259 research outputs found

    Profile of phenolic compounds in Trifolium pratense L. extracts at different growth stages and their biological activities

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    Although Trifolium pratense (Red Clover) is considered to be one of the leading crops for livestock grazing, it could also be used as a potential source of bioactive compounds in phytopharmacy. The aim of this study was to investigate the phenolic content and its biological activity at the growth phases (30 cm, 50 cm, and bud) of this plant. The phenolic compounds in methanolic extracts of T. pratense leaves at three growth stages, obtained by Microwave Assisted Extraction, were quantified using the HPLC-ESI-MS/MS technique, and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activity were assessed. Isoflavonoids, genistein, and daidzein, as well as other phenols, p-hydroxybenzoic and caffeic acids, kaempferol 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, and hyperoside were found in all the extracts, but the content of these compounds was the highest in the extract of the plant at the lowest growth stage (30 cm, vegetative). Therefore, this extract showed the best antioxidant potential and it was most effective against bacterial strains such as Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes. These results indicated that red clover has potential health benefits, and that growth phase contributes to its biological activity. The extract of red clover at the growth stage of 30 cm is a great source of bioactive compounds and could be used in phytotherapy and nutrition

    Hemijska svojstva i poboljšanje kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza

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    Fresh, dried or preserved, forage legumes are highly suitable for use as roughage in the animal diet because of their richness in protein, vitamins, and mineral matter. Previous work on forage legumes breeding for improved quality has mostly focused on increasing the crude protein content of these crops. Another major parameter of forage legume quality, especially from the point of view of ruminant nutrition, is the in vitro digestibility of dry matter. Values of both these parameters decrease with age in all forage legumes due to a reduced leat to stem ratio and lignification. The decrease in digestibility after budding comes as a result of an increased lignin content and a rise in the proportion of starch polysaccharides. In the context of forage quality, especially important from the point of view of ruminant nutrition is the relation between structural and nonstructural carbohydrates. Structural carbohydrates include neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF), while non-structural ones are mostly starch. The latest efforts in forage legume breeding should encompass certain specific traits in order to completely fulfill the needs for safe feed in animal husbandry.Krmne leguminoze kao kabasta stočna hrana u svežem stanju, osušene ili konzervisane su izvanrednog kvaliteta za ishranu stoke jer su bogate proteinima, vitaminima i mineralnim materijama. Dosadašnji pravci u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na bolji kvalitet su prevashodno bili usmereni na veći sadržaj proteina. Drugi važan parametar kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza, naročito s aspekta ishrane preživara je in vitro svarljivost suve materije. Vrednost oba ova parametra kvaliteta opada sa starenjem kod svih krmnih leguminoza kao rezultat smanjenja udela lista u odnosu na stabljiku i procesa lignifikacije. Opadanje svarljivosti nakon faze butonizacije se javlja kao posledica povećanog sadržaja lignina i povećanog udela strukturnih polisaharida. Posebno mesto u ovom domenu kvaliteta krme, s aspekta ishrane preživara zauzima odnos strukturnih i nestrukturnih ugljenih hidrata. U strukturne spadaju neutralna deterdžentska vlakna (NDF - neutral detergent fiber) i kisela deterdžentska vlakna (ADF - acid detergent fiber), dok nestrukturne pretežno čini skrob. Novije pravce u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na kvalitet trebalo bi usmeriti i na neka specifična svojstva kako bi se u potpunosti za potrebe stočarstva obezbedila zdravstveno-bezbedna hrana

