35 research outputs found
Utjecaj gubitka zuba na morfometrijske karakteristike gornje Äeljusti
Using Martin and Sailer\u27s method in analyzing 90 skulls which belonged to adults of both sexes established are twelve basic morphometric characteristics of maxillas in the recent population of Croatia. Presented are differences in the morphology of dentate and edontulous jaws. Morphometrie characteristics of maxillas in the recent population o f Croatia do not significantly differ from maxillar characteristics o f other white ethnic groups of the same absolute age.
By the change of biomechanical conditions and interaction of forces caused by the loss of teeth, reabsorption of bones occurs. The alveolar process atrophies the first, causing the reduction in the
maxillar length and width in the molar, as well as in the anterior part o f the bone. Although the width of the palate is constant, the
reduction of its length occurs. The foramen infraorbitale approaches
the alveolar margin of the bone due to the reabsorption of the alveolar ridge, but its distance from the orbital edge gets reduced too, due to the overall atrophy the bone. Advancing of age, if not accompanied with the loss o f teeth, does not significantly influence morphometric characteristics o f the maxilla.Analizom 90 lubanja odraslih osoba, oba spola metodom po Martinu i Salleru utvrÄeno je 12 osnovnih morfometrijskih karakteistika maksila recentne populacije Hrvatske. Prikazane su razlike i morfologiji Äeljusti sa zubima i onih bez zuba. UtvrÄeno je da se morfometrijske karakteristike gornjih Äeljusti ecentne populacije Hrvatske bitno ne razlikuju od karakteristika naksila drugih etniÄkih skupina pripadnika bijele rase iste apsolutne tarosti. Promjenom biomehaniÄkih uvjeta i sprega sila uslijed gubitka :uba dolazi do resorpcije kosti. Prvo atrofira alveolarni nastavak, islijed Äega se maksila skraÄuje i postaje uža kako u molarnom ako i u prednjem dijelu kosti. Å irina nepca je konstantna, meÄutim, lolazi do smanjenja njegove duljine. Foramen infraorbitale se resoricijom alveolarnog grebena približava alveolarnom rubu kosti, med itim uslijed cjelokupne atrofije kosti smanjuje se i njegova udaljenost >d orbitalnog ruba. Porast dobi, ukoliko ne postoji istovremeni gubitak zuba, nema naÄajni utjecaj na morfometrijske karakteristike maksile
Model of experimental clonal seed orchard for the production of Serbian spruce ŔPicea omorika /Panc./Purkyne) intraspecific hybrids
The presented model for the establishment of an experimental clonal seed orchard of Serbian spruce was designed based on the results of the analysis and assessment of the genetic potential of Serbian spruce seedling seed orchard at Godovik. Based on the results of the analyses, eight superior half-sib lines of Serbian spruce were selected, of which 24 genotypes were selected. Their hybridisation, by the model of incomplete diallel cross resulted in 21 combinations at the level of half-sib lines, i.e. 48 combinations at the level of parent genotypes. The applied study methods identified the potentially valuable genotypes-cone producers i.e. pollinators, which will be fixed by cloning in the seed orchard of the second generation for the production of the promising hybrids
The Cancellous Bone Multiscale Morphology-Elasticity Relationship
The cancellous bone effective properties relations are analysed on multiscale across two aspects; properties of representative volume element on micro scale and statistical measure of trabecular trajectory orientation on mesoscale. Anisotropy of the microstructure is described across fabric tensor measure with trajectory orientation tensor as bridging scale connection. The scatter measured data (elastic modulus, trajectory orientation, apparent density) from compression test are fitted by stochastic interpolation procedure. The engineering constants of the elasticity tensor are estimated by last square fitt procedure in multidimensional space by Nelder-Mead simplex. The multiaxial failure surface in strain space is constructed and interpolated by modified super-ellipsoid
Foot Anthropometry and Morphology Phenomena
Foot structure description is important for many reasons. The foot anthropometric morphology phenomena are analyzed
together with hidden biomechanical functionality in order to fully characterize foot structure and function. For
younger Croatian population the scatter data of the individual foot variables were interpolated by multivariate statistics.
