9 research outputs found

    Utilization of Industrial Rosa damascena Mill. By-products and Cocoa Pod Husks as Natural Preservatives in Muffins

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    Cocoa Pod Husks (CPH) and by-product from supercritical CO2 extracted Rosa damascena Mill. (RDCO2) were used as biopreservatives in muffins. Both by-products were rich source of polyphenols: 28.3 ± 0.6 mg/g Dry Weight (DW) and 17.9 ± 0.7 mg/g DW RDCO2 and CPH, respectively, and exhibited potent antioxidant capacity: 449.1 ± 8.5 µmol Trolox Equivalents (TE)/g DW (by ORAC method) and 58.9 ± 2.1 µmol Gallic Acid Equivalents (GAE)/g DW (by HORAC method) for the RDCO2, and 373.8 ± 9.0 µmol TE/g DW (by ORAC) and 36.8 ± 3.8 µmol GAE/g DW (by HORAC) for the CPH. RDCO2 extracts successfully inhibited development of several important pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms causing microbial spoilage of food systems. The control muffins were good for consumption up to the 17th day, while the products supplemented with RDCO2 and CPH: until 20th day of storage at 22 ± 0.5 °C. The amount of dietary fibers in muffins supplemented with both by-products increased 3 times (8.57 ± 0.12 %) compared to control (2.91 ± 0.12 %) and the polyphenolic compounds increased 2.5 times (from 50.0 ± 0.3 for the control to 185.9 ± 0.6 mg/g DW). For the first time by-product of supercritical CO2 extraction of Rosa damascena Mill. was characterized and used as natural and cheap biopreservative

    Computer vision syndrome in the nurse`s daily activities

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    Новите технологии наложиха ежедневна работа с компютър във всички сфери на производството, услугите и образованието. Компютърният зрителен синдром (КЗС) представлява комплекс от негативни усещания и включва намаляване на броя на премигванията и понижена слъзна секреция.Компютърната грамотност е част от квалификационната характеристика на медицинската сестра, a работата пред монитор е ежедневие в сестринската практика. Това довежда до често срещани оплаквания: сълзене на очите, парене, усещане за „пясък в очите`, зрителна умора, главоболие. За появата на тези симптоми в голяма степен допринасят и постоянното префокусиране на погледа от клавиатурата върху екрана или печатни документи.Целта на настоящото проучване е да се установи степента на информираност относно очното здраве и профилактичната дейност на медицинските сестри, свързани с КЗС.Материали и методи: В периода 13-20.06.2016 г. е проучено мнението на 40 студенти първокурсници от специалности „Медицинска сестра` и „Акушерка`, обучаващи се в МУ-Варна, Филиал Велико Търново, и 30 медицински сестри от МОБАЛ „Д-р Стефан Черкезов` АД, гр. Велико Търново.Проведена бе анкета с 15 въпроса, от които 14 затворени и 1 отворен. Проучването бе анонимно.Резултатите сочат, че работата с компютър е съществена част от ежедневието на анкетираните. Разнообразните субективни симптоми, които се установиха, са резултат от неспазването на нормите за хигиена при работа с компютър. 49% от анкетираните не са информирани за нормите на хигиена, 39% ги познават и едва 20% - отчасти.Изводи: Необходимо е медицинските сестри да са запознати с „компютърния зрителен синдром`, за да могат да извършват ефективни дейности по превенция и профилактика на очните заболявания и обучение на пациенти в тази насока.New technologies have imposed the use of computers in all spheres of production, services and education on a daily basis. Computer vision syndrome is a complex of negative sensations and includes decreased blinking rate and tear production.Computer literacy is a necessary qualification in the nurse profession and the work before a computer screen is an everyday activity. It results in frequent complaints, such as watery eyes, burning eyes, sandy feeling in the eye, eye fatigue and headaches. A constant gaze shift from the keyboard to the screen or any printed material aggravates such symptoms. The purpose of the current survey is to evaluate the level of information about eye health and prophylactic activities of nurses related to CVS.Materials and Methods: The opinions of 40 firstyear students from the Nurse and Midwife programs of the Medical University of Varna at its Veliko Tarnovo Affiliate, and 30 nurses from the Regional Hospital Dr Stefan Cherkezov (MOBAL), Veliko Tarnovo, were surveyed in the period 13-20 June, 2016. They were asked 15 questions, 14 of which were closed-ended questions and one was open-ended. The survey was anonymous.The results show that the work done on a computer is an essential part of the surveyed people`s everyday routine. The different personal symptoms that were identified are the result of breaking the norms of hygiene in working on a computer. Of the surveyed, 49% are clueless about the hygienic norms; 39% are familiar with them and only 20% of the people are partially familiar.Conclusions: It is necessary for nurses to know about the computer vision syndrome so that they can work effectively towards prevention and prophylaxis of eye diseases and training patients in this direction

