46 research outputs found

    Crystal Chemistry of Chlormagaluminite, Mg<sub>4</sub>Al<sub>2</sub>(OH)<sub>12</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>2</sub>, a Natural Layered Double Hydroxide

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    Chlormagaluminite is the only Cl-dominated hydrotalcite-supergroup mineral species with M2+:M3+ = 2:1. The holotype sample of chlormagaluminite from the Kapaevskaya volcanic pipe (Irkutsk Oblast, Siberia, Russia) has been chemically and structurally characterized. The average chemical composition of the mineral is (electron microprobe, OH content is calculated by stoichiometry and H2O from the crystal-structure data, wt. %): MgO 33.85, FeO 1.09, Al2O3 22.07, Cl 14.72, H2Otot 30.96, Cl=O &#8722;3.39, total 99.30. The empirical formula based on Mg + Al + Fe = 6 atoms per formula unit (apfu) is [Mg3.91Fe2+0.07Al2.02(OH)12]Cl2.02(H2O)2.0(2). The crystal structure has been solved from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data in the space group P63/mcm, a = 5.268(3), c = 15.297(8) &#197; and V = 367.6(4) &#197;3. The refinement converged to R1 = 0.083 on the basis of 152 unique reflections with I &gt; 2&#963;(I) collected at room conditions. The powder pattern contains standard reflections of a 2H polytype and two additional reflections [(010), d010 = 4.574 &#197;; (110), d110 = 2.647 &#197;] indicative of Mg and Al ordering according to the 3 &#215; 3 superstructure. The structure is based upon brucite-type octahedral layers with an ordered distribution of Mg and Al over octahedral sites. The Cl&#8722; anions and H2O molecules reside in the interlayer, providing a three-dimensional integrity of the structure

    Kurchatovite and Clinokurchatovite, Ideally CaMgB2O5: An Example of Modular Polymorphism

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    Kurchatovite and clinokurchatovite, both of ideal composition CaMgB2O5, from the type localities (Solongo, Buryatia, Russia, and Sayak-IV, Kazakhstan, respectively) have been studied using electron microprobe and single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. The empirical formulae of the samples are Ca1.01Mg0.87Mn0.11Fe2+0.02B1.99O5 and Ca0.94Mg0.91Fe2+0.10Mn0.04B2.01O5 for kurchatovite and clinokurchatovite, respectively. The crystal structures of the two minerals are similar and based upon two-dimensional blocks arranged parallel to the c axis in kurchatovite and parallel to the a axis in clinokurchatovite. The blocks are built up from diborate B2O5 groups, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations in seven- and six-fold coordination, respectively. Detailed analysis of geometrical parameters of the adjacent blocks reveals that symmetrically different diborate groups have different degrees of conformation in terms of the &delta; angles between the planes of two BO3 triangles sharing a common O atom, featuring two discrete sets of the &delta; values of ca. 55&deg; (B&rsquo; blocks) and 34&deg; (B&rdquo; blocks). The stacking of the blocks in clinokurchatovite can be presented as &hellip;(+B&rsquo;)(+B&rdquo;)(+B&rsquo;)(+B&rdquo;)&hellip; or [(+B&rsquo;)(+B&rdquo;)], whereas in kurchatovite it is more complex and corresponds to the sequence &hellip;(+B&rsquo;)(+B&rdquo;)(+B&rsquo;)(&minus;B&rsquo;)(&minus;B&rdquo;)(&minus;B&rsquo;)(+B&rsquo;)(+B&rdquo;)(+B&rsquo;)(&minus;B&rsquo;)(&minus;B&rdquo;)(&minus;B&rsquo;)&hellip; or [(+B&rsquo;)(+B&rdquo;)(+B&rsquo;)(&minus;B&rsquo;)(&minus;B&rdquo;)(&minus;B&rsquo;)]. The B&rsquo;:B&rdquo; ratios for clinokurchatovite and kurchatovite are 1:1 and 2:1, respectively. According to this description, the two minerals cannot be considered as polytypes and their mutual relationship corresponds to the term modular polymorphs. From the viewpoint of information-based measures of structural complexity, clinokurchatovite (IG = 4.170 bits/atom and IG,total = 300.235 bits/cell) is structurally simpler than kurchatovite (IG = 4.755 bits/atom and IG,total = 1027.056 bits/cell). The high structural complexity of kurchatovite can be inferred from the modular character of its structure. The analysis of structural combinatorics in terms of the modular approach allows to construct the whole family of theoretically possible &ldquo;kurchatovite&rdquo;-type structures that bear the same structural features common for kurchatovite and clinokurchatovite. However, the crystal structures of the latter minerals are the simplest and are the only ones that have been observed in nature. The absence of other possible structures is remarkable and can be explained by either the maximum-entropy of the least-action fundamental principles

    Extra-Framework Content in Sodalite-Group Minerals: Complexity and New Aspects of Its Study Using Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy

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    Nine samples of carbonate-free sodalite-group minerals, including those with abnormally high contents of polysulfide groups, fluoride anion and carbon dioxide molecules as well as synthetic fluoraluminate sodalite-type compound Na8(Si7Al5O24)(AlF6)3&ndash;&middot;5H2O, have been studied by means of electron microprobe analyses, infrared and Raman spectroscopy; the CO2 content was determined using the selective sorption of gaseous ignition products. This article describes a semi-quantitative method for estimating the content of carbon dioxide molecules in these minerals, based on IR spectroscopy data. The data obtained demonstrate the existence of a sulfide sodalite-group mineral with the idealized formula Na7(Si6Al6O24)(S3&minus;)&middot;H2O, which differs significantly from the formula Na6Ca2(Si6Al6O24)S2&ndash;2 accepted for lazurite. According to single-crystal X-ray structural analysis, in the F-rich sodalite-group mineral from the Eifel paleovolcanic region, Germany with the idealized formula Na7(Si6Al6O24)F&minus;&middot;nH2O fluorine occurs as an isolated F&minus; anion, unlike synthetic F-rich sodalite-type compounds