73 research outputs found

    Fuzzy ART Neural Network Algorithm for Classifying the Power System Faults

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    Lithologic and electrometric characteristic of productive layers of the gurarinckiy-sobolinniy deposit low-chalky adjourments

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    The construction of abnormal geochemical fields accompanying gold mineralization is investigated; criteria of its quantitative estimation are developed. Orderliness estimation methods of geochemical field abnormal structures and intensity of hydrothermal process are offered. Dependence between quantitative parameters of these structures and scales of gold mineralization is established. Estimation possibility of deposits and ore fields erosive section by parameter values of abnormal geochemical fields is shown

    Zeolite-based photocatalysts immobilized on aluminum support by plasma electrolytic oxidation

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    The preparation and properties of zeolite-containing oxide coatings obtained by plasma electrolytic oxidation are investigated and discussed. Pure and Ce-exchanged natural (clinoptilolite) and synthetic (13X) zeolites are immobilized on aluminum support from silicate-based electrolyte. Obtained coatings are characterized with respect to their morphology, phase and chemical composition, photocatalytic activity and anti-corrosion properties. It is observed that all mentioned properties of obtained coatings are dependent on processing time and type of immobilized zeolite. Coatings with Ce-exchanged zeolite show higher photocatalytic activity and more effective corrosion protection than those with pure zeolite. The highest photocatalytic activity is observed for coatings processed in pulsed a DC regime for 30 minutes containing Ce-exchanged 13X zeolite, followed by those containing Ce-exchanged clinoptilolite. Pronounced anti-corrosion properties feature almost all samples containing Ce-exchanged 13X zeolite

    Properties of ZnO/ZnAl2_2O4_4 composite PEO coatings on zinc

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    Recently the successful formation of PEO coatings on zinc in a phosphate aluminate electrolyte was shown. The produced composite coatings contain various mixtures of ZnO and ZnAl2_2O4_4. In frame of the current study, the properties of the formed coatings including adhesion/cohesion, wear, corrosion and photocatalytic activity were analysed to identify possible applications. However, the coatings show internal porosity and a sponge-like structure. Thus the cohesion within the coating is quite low. Pull-off tests have demonstrated clear rupture within the PEO layer at strength values as low as 1 MPa. The photocatalytic activity is limited, in spite of the formation of a higher amount of ZnO at shorter treatment times. Interestingly, the composite coatings of ZnO and higher amounts of ZnAl2_2O4_4 spinel showed a higher activity, but not sufficient for fast and effective catalytic cleaning applications

    Classical and Quantum Gravity in 1+1 Dimensions, Part III: Solutions of Arbitrary Topology

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    All global solutions of arbitrary topology of the most general 1+1 dimensional dilaton gravity models are obtained. We show that for a generic model there are globally smooth solutions on any non-compact 2-surface. The solution space is parametrized explicitly and the geometrical significance of continuous and discrete labels is elucidated. As a corollary we gain insight into the (in general non-trivial) topology of the reduced phase space. The classification covers basically all 2D metrics of Lorentzian signature with a (local) Killing symmetry.Comment: 39 pages, 22 figures, uses AMSTeX, extended version of former chapter 7 (Gravitational Kinks) now available as gr-qc/9707053, problem with figure 6 fixe

    Dutch translation and cultural adaptation of new LYMPH-Q- scales measuring impact on work and lymphedema worry

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    Background: Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a significant complication of breast cancer treatment that can impact patients’ quality of life. This study focuses on the translation and cultural adaptation of two new LYMPH-Q scales ‘Impact on Work’ and ‘Lymphedema worry’ into Dutch to assess the work-related challenges and worries experienced by patients with BCRL in the Netherlands. Methods: The translation process followed established guidelines from the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Forward and back translations, expert panel reviews, cognitive debriefing interviews with patients with BCRL, and proofreading were conducted to refine the Dutch translation of the scales. The translation aimed to ensure conceptual equivalence and cultural relevance. Results: The translation process resulted in the Dutch versions of the LYMPH-Q ‘Impact on Work’ and ‘Lymphedema worry’ scales. The forward translation revealed discrepancies in meaning, word order and synonyms. The back translation and review resulted in changes in item formulation. The expert panel meeting and cognitive debriefing interviews provided valuable input for further refinement. Conclusion: The translated LYMPH-Q ‘Impact on Work’ and ‘Lymphedema worry’ scales provide healthcare professionals with an instrument to assess and monitor the impact of BCRL on work-related challenges and on worries. This comprehensive translation process, involving patients with BCRL and experts, ensured the linguistic accuracy, cultural relevance, and clarity of the Dutch versions. The translated scales will contribute to a better understanding of the multifaceted impact of BCRL and facilitate the development of tailored interventions to improve patients’ well-being and functional outcomes.</p

    Dutch translation and cultural adaptation of new LYMPH-Q- scales measuring impact on work and lymphedema worry