Foot structure descriptors are influenced by many factors, as a style of life, race, climate, and things of the great importance
in human society. Dominant descriptors are determined by principal component analysis. Some practical recommendation
and conclusion for medical, sportswear and footwear practice are highlighted
Volume dynamics of the front shin compartment in muscle contraction
UltrazvuÄna dijagnostika predstavlja znaÄajnu pomoÄ u promatranju promjena unutar prostora prednjeg odjeljka potkoljenice. VrÅ”ena su istraživanja na 100 ispitanika. Linearnom je ultrazvuÄnom sondom 7.5 MHz uÄinjen popreÄni prikaz prednjeg odjeljka potkoljenice na tri razine: u neutralnom položaju stopala, položaju dorzalne te plantame fleksije stopala. Pri dorzalnoj se fleksiji stopala povrÅ”ina proksimalnog presjeka prosjeÄno poveÄa za 26.86%, dok se povrÅ”ina srednjeg i distalnog presjeka smanjuje. Volumen ovoga prostora poveÄa se prilikom dorzalne fleksije stopala za prosjeÄno 4,13% , ali i prilikom kontrakcije stražnje muskulature poveÄa se za prosjeÄno 1,13%.The ultrasound diagnostic procedure is of great help in observing the changes within front shin compartment. 100 patients had the diametrical scan of the front shin compartment at three levels of the same distance, made with ultrasound with the linear probe of 7.5 MHz. We repeated the measuring at the same levels with the feet in the neutral position as well as in dorsal and plantar flexion. In case of feet dorsal flexion, the proximal diameter of the surface is increasing by 26.86%, whereas in case of middle and distal diameter decreases. The volume of this space it increases by 4.13% in feet dorsal flexion, and by 1.13% in feet plantar flexion
Volume dynamics of the front shin compartment in muscle contraction
UltrazvuÄna dijagnostika predstavlja znaÄajnu pomoÄ u promatranju promjena unutar prostora prednjeg odjeljka potkoljenice. VrÅ”ena su istraživanja na 100 ispitanika. Linearnom je ultrazvuÄnom sondom 7.5 MHz uÄinjen popreÄni prikaz prednjeg odjeljka potkoljenice na tri razine: u neutralnom položaju stopala, položaju dorzalne te plantame fleksije stopala. Pri dorzalnoj se fleksiji stopala povrÅ”ina proksimalnog presjeka prosjeÄno poveÄa za 26.86%, dok se povrÅ”ina srednjeg i distalnog presjeka smanjuje. Volumen ovoga prostora poveÄa se prilikom dorzalne fleksije stopala za prosjeÄno 4,13% , ali i prilikom kontrakcije stražnje muskulature poveÄa se za prosjeÄno 1,13%.The ultrasound diagnostic procedure is of great help in observing the changes within front shin compartment. 100 patients had the diametrical scan of the front shin compartment at three levels of the same distance, made with ultrasound with the linear probe of 7.5 MHz. We repeated the measuring at the same levels with the feet in the neutral position as well as in dorsal and plantar flexion. In case of feet dorsal flexion, the proximal diameter of the surface is increasing by 26.86%, whereas in case of middle and distal diameter decreases. The volume of this space it increases by 4.13% in feet dorsal flexion, and by 1.13% in feet plantar flexion
Morphometry of the Pelvic Ring in Definition of Biomechanical Factors Influencing the Type of Pelvic Fracture
The aim of the study was to supplement data on pelvic morphology and structural geometry. Using these data, a mathematical and biomechanical model was constructed. The research was divided into two parts. The first part comprised radiogrammetric analysis of pelvic morphology and geometry based on 60 AP x-rays of male and female pelvises. The spatial definition of the pelvis was given by three transverse and one sagittal diameter. Transverse diameters were measured at the level of iliac wings, at the narrowest supraacetabular portion and on the line passing through the center of both femoral heads. The fourth diameter was the height of the pelvis. Geometric properties and structure of pelvic bones and position of muscles in relation to bone elements of the pelvis were analyzed in the second part. Knowing geometric dimensions of the pelvis and the body weight, it is possible to calculate the magnitude of gravitational forces acting upon certain pelvic portions. This biomechanical model serves for simulation of operative methods of fixation and allows search for the optimal solution, which is stable enough to withstand all the forces acting upon fragments of a fractured pelvic ring
Antropological Measurement of the Calcaneus
Transfer of the forces from the trunk to the lower extremities end on calcaneus which transports these forces to the
pad, and that is why it is very important to research this bone. This study was done on 57 calcaneal bones of the osteological
collection of the Department of Anatomy Ā»Drago Perovi}Ā« Zagreb School of Medicine and Department of Anatomy
Osijek School of Medicine. The intention was to notice the regularity of the relations between specific dimensions and
bone mass and structure, which is of great importance for understanding interrelation between biomechanical parameters
of calcaneus and development of involutive changes. In this study geometrical parameters of the calcaneus have been
defined, so length of the whole bone and especially frontal and back part, width, height, weight of dry bone, volume, geometrical
surface of lateral and longitudinal cross section have been measured on every anatomical specimen. ā Mean
value, standard deviation and standard error have been calculated for every measured parameter. Positive correlation between
most of the parameters of the calcaneus and negative correlation between specific weight and surface of cross section
have been found. Coefficient of variation is the highest for weight, and the smallest for width