33 research outputs found
The failure of planning endevour in north east border area of Serbia towards Bulgaria
With the transition, spatial planning was supposed to mitigate the negative effects of the new player - market to the public interest. But, seems like our planning didn't find the mechanisms to mitigate those effects created by the market inside it. Planning institutions in pretransitional period were exclusively in public sector. We now have on one side, some big planning institution, partially financed from the state's budget usually with the monopoly over elaboration of one group of plans and on the other side, smaller ones which are being privatized. Both are thrown to the market and are trying to acquire as much engagements as possible in order to secure enough financing. They are producing more plans for less money in a shorter period of time. As a result, these former public agents diverted by the new hostile conditions given by undeveloped market and neoliberal environment are still presenting traditional rigid planning model, deterministic and inflexible, with fixed land use parameters and regulations. Seems like the turbulent times in which the most important task is to survive didn't give them a chance to develop and to introduce more innovative and novel models in view of participative, strategic and action plan oriented planning. The failure of planning enterprise to achieve at least some balance in regional inequity is clearly visible in peripheral, i.e. border areas. The paper discuss the main objectives and planning concepts in various overlapping planning documents on national, regional and local levels elaborated for Timocka krajina, a border region situated in NE Serbia towards a frontier to Bulgaria, and the obvious gap between planning optimism and accurate demographic, social and economic decline of the region, despite both local and European based, mostly cross border related projects and initiatives
Landscape planning as an instrument of spatial development of Serbia
Проблем дефинисања основе на којој се гради концепт планирања предела као
инструмента просторног развоја Србије је централно питање којим се аутор бави
у овом раду.
Да идеје на којима почива постојеће планирање предела (у Србији посебно) више
нису идеје времена у ком живимо, основна је теза која је покренула ово истраживање.
Глобални процеси су створили нови амбијент у ком се данас планира: планирање
за предео је превазиђено. Данашња теоријска парадигма мења тежиште, односно
просторни концепт. Предео није више само резерват културне и природне баштине
који треба конзервирати у затеченој слици, већ је холистички, хибридни, ентитет
природних, културних и социјалних вредности који се мења и развија. Као такав
он постаје предмет истраживања.
Овим радом су понуђени елементи за грађу другачијег концепта планирања -
планирања кроз предео. Настао је као модел примене нове парадигме којом су
дефинисани просторни концепт и планерски принципи. Парадигма интегрише
научнe принципe: предеоне екологије, естетике предела као система и принципе
комуникативног планирања у оквирима предела (као просторног концепта). У
хеуристичком смислу, обједињена је дескриптивна и прескриптивна теорија
планирања, а решавање научних проблема и задатака заснива се на: концепту
предела као целине, трансдисциплинарности у истраживачком приступу и
карактеру предела као новој вредности (јавно добро)у систему планирања.
У интерпретацији новог концепта планирања, питања просторног развоја воде
ка опредељењу за тип односно карактер будућег предела, који је јавно добро и
јавни интерес, у који су уграђени циљеви свих сектора (становања, индустрије,
пољопривреде, шумарства, енергетике, заштите животне средине, природног и
културног наслеђа...).
Степен интегративности и холизма нас може определити у закључку да се понуђени
односно могући концепт умногоме разликује од постојећег. А да ли је и основа за
планирање бољих и лепших предела питање је непредвидљивости будућег развоја планирања уопште. С обзиром на искуства вечите потраге за моделом интегралног планирања, као и неизвесности у ком се планирање креће, отворена су нова питања
и дилеме...The problem of defining the basis to the concept of landscape planning as an instrument
of spatial development in Serbia is the central issue that this thesis deals with.
The basic thesis that initiated this study consideres that the ideas underlying the existing
landscape planning (especially in Serbia) are not the ideas valid at the present time
any more. Global processes have created a new environment for nowadays planning:
planning for landscape is outdated. The current theoretical paradigm changes the focus
or spatial concept. The landscape is no longer only a reserve of cultural and natural
heritage that should be preserved in the same state, but it is a holistic, hybrid entity of
natural, cultural and social values, which has been changing and evolving through time,
and as such, becomes the subject of research.