    Komponente prinosa semena lucerke u zavisnosti od sistema kosidbe

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    To ensure high and stable seed yields, in regions with semi humid climate, it is necessary to prevent the luxuriant growth of alfalfa plants and their subsequent lodging. The most effective method of controlling rank growth in alfalfa is cutting. Effect of cutting schedule on alfalfa seed yield was studied in four-year experiments (2001-2004). Four cutting schedules with variable dates of initial cutting were tested: first cutting for hay was carried out on May 5 (budding) in the c1 schedule, on May 15 (start of flowering) in the c2 schedule, on May 25 (full flowering) in the c3 schedule, and on May 5 and June 5 in the c4 schedule. Second regrowth was used for seed production in the c1-c3 schedules, and third regrowth in the c4 schedule. The study involved the seven most widely grown alfalfa cultivars in Serbia, six domestic and one French. The single late cut (c3 schedule) achieved the best balance among the yield components and thus the highest seed yield (468 kg/ha). Significant positive correlations were found between seed yield on one side and the number of fertile shoots per unit area and the number of pods per inflorescence on the other, r = 0.608 and r = 0.837, respectively.Da bi se osiguralo postizanje visokih i stabilnih prinosa semena potrebno je sprečiti suviše bujan rast i poleganje lucerke. Najefikasnija mera kojom se utiče na bujnost lucerke je kosidba useva. Takođe, kosidbom se određuje kalendarski rok početka i dužina trajanja faze cvetanja semenskog useva, kako bi se cvetanje podudarilo sa maksimalnom aktivnošću insekata oprašivača, što je od presudnog značaja za prinos semena lucerke. U cilju utvrđivanja komponenti prinosa, prinosa i kvaliteta semena lucerke u zavisnosti od sistema kosidbe semenskog useva izvršena su četvorogodišnja ispitivanja na Rimskim Šančevima. Ispitivana su četiri sistema kosidbe: rani sistem - kosidba krmnog otkosa 05. maja (u fazi butonizacije), srednje rani sistem - kosidba 15. maja (u fazi početka cvetanja), kasni sistem - kosidba 25. maja (u fazi punog cvetanja) i proizvodnja semena iz trećeg otkosa (kosidba 05. maja i 05. juna). Ispitivanje je izvršeno na sedam najrasprostranjenijih sorti lucerke u Srbiji, šest domaćih i jedna francuska

    Proizvedene količine semena lucerke u Vojvodini i randman dorade po godinama i sortama (1987-1998)

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    U radu je ispitivan uticaj čistoće naturalnog semena lucerke na randman dorade u zavisnosti od sorti i godina proizvodnje. Randman dorade semena lucerke zavisi od naturalne čistoće semena, odnosno čistoće i strukture otpada u naturalnom semenu. Najniži randman semena po godinama bio je 1987. god. 49,2 %. Najbolju čistoću i iskorišćenje u doradi dobili smo u 1988. god. od 76, 1 %, kao i u 1993. god 73,3 %. U laboratoriji su u toku 1987. i 1998. god. vršena ispitivanja: čistoće, učešća nečistoće, prisustva inertnih materija i korova. Analize na 25 uzoraka iz proizvodnje preuzetog semena od 5 sorata lucerke rađene su u tri ponavljanja po 200 g u 1997. god. dorađeno seme imalo je čistoću svega 1,9 % do 60,2 %. Učešće nečistoće bilo je 39,8 % čak do 98,1 %. Prisustvo inertnih materija 38,8 % do 72,2 %, a prisustvo korova u naturalnom semenu 1,0 % do 25,9 %. U 1998. god. na preuzetim količinama semena analizom je utvrđena čistoća 13,7 % najniža, do 72,5 %. Ukupna nečistoća kretala se 27,5 % do 86,3 %. Prisustvo inertnih materija 26,7 % do 63,6 %, a učešće korova 0,8 do 22,7 %. Čistoća naturalnog semena lucerke uslovljena je od zakorovljenosti useva, primenjene desikacije, podešenosti kombajna i dr

