3 research outputs found

    Ekološka ocena emisije gasova staklene bašte iz proizvodnje brojlera u centralnom regionu Rusije

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    With an estimated rise in poultry production and consumption of chicken meat in Russia by 9% up to 2022, as well as development of self-sustainable poultry production, the need has arisen for environmental assessment of this production, and within it especially greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission assessment. The goal of this work is to show a calculation procedure for obtaining estimations for the carbon footprint of the 1 kg of live chicken at the farm gate, taking into account regional typological features of agricultural production in agro-ecosystems. The methodology of carbon footprint (CF) calculation is based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, and on IAGRICO2 calculator, developed for agriculture products. Results have shown that in modern technology of poultry farming, 5.79 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body mass, and that about 47% of emission was from manure, around 27.5% from crop production (fuel and fertiliser) and 25.5% from fuel and energy needed for heating, sanitation and feeding of chickens. The main distinction of Central Russia is low efficiency of the fertiliser application on crop fields and manure management, storage and utilisation, which has as a result high emissions of the nitrous oxide. This is the field where the implementation of the intensive technologies of precise farming, manure handling, utilisation and management will significantly decrease GHG emission, with preserving yield of crops and quantity and quality of chicken meat.Sa očekivanim porastom proizvodnje u živinarstvu i povećanjem korišćenja pilećeg mesa u Rusiji od 9% do 2022. godine, kao i sa državnom politikom Ruske Federacije o kompletnoj samodovoljnosti u proizvodnji hrane, a naročito živinskog mesa, nastala je potreba za ocenom uticaja živinarstva na životnu sredinu, a posebno emisiju gasova staklene ba te. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati proceduru izračunavanja ugljenikovog otiska (engl. carbon footprint) za 1 kg žive mase na kraju tova brojlera, uzimajući u obzir regionalne tipološke osobine poljoprivredne proizvodnje u agroekosistemima. Metodologija proračuna ugljenikovog otiska bazirana je na metodologiji ocene životnog ciklusa (engl. Life Cycle Analysis - LCA), i na kalkulatoru IAGRICO2, prilagođenom poljoprivrednim proizvodima. Rezultati su pokazali da se u modernoj tehnologiji živinarstva, u proseku emituje 5,79 kg CO2 ekvivalenta po kg telesne mase, te da je oko 47 emisije poreklom iz stajnjaka, oko 27, od proizvodnje useva (upotreba goriva i đubriva) i 25,5%, od goriva i energije potrebne za grejanje, i čišćenje i hranjenje pilića. Glavna odlika centralnog regiona evropske Rusije je niska efikasnost primene azotnih đubriva na poljima, kao i upravljanje skladištenjem i primenom stajnjaka, to ima za posledicu velike količine emitovanog azot-suboksida. Ovo predstavlja polje u kojem bi implementacija intenzivnih tehnologija precizne poljoprivrede i skladištenja i primene stajnjaka mogla značajno smanjiti emisiju gasova staklene bašte, sa očuvanjem prinosa poljoprivrednih kultura i količine i kvaliteta pilećeg mesa

    Environmental assessment of greenhouse gases emission from sheep breeding in Vojvodina region of Serbia

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    The aim of this work is to show a calculation procedure for obtaining estimations for the carbon footprint of 1 kg of live weight of ewe, ram and lamb at the farm gate, taking into account regional typological features of agricultural production in agroecosystems. The methodology of carbon footprint (CF) calculation is based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology developed for agricultural products. Results revealed that in modern technology of sheep breeding, 21.41 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body weight of ewe, 19.13 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body weight of ram, 3.2 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body weight of lamb. The main distinction of Vojvodina province is the low efficiency of fertiliser application on crop fields and manure management, storage and utilisation, which has as a result high emissions of nitrous oxide. This is the field where the implementation of intensive technologies of precise farming, manure handling, utilisation and management will significantly decrease GHG emission, with preserving yield of crops and quantity and quality of sheep of all categories

    Land-Use Change in New Moscow: First Outcomes after Five Years of Urbanization

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    Urbanization coincides with remarkable environmental changes, including conversion of natural landscapes into urban. Moscow megapolis is among the largest urbanized areas in Europe. An ambitious New Moscow project expanded the megapolis on extra 1500 km2 of former fallow lands, croplands and forests. The research aimed to monitor land use changes in New Moscow between 1989 and 2016 years. Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 images (30 m spectral resolution) and Sentinel – 2 images (10 m spectral resolution) were analyzed. All the images were collected for the similar summer period (from June to August). The images were preprocessed and classified by Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin in open source QGIS software to derive land cover maps. The following land cover classes were identified: water, built-up areas, bare soils, croplands and forested areas, and the total area covered by each class was estimated. The following land-use change pathways were reported: 1) reduction of the forested areas by 2.5% (almost 2000 ha) between 1989 and 1998; 2) partial reforestation (more than 1000 ha) and abandonment of croplands (more than 3000 ha) between 1998 and 2010 and 3) intensive urbanization (more than 11000 ha) between 2010 and 2016. New build-up areas and infrastructures were constructed on former forested areas and croplands. Although, some uncertainties in the absolute estimates are expected due to the classification errors, the general urbanization trend can be clearly distinguished as a principal outcome after the five years of New Moscow project