This paper provides elements for creating a different concept of planning through
landscape, as an application model of the new paradigm that defines the spatial concept
and planning principles. It integrates the application of scientific principles: landscape
ecology, landscape aesthetics as a system and principles of communicative planning
within the landscape as a spatial concept. In heuristic terms, descriptive and prescriptive
theories of planning are unified, and solving scientific problems and tasks is based on: the
concept of landscape as a whole, transdisciplinarity in research approach and landscape
character as a new value in the planning system but also in an integral interpretation of
knowledge about landscape.
Spatial development issues in the interpretation of the new concept of planning, lead to
the determination of type and character of the future landscape, which is public benefit and public interest, and where the objectives of all sectors are incorporated (housing,
industry, agriculture, forestry, energy, environmental protection, natural and cultural
heritage, ...).
Level of integration and holism can prompt us towards the conclusion that offered
or possible concept veries significantly from the existing one. And whether that
concept is the basis for better planning and more beautiful landscapes, is the question
of unpredictability of future development of planning in general. New questions and
dilemmas have been raised, as it could have been predicted, given the experiences of the eternal search of an integrated planning model as well as the uncertainty of the planning
Land use change for flood protection: A prospective study for the restoration of the river Jelašnica watershed
Serbia’s hilly-mountainous regions are extremely vulnerable to flooding as a consequence of their natural characteristics and human impacts. Land mismanagement influences the development of erosion processes, and causes soil degradation that significantly reduces the land’s capacity to infiltrate and retain rainwater. Inappropriate land use as well as development activities replace permeable with impervious surfaces in the watershed. This leads to more rapid runoff generation and the more frequent appearance of torrential floods and bed-load deposits on downstream sections. Environmental degradation creates economicsocial problems within local societies which is often followed by depopulation. Restoring watersheds to their optimal hydrologic state would reduce flood discharge and by increasing groundwater recharge would increase both low-flow and average discharges in springs and streams. Best management practices could be developed through the application of specific combinations of biotechnical, technical and administrative measures, and by using the concept of ″natural reservoirs″. The design of such practices is explored through a case study of the watershed of the river Jelašnica, southeastern Serbia. Realization of these planned restoration works should help decrease the annual yields of erosive material by 44.1% and the specific annual transport of sediment through hydrographic network by 43.6%. Representative value of the coefficient of erosion will be reduced from Z=0.555 to Z=0.379. The value of maximal discharge Qmax-AMCIII (1%)=54.17 m3•s-1, before restoration, is decreased to Qmax-AMCIII (1%)=41.22 m3•s-1 after restoration, indicating the improvement of hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of land use changes. Administrative measures are applied through ″Plans for announcement of erosive regions and protection from torrential floods in the territory of Leskovac municipality″
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Landscape Planning and Green Infrastructure in Serbia: From National to Belgrade City Planning
The development of landscape planning in Serbia began in the middle of the last century. The principles and objectives of landscape planning were modeled on European trends and developed within the academic framework of the School of landscape architecture at the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Belgrade.
The General Plan of Landscapes (1995) was a failed attempt to introduce landscape planning from the framework of academic and scientific debate to institutional spatial planning in Serbia (Vasiljević, 2008). After the ratification of the European Landscape Convention in 2011, a more favorable climate for landscape planning was created in Serbia. As a result of defining a landscape policy, which harmonized the contemporary conceptualization of landscape planning with planning trends in Serbia, ensued the chapter Protection and Arrangement of Landscapes, as part of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2020. For the first time, the spatial concept included all landscapes – urban and rural/ natural, whereas planning principles integrated the principles of landscape ecology (e.g. landscape connectivity) with the principles of aesthetics of landscapes as systems. Landscape character was defined as the target quality and spatial development was supposed to be aligned with it (Vasiljević, 2013).