    Antioxidant profile of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

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    Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is one of the most important species of the Leguminosae (Fabaceae) family. Besides being important food for animals, this species is rich source of phytochemicals that play an important role in human health. The alfalfa contains many phenolic compounds such as coumesterol, apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, and isoflavonoids that have a positive effect on the menopausal disorders such as osteoporosis or breast cancer. All these compounds are known as natural antioxidants because of their ability to neutralize free radical species giving them a hydrogen atom. In this study we have determined the antioxidant potential of ethylacetate extracts (different solutions) on several radical and non-radical species such as: DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), O2−• (superoxide anion radical) , NO • and H2O2. All measurement are based on spectrophotometric methods, where RSC (radical species capacity) was determined in percentage: RSC (%) = 100 × (Ablank-Asample ⁄ Ablank). From the RSC values, there were obtained IC50 values, which represented the concentrations of the ethylacetate extracts that caused 50% neutralization and it was determined by linear regression analysis

    Evaluation of microbial diversity of the microbial mat from the extremely acidic Lake Robule (Bor, Serbia)

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    Extremely acidic environments are frequently formed in areas impacted by mining activities, and Lake Robule is such an ecosystem. Although an extreme environment, Lake Robule is inhabited by acidophilic microorganisms. We investigated biodiversity of the macroscopic structure known as a microbial mat formed on the lake bottom in shallow waters. Microbial mats are common in acidic environments, but their composition can differ significantly from site to site. Microbial diversity of the mat from Lake Robule was investigated using both cultivation-dependent and metagenomic approaches. The results showed the mat to be mostly inhabited by heterotrophic acidophilic bacteria. When compared to the microbial community of Lake Robule's surface water, the microbial mat proved to be a more complex community. A biogeochemical model of the mat of Lake Robule is proposed on the basis of our results and available published data

    Evaluation of forage yields in the urban populations of three Vicia species

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    The Annual Forage Legumes Collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad is constantly enriched with the wild populations of large-flowered vetch (Vicia grandiflora Scop.), narrow-leafed vetch (Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth). A small-plot trial was carried out from the autumn 2005 to the summer 2007 at the Experiment Field of the Institute at Rimski Šančevi, which included seven urban populations of large-flowered vetch, seven of narrow-leafed vetch and seven of hairy vetch. The average yields varied from 13.7 t ha-1 of green for- age and 4.1 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the narrow-leafed vetch VN 03 to 50.9 t ha-1 of green forage and 11.7 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the hairy vetch VV 06

    Глобални геопотенцијални модели

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    Уџбеник садржи 9 поглавља при чему jе прво поглавље посвећено основама теориjе физичке геодезиjе и то онаj део коjи се односи на сфернохармониjски развоj реалног и нормалног потенциjала Земљине теже и теже Нормалне Земље, респективно. Од другог до петог поглавља детаљно jе описан начин примене глобалних модела при одређивању аномалиjа убрзања, аномалиjа висина, поремећаjног убрзања и компоненти одступањавертикале. Посебнапажњауоквируовихпоглављапосвећенаjеизначењуи значаjу резолуциjе глобалних модела. У шестом и седмом поглављу приказани су само неки од напредних аспеката коришћења глобалних модела и начини процене њиховог квалитета као што су: вариjансе степена глобалних модела, грешке вариjанси степена глобалних модела, алтернативни начини примене глобалних модела путем самих дефинициjа функционала аномалиjског потенциjала. У осмом поглављу дате су теориjске поставке и илустративни пример прилагођавања глобалног модела, сагласно терестричким подацима коjи су на располагању. Девето поглавље у потпуности jе посвећено поступку комбиновања глобалних геопотенциjланих модела у прецесу одређивања квазигеоида или геоида центиметраске тачности, а посебна пажња посвећена jе remove-restore методи

