26 research outputs found

    FineIBT: Fine-grain Control-flow Enforcement with Indirect Branch Tracking

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    We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of FineIBT: a CFI enforcement mechanism that improves the precision of hardware-assisted CFI solutions, like Intel IBT and ARM BTI, by instrumenting program code to reduce the valid/allowed targets of indirect forward-edge transfers. We study the design of FineIBT on the x86-64 architecture, and implement and evaluate it on Linux and the LLVM toolchain. We designed FineIBT's instrumentation to be compact, and incur low runtime and memory overheads, and generic, so as to support a plethora of different CFI policies. Our prototype implementation incurs negligible runtime slowdowns (≈\approx0%-1.94% in SPEC CPU2017 and ≈\approx0%-1.92% in real-world applications) outperforming Clang-CFI. Lastly, we investigate the effectiveness/security and compatibility of FineIBT using the ConFIRM CFI benchmarking suite, demonstrating that our nimble instrumentation provides complete coverage in the presence of modern software features, while supporting a wide range of CFI policies (coarse- vs. fine- vs. finer-grain) with the same, predictable performance

    A BitTorrent Module for the OMNeT++ Simulator

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    Abstract — In the past few years numerous peer to peer file sharing, or more generally content distribution, systems have been designed, implemented, and evaluated via simulations, real world measurements, and mathematical analysis. Yet, only a few of them have stood the test of time and gained wide user acceptance. BitTorrent is not just one such system; it holds the lion’s share among them. The reasons behind its success have been studied to a great extent with interesting results. Nevertheless, even though peer to peer content distribution remains one of the most active research areas, little progress has been made towards the study of the BitTorrent protocol, and its possible variations, in a fully controllable but realistic simulation environment. In this paper we describe and analyze a full featured and extensible implementation of BitTorrent for the OMNeT++ simulation environment. Moreover, since we aim to establish a realistic simulation platform, we show our enhancements to a conversion tool for a popular Internet topology generator and a churn generator based on the analysis of real BitTorrent traces. Finally we present the results from the evaluation of our prototype implementation regarding resource demands under different simulation scenarios. I

    kguard: lightweight kernel protection against return-to-user attacks

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    Return-to-user (ret2usr) attacks exploit the operating system kernel, enabling local users to hijack privileged execution paths and execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges. Current defenses have proven to be inadequate, as they have been repeatedly circumvented, incur considerable overhead, or rely on extended hypervisors and special hardware features. We present kGuard, a compiler plugin that augments the kernel with compact inline guards, which prevent ret2usr with low performance and space overhead. kGuard can be used with any operating system that features a weak separation between kernel and user space, requires no modifications to the OS, and is applicable to both 32- and 64-bit architectures. Our evaluation demonstrates that Linux kernels compiled with kGuard become impervious to a variety of control-flow hijacking exploits. kGuard exhibits lower overhead than previous work, imposing on average an overhead of 11.4 % on system call and I/O latency on x86 OSs, and 10.3 % on x86-64. The size of a kGuardprotected kernel grows between 3.5 % and 5.6%, due to the inserted checks, while the impact on real-life applications is minimal (≤1%).

    libdft: Practical Dynamic Data Flow Tracking for Commodity Systems

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    Dynamic data flow tracking (DFT) deals with tagging and tracking data of interest as they propagate during program execution. DFT has been repeatedly implemented by a variety of tools for numerous purposes, including protection from zero-day and cross-site scripting attacks, detection and prevention of information leaks, and for the analysis of legitimate and malicious software. We present libdft, a dynamic DFT framework that unlike previous work is at once fast, reusable, and works with commodity software and hardware. libdft provides an API for building DFT-enabled tools that work on unmodified binaries, running on common operating systems and hardware, thus facilitating research and rapid prototyping. We explore different approaches for implementing the low-level aspects of instruction-level data tracking, introduce a more efficient and 64-bit capable shadow memory, and identify (and avoid) the common pitfalls responsible for the excessive performance overhead of previous studies. We evaluate libdft using real applications with large codebases like the Apache and MySQL servers, and the Firefox web browser. We also use a series of benchmarks and utilities to compare libdft with similar systems. Our results indicate that it performs at least as fast, if not faster, than previous solutions, and to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to evaluate the performance overhead of a fast dynamic DFT implementation in such depth. Finally, libdft is freely available as open source software

    NaCLDroid: Native code isolation for android applications

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    Android apps frequently incorporate third-party libraries that contain native code; this not only facilitates rapid application development and distribution, but also provides new ways to generate revenue. As a matter of fact, one in two apps in Google Play are linked with a library providing ad network services. However, linking applications with third-party code can have severe security implications: malicious libraries written in native code can exfiltrate sensitive information from a running app, or completely modify the execution runtime, since all native code is mapped inside the same address space with the execution environment, namely the Dalvik/ART VM. We propose NaClDroid, a framework that addresses these problems, while still allowing apps to include third-party code. NaClDroidprevents malicious native-code libraries from hijacking Android applications using Software Fault Isolation. More specifically, we place all native code in a Native Client sandbox that prevents unconstrained reads, or writes, inside the process address space. NaClDroidhas little overhead; for native code running inside the NaCl sandbox the slowdown is less than 10% on average

    CloudFence: Data Flow Tracking as a Cloud Service

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    Abstract. The risk of unauthorized private data access is among the primary concerns for users of cloud-based services. For the common setting in which the infrastructure provider and the service provider are different, users have to trust their data to both parties, although they interact solely with the latter. In this paper we propose CloudFence, a framework for cloud hosting environments that provides transparent, fine-grained data tracking capabilities to both service providers, as well as their users. CloudFence allows users to independently audit the treatment of their data by third-party services, through the intervention of the infrastructure provider that hosts these services. CloudFence also enables service providers to confine the use of sensitive data in well-defined domains, offering additional protection against inadvertent information leakage and unauthorized access. The results of our evaluation demonstrate the ease of incorporating Cloud-Fence on existing real-world applications, its effectiveness in preventing a wide range of security breaches, and its modest performance overhead on real settings