The landscape-ecological approach in the planning of cityscapes, advocated by many authors had little influence on the planning of Belgrade in the past. As the final stage of the project „Green regulations of Belgrade“, the Program for elaboration of the urban plan of the green spaces system of Belgrade is the first bigger shift towards landscape-ecological planning of the City (Cvejić and Teofilović, 2010). The Plan of General Regulation of Green Spaces of the City of Belgrade (2014) was developed as a result of the project in which green infrastructure and its elements were observed through the core, inner and outer ring of the green spaces system. However, this plan has not been adopted yet, and the reason is the insufficiently grounded form of this planning document for which there are no known and well-established planning mechanisms of implementation.
In contemporary academic research in Serbia, the concept of green infrastructure is observed through Turner\u27s interpretation of the urban route that is useful from the aspect of environmental quality in a city (Turner, 1995), Ahern’s strategy of landscape planning in which landscapes are designed as green infrastructure (Ahern, 1995), and the spatial planning strategy, which is considered the only way to a certain future of urban landscapes in the light of climate change (Fabos, 2001). The contemporary theoretical approach to planning at the landscape scale was created in such an atmosphere, based on the concept of landscapes as wholes, transdisciplinary approach to research and landscape character as a new value in spatial development planning (Vasiljević, 2012). This theoretical concept is based on unifying the principles of the multifunctionality of landscapes, redundancy and modularity of landscape functions, diversity of landscape structures and connectedness of landscapes at different levels and adaptability of landscapes (Ahern, 2011).
Given that the theoretical framework of landscape planning in Serbia is new, as well as its application within the framework of the 2020 SPRS, and that in terms of planning practice in Serbia the understanding of this theoretical concept is in the domain of socialization and cultural reproduction (Vasiljević, 2012 according to Faludi, 2004), it was necessary to find a principle – the idea that local interpretation of theories and their application can be assumed to be consistent with ideas operating at a higher (often national) scale (Allmendinger, 2002). The principle of connectivity, which is materialized through green infrastructure, was considered as a way to implement this theoretical concept at the local level. In order to achieve landscape stability, the principle of connectivity is applied to establish short-term goals, which are seen as long-term adaptation measures to climate change. However, the experience in the implementation of this principle through legal framework points to numerous problems. Although the criteria for establishing green infrastructure are defined through theoretical and strategic research, the existing landscape policies are limited (European Communities, 2008)
Uvoz nerastova - kontrola semena i mogućnost reklamacije
Serbia is one of the countries with the continuous import of breeding sows and boars. Boars are usually imported at the age of 4 to 6 months, in the period when the quality of the breeding males cannot be determined due to sexual immaturity (prepubertal and pubertal age). In this paper, the method and results of semen quality control in 40 imported young boars are described, and also the method of documenting the cause for action claim. In the case of suspicious semen quality it is necesseary to perform at least 3 consecutive controls in one month intervals in order to establish a final estimation of quality and usability of semen. Of 40 imported boars, 4 boars (10%) were subject of complaint due to: azoospermia (1 boar), absence or reduction of total and progressive motility, present sperm agglutination (2 boars), and increased number of pathological forms of spermatozoa (78%, 1 boar). Increased proportion of sperm with unstable chromatin structure (SCSA test - 33.2% and 37.1%) was established in two boars. To initiate the complaint it is necessary to have a sales contract that provides possibility for the reclamation, recognized methods of semen quality control and trustful business relationship between all interested parties.Srbija se svrstava u red zemalja sa kontinuiranim uvozom priplodnih nazimica i nerastova. Nerastovi se uglavnom uvoze u dobi od 4 do 6 