    Značaj sorte za prinos krme i dužinu korišćenja lucerke

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    Experiment I was conducted in the period 1995-1998. It included 12 alfalfa varieties, six domestic and six foreign. Experiment II was conducted in the period 1999-2000. It included eight domestic varieties (one experimental) and four varieties from Iran. The variety NS Banat ZMS II brought the highest 4-year yield of green forage, 73.1 t.ha-1, followed by L-XII, NS Slavija and the other domestic varieties. The foreign varieties brought significantly lower yields. NS Banat ZMS II had the highest average yield of dry matter, 17.1 t.ha-1. NS Mediana ZMS V was in the second place with 16.6 t.ha-1. Chemical composition was analyzed in 1996. The analyses indicated that the domestic varieties were superior in respect to the foreign ones. The contents of crude proteins ranged from 18,4 %, in K-22, to 22.1 %, in Novosađanka H-11. The foreign varieties had lower protein contents but also higher percentages of crude cellulose. In Experiment II, the variety NS Mediana ZMS V was in the first place according to the yields of green forage and hay, followed by NS Banat ZMS II, Novosađanka H-11, experimental variety, Panonka, NS Slavija, Begej, and the other domestic varieties. The Iranian varieties brought considerably lower yield of green forage and hay. Still, some of them are considered as important for further study and possible commercialization (Baghdady, Ghareh Yon Geh).U ovom radu je ispitivana produktivnost 12 sorti lucerke. Prvi ogled izveden je u periodu 1995-1998 g. gde je uključeno 12 sorti lucerke od kojih su šest domaćeg a šest stranog porekla. Drugi ogled obavljen je 1999 i 2000 g. a zastupljeno je osam domaćih i četiri strane sorte Iranskog porekla. Najviši prinos zelene krme u četiri godine ostvarila je sorta NS Banat ZMS II, zatim L-XII, kasnije priznata kao sorta Tisa. Po prinosu suve materije najviši prinos postigle su NS Banat ZMS II (17,1 t.ha -1) i NS Mediana ZMS V (16,6 t.ha-1) u četvorogodišnjem proseku. Hemijski sastav ispitivan je u 1996. god. gde se ističu domaće sorte po kvalitetu. Sadržaj sirovih proteina kretao se od (18,40 %) kod K-22 do (22,10 %) u sorte Novosađanka H-11. Strane sorte su imale niži sadržaj proteina. U drugom ogledu tokom dve godine ispitivanja istakla se sorta NS Mediana ZMS V po prinosu zelene krme i suve materije zauzela je prvo mesto. Po produktivnosti slede NS Banat ZMS II, Novosađanka H-11 i ostale domaće sorte. Iranske sorte u ogledu su dale znatno niže prinose krme, ali su neke značajne za dalja ispitivanja (Baghdady, Ghareh Yon Geh)

    Nova sorta crvene deteline Kolubara

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    This paper has been prepared on the basis of results from the experiment network of the Yugoslav Center for Agriculture and Forestry, Belgrade. Experiments with red clovers were conducted in three locations in the period 1996-1998. The red clover variety Kolubara was developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The variety has good tillering, overwintering and regeneration capacities. It is resistant to major diseases: Sclerotinia trifoliorum, Erysiphe communis and Gleosporium spp. In the three-year experiments conducted in three locations, Kolubara produced up to 13 t.ha-1 of dry matter. When mown at the optimum time (beginning of flowering of primary inflorescences), it had the protein content of 18.82% and the crude protein content of 3.267 kg.ha-1. Based on the performances of the new variety, which excelled the standard variety K-9 in the important agronomic characteristics, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture approved the red clover variety Kolubara.Sorta crvene deteline Kolubara stvorena je u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. U radu se iznose glavne karakteristike i agronomska svojstva sorte Kolubare u odnosu na standardnu sortu K-9. Kolubara je srednje rana sorta crvene deteline i poseduje dobru moć regeneracije. Odlikuje se dobrim bokorenjem i prezimljavanjem. U trogodišnjim ispitivanjima, na tri različita lokaliteta sorta Kolubara je dala visok prinos suve materije (13 t.ha-1) i sirovih proteina 3.267 kg.ha-1. Imajući u vidu postignute rezultate, Savezno ministarstvo za poljoprivredu je priznalo sortu crvene deteline Kolubaru, 2000. godine, pošto u važnijim osobinama nadmašuje standard K-9