functions of the frequency ω\omega in the range ω1.52\hslash\omega\sim 1.5-2 eV. Strong {\it intraband} responses in the latter and week ones in the former occur at much lower frequencies. The magneto-optical response can be tuned in the microwave-to-terahertz and visible frequency ranges in contrast with a conventional two-dimensional electron gas or graphene in which the response is limited to the terahertz regime. This ability to isolate carriers in an anisotropic structure may make phosphorene a promising candidate for new optical devices.Comment: 7 pages and 8 figure

    Single-layer and bilayer graphene superlattices: collimation, additional Dirac points and Dirac lines

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    We review the energy spectrum and transport properties of several types of one- dimensional superlattices (SLs) on single-layer and bilayer graphene. In single-layer graphene, for certain SL parameters an electron beam incident on a SL is highly collimated. On the other hand there are extra Dirac points generated for other SL parameters. Using rectangular barriers allows us to find analytic expressions for the location of new Dirac points in the spectrum and for the renormalization of the electron velocities. The influence of these extra Dirac points on the conductivity is investigated. In the limit of {\delta}-function barriers, the transmission T through, conductance G of a finite number of barriers as well as the energy spectra of SLs are periodic functions of the dimensionless strength P of the barriers, P{\delta}(x) ~ V (x). For a Kronig-Penney SL with alternating sign of the height of the barriers the Dirac point becomes a Dirac line for P = {\pi}/2 + n{\pi} with n an integer. In bilayer graphene, with an appropriate bias applied to the barriers and wells, we show that several new types of SLs are produced and two of them are similar to type I and type II semiconductor SLs. Similar as in single-layer graphene extra "Dirac" points are found. Non-ballistic transport is also considered.Comment: 26 pages, 17 figure