meseci, u periodu kada se kvalitet priplodnjaka ne može pouzdano utvrditi usled polne nezrelosti (prepubertetsko ili pubertetska dob nerastića). U ovom radu opisan je postupak i rezultati kontrole kvaliteta semena kod 40 mladih nerastova iz uvoza, kao i način dokumentovanja razloga za pokretanje postupka reklamacije. Kod sumnjivog kvaliteta semena potrebno je izvršiti najmanje 3 uzastopne kontrole u razmaku od po mesec dana, kako bi se donela konačna ocena o kvalitetu semena i upotrebljivosti nerasta za priplod. Od 40 uvezenih nerastova, 4 su reklamirana (10%) usled: azoospermije (1 nerast), odsustva ili smanjenje ukupne ili progresivne pokretljivosti, uz prisustvo aglutinacija spermatozoida (2 nerasta), i povećanog broja patoloških formi spermatozoida (78%; 1 nerast). Kod dva nerasta zabeležen je povećan udeo spermatozoida sa nestabilnom strukturom hromatina (SCSA test - 33,2% i 37,1%). Za pokretanje reklamacije neophodno je imati kupoprodajni ugovor koji predviđa mogućnost reklamacije, priznate metode kontrole semena kao i izgrađen poslovni odnos poverenja zainteresovanih strana
Intrapopulaciono poboljšanje prinosa i dužine života lucerke
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the most important forage crop in the world, regarding growing area and economic value, because of its high yield level, good persistence, high protein content and energy value. In alfalfa, concept of intra-population breeding means direct selection for yield, through recurrent phenotypic selection using some form of progeny testing. Significant differences between genotypes were found for green forage and dry matter yields. The observed variation for both yield traits was much higher at population level than for the selected plants that will form new improved population. In the next steps of breeding process selected plants will be intercrossed in isolation to develop a new, improved population. Alfalfa breeding programs should focus on yield per se, with the use of old and new knowledge on the genetic control of yield and with adaptation of existing or developing new breeding procedure.Lucerka (Medicago sativa L.) je najvažnija krmna biljka u svetu, kako sa stanovišta površina koje zauzima tako i njene ekonomske vrednosti predstavljene kroz visok prinos, trajnost (dužinu života), odličan kvalitet i energetsku vrednost. Koncept intrapopulacionog oplemenjivanja kod lucerke podrazumeva direktnu selekciju na prinos primenom rekurentne fenotipske selekcije uz korišćenje testova potomstava. Značajne razlike između genotipova su zabeležene za prinos zelene krme i suve materije. Variranje osobina prinosa je bilo značajno veće na nivou cele populacije nego kod odabranih biljaka. Budući koraci u oplemenjivanju lucerke su sledeći: odabrane biljke će se umnožavati u izolaciji sa ciljem stvaranja nove, popravljene populacije. Novostvorena populacija će se testirati sa nekim od progenih testova i porediti sa početnom populacijom (sorta Nijagara) i komercijalnim sortama lucerke. Nova populacija biće testirana DNK markerima u cilju provere homogenosti, tj. u cilju provere genetičke ujednačenosti. Programi oplemenjivanja lucerke trebalo bi da se fokusiraju na prinos per se, uz korišćenje starih i novih znanja vezanih za genetičku kontrolu agronomski važnih osobina, uz adaptaciju postojećih i razvoju novih oplemenjivačkih procedura
Erosion control and protection from torrential floods in Serbia-spatial aspects
Torrential floods represent the most frequent phenomenon within the category
of “natural risks” in Serbia. The representative examples are the torrential
floods on the experimental watersheds of the rivers Manastirica (June 1996)
and Kamišna (May 2007). Hystorical maximal discharges (Qmaxh) were
reconstructed by use of ″hydraulics flood traces″ method. Computations of
maximal discharges (Qmaxc), under hydrological conditions after the
restoration of the watersheds, were performed by use of a synthetic unit
hydrograph theory and Soil Conservation Service methodology. Area sediment
yields and intensity of erosion processes were estimated on the basis of the
“Erosion Potential Method”. The actual state of erosion processes is
represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.475 (Manastirica) and Z=0.470
(Kamišna). Restoration works have been planned with a view to decreasing
yields of erosive material, increasing water infiltration capacity and
reducing flood runoff. The planned state of erosion processes is represented
by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.343 (Manastirica) and Z=0.385 (Kamišna).