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    Background: Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a significant complication of breast cancer treatment that can impact patients’ quality of life. This study focuses on the translation and cultural adaptation of two new LYMPH-Q scales ‘Impact on Work’ and ‘Lymphedema worry’ into Dutch to assess the work-related challenges and worries experienced by patients with BCRL in the Netherlands. Methods: The translation process followed established guidelines from the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Forward and back translations, expert panel reviews, cognitive debriefing interviews with patients with BCRL, and proofreading were conducted to refine the Dutch translation of the scales. The translation aimed to ensure conceptual equivalence and cultural relevance. Results: The translation process resulted in the Dutch versions of the LYMPH-Q ‘Impact on Work’ and ‘Lymphedema worry’ scales. The forward translation revealed discrepancies in meaning, word order and synonyms. The back translation and review resulted in changes in item formulation. The expert panel meeting and cognitive debriefing interviews provided valuable input for further refinement. Conclusion: The translated LYMPH-Q ‘Impact on Work’ and ‘Lymphedema worry’ scales provide healthcare professionals with an instrument to assess and monitor the impact of BCRL on work-related challenges and on worries. This comprehensive translation process, involving patients with BCRL and experts, ensured the linguistic accuracy, cultural relevance, and clarity of the Dutch versions. The translated scales will contribute to a better understanding of the multifaceted impact of BCRL and facilitate the development of tailored interventions to improve patients’ well-being and functional outcomes.</p

    Asymptotic symmetry and conservation laws in 2d Poincar\'e gauge theory of gravity

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    The structure of the asymptotic symmetry in the Poincar\'e gauge theory of gravity in 2d is clarified by using the Hamiltonian formalism. The improved form of the generator of the asymptotic symmetry is found for very general asymptotic behaviour of phase space variables, and the related conserved quantities are explicitly constructed.Comment: 22 pages, Plain Te

    Theory of Two-Dimensional Josephson Arrays in a Resonant Cavity

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    We consider the dynamics of a two-dimensional array of underdamped Josephson junctions placed in a single-mode resonant cavity. Starting from a well-defined model Hamiltonian, which includes the effects of driving current and dissipative coupling to a heat bath, we write down the Heisenberg equations of motion for the variables of the Josephson junction and the cavity mode, extending our previous one-dimensional model. In the limit of large numbers of photons, these equations can be expressed as coupled differential equations and can be solved numerically. The numerical results show many features similar to experiment. These include (i) self-induced resonant steps (SIRS's) at voltages V = (n hbar Omega)/(2e), where Omega is the cavity frequency, and n is generally an integer; (ii) a threshold number N_c of active rows of junctions above which the array is coherent; and (iii) a time-averaged cavity energy which is quadratic in the number of active junctions, when the array is above threshold. Some differences between the observed and calculated threshold behavior are also observed in the simulations and discussed. In two dimensions, we find a conspicuous polarization effect: if the cavity mode is polarized perpendicular to the direction of current injection in a square array, it does not couple to the array and there is no power radiated into the cavity. We speculate that the perpendicular polarization would couple to the array, in the presence of magnetic-field-induced frustration. Finally, when the array is biased on a SIRS, then, for given junction parameters, the power radiated into the array is found to vary as the square of the number of active junctions, consistent with expectations for a coherent radiation.Comment: 11 pages, 8 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev

    Dynamics of a Josephson Array in a Resonant Cavity

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    We derive dynamical equations for a Josephson array coupled to a resonant cavity by applying the Heisenberg equations of motion to a model Hamiltonian described by us earlier [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 63}, 144522 (2001); Phys. Rev. B {\bf 64}, 179902 (E)]. By means of a canonical transformation, we also show that, in the absence of an applied current and dissipation, our model reduces to one described by Shnirman {\it et al} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 79}, 2371 (1997)] for coupled qubits, and that it corresponds to a capacitive coupling between the array and the cavity mode. From extensive numerical solutions of the model in one dimension, we find that the array locks into a coherent, periodic state above a critical number of active junctions, that the current-voltage characteristics of the array have self-induced resonant steps (SIRS's), that when NaN_a active junctions are synchronized on a SIRS, the energy emitted into the resonant cavity is quadratic in NaN_a, and that when a fixed number of junctions is biased on a SIRS, the energy is linear in the input power. All these results are in agreement with recent experiments. By choosing the initial conditions carefully, we can drive the array into any of a variety of different integer SIRS's. We tentatively identify terms in the equations of motion which give rise to both the SIRS's and the coherence threshold. We also find higher-order integer SIRS's and fractional SIRS's in some simulations. We conclude that a resonant cavity can produce threshold behavior and SIRS's even in a one-dimensional array with appropriate experimental parameters, and that the experimental data, including the coherent emission, can be understood from classical equations of motion.Comment: 15 pages, 10 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.