3,453 research outputs found

    Yield, fruit quality, bud fertility and starch reserves of the wood as a function of leaf removal in Vitis vinifera-Evidence of compensation and stress recovering

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    Einfluß unterschiedlicher EntblĂ€tterung auf Ertrag, TraubenqualitĂ€t, Knospenfruchtbarkeit und StĂ€rkegehalt des Holzes von Vitis vinifera sowie Kompensations- und ErholungsvermögenAn Ertragsreben wurde der Einfluß des Entfernens von HauptblĂ€ttern oder Geiztrieben auf GesamtblattflĂ€che, Traubenertrag und -qualitĂ€t sowie StĂ€rkegehalt des Holzes studiert. Die Bedeutung von Haupt- und GeizblĂ€ttern sowie des Zeitpunktes der EntblĂ€tterung auf dss Verrieseln wurde untersucht. Ziel der Studie war, Kompensationsmechanismen und -limiten der Rebe unter Streßbedingungen kennenzulernen, wie sie durch eine EntblĂ€tterung verursacht werden. Ferner sollte die Erholung der Pflanze nach lĂ€ngerer Streßeinwirkung erforscht werden.Wurden die HauptblĂ€tter entfernt (L = nur GeizblĂ€tter}, so bildeten die Pflanzen mehr Geiztriebe mit einer grĂ¶ĂŸeren Anzahl BlĂ€tter. Dies fĂŒhrte nach dem ersten Streßjahr zu einer ungefĂ€hr gleichen GesamtblattflĂ€che wie bei den Kontrollpflanzen. Nach einem weiteren Streßjahr jedoch hatten die L-Pflanzen zwar weiterhin mehr GeizblĂ€tter, allerdings von geringerer GrĂ¶ĂŸe. Hieraus resultierte eine im Vergleich zur Kontrolle verringerte GesamtblattflĂ€che. Pflanzen nur mit HauptblĂ€ttern (M) kompensierten das Fehlen der Geiztriebe mit verzögerter Blattalterung und spĂ€terem Blattfall. Auch hier ergab sich nach dem zweiten Streßjahr eine geringere BlattgrĂ¶ĂŸe. Der Traubenertrag der L-Pflanzen wurde im 1. Jahr durch die Blattentfernung kaum negativ beeinflußt, aber im 2. Jahr war er 50 % niedriger als in der Kontrolle. Bei den M-Pflanzen ergab sich in beiden Jahren kein verringerter Ertrag. Der Zuckergehalt der Trauben war in den L-Pflanzen im 1. Streßjahr leicht erhöht, nicht aber im 2. Jahr. Diese Reben hatten wĂ€hrend beider Jahre eine bessere Beerenfarbe.Die BlattflĂ€che vom Zeitpunkt der BlĂŒte bis 2-3 Wochen danach ist fĂŒr den Traubenertrag entscheidend. Eine EntblĂ€tterung zu diesem Zeitpunkt verursachte nicht nur ein Verrieseln, sondern im folgenden Jahr zusĂ€tzlich eine reduzierte Knospenfruchtbarkeit. Die Zuckereinlagerung in den Trauben hĂ€ngt von der assimilierenden BlattflĂ€che wĂ€hrend der Reifeperiode ab. Der StĂ€rkegehalt im Holz war nach 2 Streßjahren erheblich reduziert. Es ergaben sich schwach positive Korrelationen zwischen Zuckergehalt des Mostes und StĂ€rkegehalt des Holzes.Die Zuckereinlagerung in die Traube und das AuffĂŒllen der StĂ€rkereserven im Holz ging bereits in der auf eine Streßbehandlung folgenden Saison normal vonstatten. Ein normaler Ertrag war l Jahr nach einem lĂ€ngeren EntblĂ€tterungsstreß jedoch noch nicht möglich, da die Bildung der Infloreszenzen bekanntlich wĂ€hrend dieser Zeit (in unserem Fall die Streßperiode) einsetzt. Erst im 2. Jahr kam es zu einer vollstĂ€ndigen Erholung der Pflanze

    Influence of partial defoliation on gas exchange parameters and chlorophyll content of field-grown grapevines - Mechanisms and limitations of the compensation capacity

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    In order to study the compensation mechanisms related to leaf removal, gas exchange response to defoliation as well as chlorophyll content were investigated in field-grown Pinot noir grapevines. Mature 16 years old bearing plants and 2 years old fruitless potted plants were compared. Defoliation treatments were performed 1 week after full bloom. Besides topping, three levels of main leaf removal (3, 6 or all 12 main leaves retained) were combined with two levels of laterals (all retained or all removed). The single leaf measurements (on the 11th main leaf from the base) were carried out from treatment time to fruit maturity

    Deterministically Computing Reduction Numbers of Polynomial Ideals

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    We discuss the problem of determining reduction number of a polynomial ideal I in n variables. We present two algorithms based on parametric computations. The first one determines the absolute reduction number of I and requires computation in a polynomial ring with (n-dim(I))dim(I) parameters and n-dim(I) variables. The second one computes via a Grobner system the set of all reduction numbers of the ideal I and thus in particular also its big reduction number. However,it requires computations in a ring with n.dim(I) parameters and n variables.Comment: This new version replaces the earlier version arXiv:1404.1721 and it has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of CASC 2014, Warsaw, Polna