The effects of hydrological changes were estimated by the comparison of
historical maximal discharges and computed maximal discharges (under the
conditions after the planned restoration). The realisation of restoration
works will help decrease annual yields of erosive material from Wа=24357 m3
to Wа=16198.0 m3 (Manastirica) and from Wа=19974 m3 to Wа=14434 m3 (Kamišna).
The values of historical maximal discharges (QmaxhMan=154.9 m3•s-1;
QmaxhKam=76.3 m3•s-1) were significantly decreased after the restoration
(QmaxcMan=84.5 m3 •s-1; QmaxcKam=43.7 m3•s-1), indicating the improvement of
hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of erosion and torrent
control works. Integrated management involves biotechnical works on the
watershed, technical works on the hydrographic network within a precisely
defined administrative and spatial framework in order to achieve maximum
security for people and their property and to meet other requirements such
as: environmental protection, sustainable soil usage, drinking water supply,
rural development, biodiversity sustaining, etc. The lowest and the most
effective level is attained through PAERs (Plans for announcement of erosive
regions) and PPTFs (Plans for protection from torrential floods), with HZs
(Hazard zones) and TAs (Threatened areas) mapping on the basis of spatial
analysis of important factors in torrential floods formation. Solutions
defined through PAERs and PPTFs must be integrated into Spatial Plans at
local and regional levels
Erosion control and protection from torrential floods in Serbia-spatial aspects
Torrential floods represent the most frequent phenomenon within the category of 'natural risks' in Serbia. The representative examples are the torrential floods on the experimental watersheds of the rivers Manastirica (June 1996) and Kamišna (May 2007). Hystorical maximal discharges (Qmaxh) were reconstructed by use of 'hydraulics flood traces' method. Computations of maximal discharges (Qmaxc), under hydrological conditions after the restoration of the watersheds, were performed by use of a synthetic unit hydrograph theory and Soil Conservation Service methodology. Area sediment yields and intensity of erosion processes were estimated on the basis of the 'Erosion Potential Method'. The actual state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.475 (Manastirica) and Z=0.470 (Kamišna). Restoration works have been planned with a view to decreasing yields of erosive material, increasing water infiltration capacity and reducing flood runoff. The planned state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.343 (Manastirica) and Z=0.385 (Kamišna). The effects of hydrological changes were estimated by the comparison of historical maximal discharges and computed maximal discharges (under the conditions after the planned restoration). The realisation of restoration works will help decrease annual yields of erosive material from Wa=24357 m3 to Wa=16198.0 m3 (Manastirica) and from Wa=19974 m3 to Wa=14434 m3 (Kamišna). The values of historical maximal discharges (QmaxhMan=154.9 m3·s-1; QmaxhKam=76.3 m3·s-1) were significantly decreased after the restoration (QmaxcMan=84.5 m3 ·s-1; QmaxcKam=43.7 m3·s-1), indicating the improvement of hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of erosion and torrent control works. Integrated management involves biotechnical works on the watershed, technical works on the hydrographic network within a precisely defined administrative and spatial framework in order to achieve maximum security for people and their property and to meet other requirements such as: environmental protection, sustainable soil usage, drinking water supply, rural development, biodiversity sustaining, etc. The lowest and the most effective level is attained through PAERs (Plans for announcement of erosive regions) and PPTFs (Plans for protection from torrential floods), with HZs (Hazard zones) and TAs (Threatened areas) mapping on the basis of spatial analysis of important factors in torrential floods formation. Solutions defined through PAERs and PPTFs must be integrated into Spatial Plans at local and regional levels
Prognostic significance of pathologically detected extramural venous invasion (EMVI) in rectal carcinoma