    Consumer attitudes towards using conventional physiotherapy procedures and unconventional methods

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    Introduction: Unconventional methods of treatment are those that favourably affect individual health trough non-traditional physical methods, non-medicinal products of organic or mineral origin, acu­puncture and others. According to the Law on Health, they can be practiced by people without med­ical education, who are registered by the Regional Health Inspections (RHIs). The aim of the paper is to explore consumer attitudes to the use of conventional physiotherapy procedures and unconven­tional methods to promote individual health.Methods and materials: A sociological method for collecting information and statistical methods for processing the results are used. A survey was conducted among 104 users of unconventional and con­ventional physiotherapeutic methods for treatment between 1st and 14th December 2017. The ques­tionnaire includes 29 closed and one open question.Results: Over 60% of the respondents, participated in the survey, have used unconventional methods. Among the unconventional methods used are reflexology (50.8%), ventusotherapy (31.1%), acupunc­ture (16.4%), and acupressure (11.5%). In regard with the conventional physiotherapeutic methods, the largest share has balneotherapy (46.4%), followed by physiotherapy (43.3%). The frequency of vis­its to centers for unconventional methods is different: several times per year - 48.5% of the respon­dents; only once per year - 37.9% and 9.1% once per month. Consumers prefer unconventional meth­ods mainly because of recommendations from family and friends. Many of the satisfied users visit­ing spa, balneology and eastern medicine centers would use the most of the services, if the NHIF cov­ers part of the price.Conclusions: In the recent years, more and more unconventional ancient methods to improve and protect health are used. Very often, consumers preferred these methods as a stand-alone alternative or in combination with traditional physical methods and procedures. According to the respondents, non-traditional and alternative methods for promoting individual health should be provided by phy­sicians, physiotherapists, kinesitherapists, and rehabilitators

    Isolation and Characterization of Pectic Polysaccharide Fraction from In Vitro Suspension Culture of Fumaria officinalis L.

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    In the current study, an acidic polysaccharide from the in vitro suspension culture of Fumaria officinalis L. was obtained by extraction with 0.8% (w/v) aqueous ammonium oxalate. The polysaccharide fraction mainly consisted of galacturonic acid (41.0%), followed by galactose (7.3%) and arabinose (5.6%). This suggests the presence of arabinogalactan side chains in the rhamnogalacturonan-I segment of the studied pectin, which was mainly built up by homogalacturonan segments. The pectin was evaluated as low-methyl-esterified (45.0%) with degree of acetylation 3.4%. The polymer fraction was consisted of different molecular weight populations in the range of 6–600 kDa. The high amount of 4-L-hydroxyproline (11.7% of total protein) and the specific positive reaction to Yariv’s phenylglycoside reagent indicated the presence of an arabinogalactan protein in the cell walls. The functional properties of the polysaccharide fraction were evaluated, as it possessed better water-holding capacity than oil-holding capacity. The studied pectin demonstrated significant foaming ability and promising emulsifying properties in a concentration 1%. Therefore, the isolated polysaccharide fraction could be successfully used as emulsifier and foaming agent in food products and pharmaceutical supplements

    Intraoperative Radiotherapy with Balloon-Based Electronic Brachytherapy System—A Systematic Review and First Bulgarian Experience in Breast Cancer Patients

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    (1) Background: We aimed to analyze currently available studies with intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) as a choice of treatment where the Xoft Axxent® electronic brachytherapy (eBx) system was used as a single-dose irradiation and an exclusive radiotherapy approach at the time of surgery in patients with early breast cancer (EBC). We also compared the results of the systematic review to the Bulgarian experience. (2) Methods and Materials: We performed a systematic review of the studies published before February 2021, which investigate the application of a single-fraction 20 Gy radiation treatment, delivered at the time of lumpectomy in EBC patients with the Xoft Axxent® eBx System. A systematic search in PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect was performed. The results are reported following the PRISMA guidelines. The criteria on patients’ selection for IORT (the additional need for EBRT), cosmetic outcomes, and recurrence rate from the eligible studies are compared to the treatment results in Bulgarian patients. (3) Results: We searched through 1032 results to find 17 eligible studies. There are no published outcomes from randomized trials. When reported, the cosmetic outcomes in most of the studies are defined as excellent. The observed recurrence rate is low (1–5.8%). Still, the number of patients additionally referred to postoperative external breast radiotherapy (EBRT) is up to 31%. Amongst the 20 patients treated in Bulgaria, the cosmetic outcomes are also evaluated as excellent, five of which (25%) are referred for EBRT. Within median follow-up of 39 months, there was one local and one distal recurrence. (4) Conclusions: Current evidence demonstrates the Xoft Axxent® eBx system as a safe and feasible technique for IORT delivery in EBC patients. There are no randomized controlled trials conducted at this time point to prove its long-term effectiveness. Better patient selection and a reimbursement strategy have to be proposed to extend the application of this technique in Bulgaria