37 research outputs found

    Inferior Mesenteric Artery Aneurysm: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Aneurysms of the inferior mesenteric artery are very rare. We report a new case associated with aorto-iliac occlusive disease and occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery, as well as review the pertinent literature

    Diagnosis and treatment of carotid body paraganglioma: 21 years of experience at a clinical center of Serbia

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    BACKGROUND: The carotid body paraganglioma (chemodectoma) is a relatively rare neoplasm of obscure origin. These are usually benign and commonly present as asymptomatic cervical mass. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Records of 12 patients (9 female and 3 male) with carotid body tumors treated between 1982 and 2003, treated at our center were retrospectively reviewed. Data on classification, clinical presentation, and surgical treatment were extracted from the case records. Surgical complications and treatment outcome were noted and survival was calculated by actuarial method. The literature on carotid body paraganglioma was reviewed. RESULTS: The average age of the patients was 52 years (range 30–78 years). Eight of these cases presented as a large asymptomatic non-tender neck mass, and two each presented with dysphagia, and hoarseness of voice. As per Shamblin classification seven of tumors were type II and 5 were types III. In 7 cases subadventitial tumor excision was performed, while in 5 associated resection of both external and internal carotid arteries was carried out. The artery was repaired by end-to-end anastomosis in one case, with Dacron graft in one case, and with saphenous vein graft in 3 cases. There was no operative mortality. After a mean follow-up of 6.2 years (range 6 months to 20 years), there were no signs of tumor recurrence in any of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for carotid body paragangliomas although radiation therapy is an option for patients who are not ideal candidates for surgery. For the tumors that are in intimate contact with carotid arteries, the treatment by vascular surgeon is recommended


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    This paper presents the results of research variety Müller-Thurgau, clone 11 Gm, in order to determine quality indicators and the possibility of expansion in the vineyards of Southern Serbia. In terms of Nis grape growing region of the test are the most important agro technological and economic characteristics of the clone 11 Gm compared to the standard variety Müller-Thurgau. The test clone exhibited significant differences in yield and quality of grapes

    Energetska i proteinska vrednost kukuruza i sirka kao združenih useva sa sojom u postrnoj setvi

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    In this study, the energy and protein value of corn and sorghum were examined, as intercrops with soybeans in second croping. Both mixtures formed higher net energy value in milk and meat productionin the year when earlier sowing of crops was conducted. The greatest production of meat and milk on the basis of net energy in milk production and DCP provided the mixture of corn and soybeans. In the mixtures, increased production of meat and milk is possible based on the DCP, compared to the basis of net energy, which indicates a possibility of increasing of the corn or sorghum in the mixture. The mixtures showed that in double cropping, in conditions of irrigation, it ispossible to produce a significant amount of high-quality fodder.U ovim istraživanjima ispitivana je energetska i proteinska vrednost kukuruza i sirka kao združenih useva sa sojom u postrnoj setvi. Obe smeše su formirale veću neto energetsku vrednost u proizvodnji mesa i mleka u godini kada je obavljena ranija setva useva. Najveću produkciju mleka i mesa na bazi neto energije u proizvodnji mleka i mesa pruža smeša kukuruza i soje. U smešama veća proizvodnja mleka i mesa je moguća na bazi SSP nego na bazi neto energije, što ukazuje na mogućnost povećanja udela kukuruza ili sirka u smeši. Smeše su pokazale da je u postrnoj setvi u uslovima navodnjavanja moguće proizvesti značajnu količinu kvalitetne kabaste hrane

    Hemijski sastav kukuruza i soje kao združenih useva u postrnoj setvi

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    In this study, the chemical composition of mixed crops of corn and soybeans in double cropping was investigated. Mixtures have uniform chemical composition in relation to the pure corn and soybeancrops. Mixtures of corn and soybean have resulted in higher content of protein, fat, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium compared to the pure corncrop. The quantity of nutrients in corn and soybean mixturemakes it a good forage for nutritionof ruminants.U ovim istraživanjima ispitivan je hemijski sastav kukuruza i soje i njihovih smeša u postrnoj setvi. Smeše imaju ujednačeniji hemijski sastav u odnosu na čist usev kukuruza i soje. Smeše kukuruza i soje su imale veći sadržaj proteina, masti, fosfora, kalcijima i magnezijuma u odnosu na čist usev kukuruza. Količine hranljivih materija u smešama kukuruza i soje predstavljaju dobru voluminoznu hranu za ishranu preživara

    Uticaj godine i primene molibdena na klijavost i krupnoću semena lucerke

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    The aim of these researhes was to examine the impact of year and foliar application of molybdenum on germination capacity and absolute mass of alfalfa seed. In the investigation year, meteorological factors showed large variations and great impact on germination capacity and size of seed. Observed by years, absolute mass ranged from 1.82 g to 2.02 g. Germination ranged from 72.85% to 86.5%. Germination and 1000 seed weight were the worst in the year when high total precipitation and precipitation in the period of flowering, pollination and seed filling were observed (June, July, August). Foliar application of molybdenum showed no effect on size of alfalfa seed and germination.Ispitivan je uticaj godine i folijarne primene molibdena na klijavost i apsolutnu masu semena lucerke. U ispitivanim godinama meteorološki faktori su pokazali veliko variranje i veliki uticaj na klijavost krupnoću semena. Posmatrano po godinama, apsolutna masa se kretala u intervalu od 1,82 g do 2,02 g. Klijavost se kretala u intervalu od 72.85% do 86.5%. Klijavost i masa 1.000 semena su najlošiji u godini kada su zabeležene velike ukupne količine padavina i količine padavina u periodu cvetanja, oprašivanja i nalivanja semena (jun, jul, avgust). Folijarna primena molibdena nije pokazala značajan uticaj na krupnoću i klijavost semena lucerk

    Protein fractions as influenced by cultivars, stage of maturity and cutting dates in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

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    This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between CNCPS (Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System) protein fractions and in vitro RUP (Rumen Undegradable Protein) concentration and the variability of protein fractions among alfalfa cultivars grown in Serbia. Two cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) - Serbian cv K 28 and American cv G + 13R + CZ were sampled at three stages of maturity. Comparing the two cultivars of alfalfa (K 28 vs. G + 13R + CZ) means, there were significant differences in all protein fractions. Two investigated alfalfa cultivars differed significantly (p< 0.01) in RUP content, cv G + 13R + CZ was higher in RUP than cv K 28. Stage of maturity had an effect on proportions of the protein fractions. From a nutritional and breeding point of view, cultivar such as G + 13R + CZ is desirable because it combine higher CP (Crude protein) values with lower protein degradability than cv K 28


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    The results of important agro-biological and technological characteristics of three grapevine interspecies cultivars (Medina, Gecej Zamatos, and Kristala) are presented in this study. The following parameters were monitored: the total number of developed shoots, the number of fertile shoots, the number of bunch per vine, grape yield, fertility coefficient, the average bunch weight, yield per hectare, bunch and berry structural indicators and grape quality expressed through the content of sugar in must. Statistically significant differences were determined between the examined varieties regarding following characteristics: the number and yield of bunches per vine, structural indicators of berries and sugar content in must. The analysis of the obtained results related with the analyzed grape varieties in the agro-ecological conditions of Northern Bosnia showed that those varieties can successfully be cultivated in similar or identical agro-ecological conditions