Background: Rectal carcinoma (RC), a common malignancy of the gastrointesƟ nal tract, remains a great clinical challenge due to the increased risk of local and/or systemic recurrence. The mechanism of primary tumor progression and disseminaƟ on may be the crucial prognosƟ c factor. Direct vascular spread, especially venous invasion, has been previously recognized and validated as an important predictor of adverse prognosis. Extramural venous invasion (EMVI) is characterized by the presence of tumor cells within veins outside the bowel wall and is strongly associated with poor survival, increased risk of local recurrence, systemic recurrence, and death. The aim of this study is to examine the prognosƟ c value of pathologically detected EMVI and its relaƟ onship with other available clinicopathological parameters of paƟ ents with RC. PaƟ ents and Methods: This retrospecƟ ve study included 100 untreated and non-metastaƟ c RC paƟ ents (50 EMVI+ and 50 EMVI-) who underwent curaƟ ve resecƟ on between January 2016 and June 2018 and were followed for the next fi ve years (median follow-up of 71.1 months). The presence of EMVI was assessed on standard hematoxylin and eosin-stained histolological secƟ ons of postoperaƟ ve tumor specimens samples, confi rmed by a consultant pathologist in arbitrary cases, and in accordance with validated College of American Pathologist (CAP) guidelines. Results: The presence of EMVI within a selected cohort of RC paƟ ents signifi cantly associated with female gender (p=0.039), T4 stage (p=<0.001), N2 stage (p=<0.001), less number (n≤3) of involved lymph nodes (p=<0.001), excessive lymphaƟ c infi ltraƟ on (p=0.044), presence of perineural invasion (p=0.002), posiƟ ve circumferenƟ al margin (CRM) (p=0.003), and TNMIII stage (p=<0.001). In addiƟ on, within EMVI+ paƟ ents, metastases, dominantly in the liver (13/19, 68%), and death outcomes were more frequent events (p=0.013 and p=0.032, respecƟ vely), while survival analyses revealed that EMVI+ paƟ ents had signifi cantly shorter overall survival (OS, p=0.035) and disease-free survival (DFS, p=0.030). Conclusion: Obtained results strongly suggest that the EMVI type of vascular invasion, considered independently of classical stage parameters and separately from lymphaƟ c invasion, has the potenƟ al to be a reliable predictor of the course and outcome of the disease, which should be confi rmed on a larger cohort of paƟ ents with RC.The first number of Oncology Insights includes Proceedings book of The Sixth Congress of the Serbian Association for Cancer Research with international participation (Oct 2-4, 2023, Belgrade
Investigating Spatial Criteria for the Urban Landscape Assessment of Mass Housing Heritage: The Case of the Central Zone of New Belgrade
This study addressed problems related to the protection, reconstruction, and revitalisation of modern heritage, particularly the regeneration of mass housing estates built after WWII and facing the contemporary perils of urban decay and deterioration. It presented interdisciplinary research investigating the possibility of extending and complementing the heritage assessment methodology and broadening the scope of the criteria by including mass housing landscape values. Starting with a close reading of the key theoretical positions embedded in the conceptualisation and construction of New Belgrade, we investigated a set of holistic and time-based criteria, followed by contemporary methodologies for landscape quality assessment. The investigation was based on an urban landscape approach to heritage assessment and focuses on the Central Zone of New Belgrade, declared a heritage site in 2021. The interaction of the theoretical underpinnings of modern architecture and urban planning with urban landscape discourse, coupled with historically and theoretically relevant knowledge and data, resulted in an investigation of landscape-based criteria for further mass housing assessment. Finally, we presented the findings of the landscape quality assessment of the transformations of the Central Zone. This perspective could be used to extend the possibilities of this approach in order to 1) tackle the “thickness” of temporality related to (urban) landscapes; 2) rethink and redefine the applied heritage assessment approach; 3) open the assessment procedure to a wider range of stakeholders, particularly nonexperts and the local community; and 4) re-actualise the position and role of experts in the sense of communicating knowledge in a completely new context