    Behavior of argon gas release from manganese oxide minerals as revealed by Ar-40/Ar-39 laser incremental heating analysis

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    Manganese oxides in association with paleo-weathering may provide significant insights into the multiple factors affecting the formation and evolution of weathering profiles, such as temperature, precipitation, and biodiversity. Laser probe step-heating analysis of supergene hollandite and cryptomelane samples collected from central Queensland, Australia, yield well-defined plateaus and consistent isochron ages, confirming the feasibility, dating very-fined supergene manganese oxides by Ar-40/(39) Ar technique. Two distinct structural sites hosting Ar isotopes can be identified in light of their degassing behaviors obtained by incremental heating analyses. The first site, releasing its gas fraction at the laser power 0.2-0.4 W, yields primarily Ar-40(atm), Ar-38(atm), and Ar-36(atm), (atmospheric Ar isotopes). The second sites yield predominantly Ar-40* (radiogenic Ar-40), Ar-39(K), and Ar-38(K) (nucleogenic components), at similar to0.5-1.0 W. There is no significant Ar gas released at the laser power higher than 1.0 W, indicating the breakdown of the tunnel sites hosting the radiogenic and nucleogenic components. The excellent match between the degassing behaviors of Ar-40*, Ar-39(K), and Ar-38(K) suggests that these isotopes occupy the same crystallographic sites and that Ar-39(K) loss from the tunnel site by recoil during neutron irradiation and/or bake-out procedure preceding isotopic analysis does not occur. Present investigation supports that neither the overwhelming atmospheric Ar-40 nor the very-fined nature of the supergene manganese oxides poses problems in extracting meaningful weathering geo-chronological information by analyzing supergene manganese oxides minerals

    NEMA NU 2-2007 performance characteristics of GE Signa integrated PET/MR for different PET isotopes

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    BackgroundFully integrated PET/MR systems are being used frequently in clinical research and routine. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) characterization of these systems is generally done with F-18 which is clinically the most relevant PET isotope. However, other PET isotopes, such as Ga-68 and Y-90, are gaining clinical importance as they are of specific interest for oncological applications and for follow-up of Y-90-based radionuclide therapy. These isotopes have a complex decay scheme with a variety of prompt gammas in coincidence. Ga-68 and Y-90 have higher positron energy and, because of the larger positron range, there may be interference with the magnetic field of the MR compared to F-18. Therefore, it is relevant to determine the performance of PET/MR for these clinically relevant and commercially available isotopes.MethodsNEMA NU 2-2007 performance measurements were performed for characterizing the spatial resolution, sensitivity, image quality, and the accuracy of attenuation and scatter corrections for F-18, Ga-68, and Y-90. Scatter fraction and noise equivalent count rate (NECR) tests were performed using F-18 and Ga-68. All phantom data were acquired on the GE Signa integrated PET/MR system, installed in UZ Leuven, Belgium.Results(18)F, Ga-68, and Y-90 NEMA performance tests resulted in substantially different system characteristics. In comparison with F-18, the spatial resolution is about 1mm larger in the axial direction for Ga-68 and no significative effect was found for Y-90. The impact of this lower resolution is also visible in the recovery coefficients of the smallest spheres of Ga-68 in image quality measurements, where clearly lower values are obtained. For Y-90, the low number of counts leads to a large variability in the image quality measurements. The primary factor for the sensitivity change is the scale factor related to the positron emission fraction. There is also an impact on the peak NECR, which is lower for Ga-68 than for F-18 and appears at higher activities.ConclusionsThe system performance of GE Signa integrated PET/MR was substantially different, in terms of NEMA spatial resolution, image quality, and NECR for Ga-68 and Y-90 compared to F-18. But these differences are compensated by the PET/MR scanner technologies and reconstructions methods

    The transition towards sustainable diets should encourage pulse consumption in children’s diets: insights for policies in food systems

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    Pulses play a central role in food system sustainability and can be the starting point toward sustainable diets. For a sustainable future, the promotion of pulses’ consumption should begin early on, during infancy. This work’s objective is to review and compile food policies that can support pulses promotion in children’s diets and provide an overview of the role of pulses in sustainable diets. A search was performed in Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sites and Medline database of technical reports and papers from the last 10 years (2011-2021) using the following terms: “Legume”, “pulse”, “sustainability”, “environment”, “food system”, “nutrition”, “children”, and “policies”. Subsequently, actions that could support children’s pulse consumption were selected and organized into the UNICEF®s Innocenti Framework on Food Systems for Children and Adolescents. Finally, the identified actions were discussed according to the Framework’s determinants (food supply chains, external food environments, personal food environment, and behaviors of caregivers and children). Considering the impact and feasibility of the compiled actions, reformulation of infant products with pulses and activities in school food environments seem to be priority measures because they are relatively simple to operate and have a high impact potential.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
