3 research outputs found

    Focal hepatic lesion ultrasound-guided biopsies

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    Abstract Purpose: To compare the results of pathologic and cytologic reports of specimens acquired from focal liver lesions using ultrasound-guided biopsy and to evaluate the necessity of performing both techniques in the same patient. Materials and methods: 21 patients were eligible for enrollment in the study. Specimens for both pathologic and cytologic examination were obtained from 16 lesions using a 17G needle guide in a single puncture attempt. In 2 cases the diagnosis was based on cytologic smears. In 3 cases only histologic sections were acquired. The needle was introduced under continuous ultrasonographic control using a freehand technique. A cytologist was present at all times. Results: The diagnostic sensitivity of cytologic examination was 83.33% and that of histologic examination was 94.74%. Histology diagnosed all cases of benign lesions and was proved inconclusive in 1 patient. The diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy of both methods combined reached 100%. In 94.4% malignancy was immediately diagnosed by cytology. Conclusions: Combination of both methods should increase the sensitivity and accuracy in diagnosing focal liver lesions performing a safe minimally invasive technique. Keywords: focal liver lesions, ultrasound-guided biopsy, pathologic and cytologic examination Rezumat Scopul lucrării: de a compara rezultatele examenelor anatomopatologic şi citologic ale probelor obţinute prin puncţie hepatică ghidată ecografic din leziuni hepatice focale şi de a evalua necesitatea efectuării ambelor tehnici la acelaşi pacient. Material şi metodă: în studiu au fost incluşi 21 de pacienţi. Din 16 leziuni s-au obţinut probe atât pentru examenul anatomopatologic, cât şi pentru cel citologic, folosind un ac de ghidaj de 17G prin efectuarea unei singure puncţii. În 2 cazuri diagnosticul a fost bazat pe probele citologice. În 3 cazuri s-au obţinut doar secţiuni histologice. Acul a fost introdus sub control ultrasonografic continuu folosind tehnica freehand. Medicul citolog a fost prezent în toate cazurile. Rezultate: Diagnosticul citologic are o sensibilitate de 83,33%, iar cel histologic de 94,74%. Examenul histopatologic a diagnosticat toate cazurile de leziuni benigne, într-un caz diagnosticul s-a dovedit neconclusiv. Sensibilitatea şi acurateţea ambelor metode combinate ajunge la 100%. În 94,4% malignitatea a fost imediat diagnosticată citologic. Concluzii: Asocierea celor două metode creşte sensibilitatea şi acurateţea diagnosticului leziunilor hepatice focale utilizându-se o metodă sigură şi puţin invazivă. Cuvinte cheie: leziuni hepatice focale, biopsie ghidată ultrasonografic, examen histologic şi citologi