676 research outputs found

    La compravendita di animali appartenenti alle res mancipi in Varrone e in Gaio alla luce della corrispondenza fra Baviera, Pernice e Mommsen

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    In the light of the unpublished correspondence between Giovanni Baviera, Theodor Mommsen and Alfred Pernice some aspects of the debate about the belonging of some animals to the category of the res mancipi are reconstructed, the basis of interpretation being some passages of Varro’s De re rustica compared with Gaius’ Institutions

    Il "Couronnement de Louis" e la prospettiva epica

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    Legittima difesa, tirannicidio e strategia difensiva nell’orazione di Cicerone a favore di Milone

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    This paper presents a new analysis of the speech delivered by Cicero on behalf of Milo (pro Milone), who had been charged with the murder of Clodius. It suggests that Cicero’s defensive strategy aimed from the beginning to get an acquittal on two different grounds. The first one was based on the reasoning that Clodius’ murder was committed lawfully in self-defense. The second one was based on the argument that Clodius’ killing was in the best interest of the state. Both do not have to be conflicting. Even if the spoken version of the speech achieved just the first aim, the second aim, prevented by the interruption of Cicero’s speech due to the screams of the Clodian mob present at the trial, was developed in the written version according to the original plan. It’s likely that with the second argument Cicero took at the same time his chance to justify his own former conduct during his consulship against Catilina and to speak for the last time in a public context against his personal enemy, Clodius

    La Giustizia, la spada e la bilancia

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    Solamente al di fuori della storia vi è spazio per una giustizia in grado di assegnare a ciascuno ciò che gli spetta (‘suum cuique tribuere’) senza l’intervento dell’uomo. La nozione di ‘giusto’, come quella di ‘ingiusto’, è in sé indeterminata e pertanto ha bisogno di essere riempita di contenuti specifici. Analogamente, la definizione di iustitia fornita dal giurista romano Ulpiano (D. 1.1.10 pr.) si riduce, in realtà, a una formula ‘in bianco’. Rinviando al compito di ‘suum cuique tribuere’, infatti, essa consegna nelle mani dei giuristi la bilancia necessaria per determinare in concreto ciò che a spetta a ciascuno. Collegata alla definizione di iuris prudentia che segue nel testo (D., la definizione ulpianea di giustizia può esser letta come un'enunciazione propagandistica volta a legittimare il ruolo del giurista al servizio dell’imperatore.Only by disregarding history can a place be found where justice – without human involvement – can ‘give everyone is due’ (‘suum cuique tribuere’). The notion of what is ‘just’, as well as ‘unjust’, is in itself a such wide-open concept that it must be filled with specific contents. Similarly, the definition of iustitia provided by the Roman jurist Ulpian (D. 1.1.10 pr.) is a mere sort of ‘blank’ formula. His formula invokes the task of ‘suum cuique tribuere’ and hence delivers into the hands of jurists the scale required to concretely define and give everyone is due. Related to the following definition of iuris prudentia (D., Ulpian’s definition of justice can be read as a propagandist statement aimed at legitimating the role of jurists at the service of the emperor


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    The modern notion of a socially isolated lone-wolf terrorist and public mass- murderer is challenged by analyzing those individuals’ pre-attack behaviors. Many of these behaviors can be explained with theories such as Social Identity, Social Network, and Social Movement Theory, which examine the changes in human behavior to understand motivations. Properly classifying certain behaviors in a radicalized individual could help identify potential risk factors indicating an impending attack, prompting better responses, and solutions to strategize tactics and policies in preventing terrorism. Using existing literature and theory as the basis, this dissertation will examine common broadcasting behaviors of individuals who have perpetrated or attempted to perpetrate physical acts of terrorism to identify pre-attack warning actions, thus classifying them into distinct sects. This quantitative study uses data collected through a previous study which used open-source text materials from a sample of 186 case studies of United States based lone-wolf terrorists and mass-murderers between 1990-2013. The results show a clear division in broadcasting behaviors between classified types of offenders. These research findings are expected to contribute to the larger body of literature rejecting the moniker of an isolated lone-actor and mass-murderer to one that broadcasts their collective convictions to a larger group. Practical implications on how to better inform and prepare intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and the public in assessing vulnerable individuals and implementing preventative practices will be discussed

    Protection and reuse of a forgotten heritage: the Parmesan cheese buildings. Notes for a widespread museum in the lower Reggio Emilia plain

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    [EN] The content of this proposal is a reflection on the landscape of the low Reggio Emilia plain and on the material traces still present in the area linked to the artisanal production of Parmigiano Reggiano (Parmesan) cheese dating back to the 1700s and 1800s. We refer in particular to the agricultural system related to the production of forage and high quality grass to obtain the so-called “white gold”, milk - the raw material for making cheese - and to the architectural buildings used for artisanal dairy production. These structures, called caselli, are much more numerous in the province of Reggio Emilia (the Dairy Charter of 1911 lists 711 caselli), compared to Parma and Modena, despite the fact that Parmigiano Reggiano has always characterized the economy of these areas. This kind of architecture, is characterized by buildings of reduced proportions, with a central, square or polygonal, plan, structurally set on a central pillar around which the processing phases of the cheese production were organized. With perimeters defined by brick walls, bearing on the edges and characterized by jealous paneling on the sides, they are a testimony of valuable constructive knowledge. The grid infills, designed to calibrate air and light, transform them into essential components for the cheese production. Starting from the idea of a widespread museum in the area, close to H. de Varine's thought on the ecomuseum, some design guidelines are established for the enhancement of this production tradition and its agricultural landscape. The rapid evolution of dairy technology on the one hand, and the changes in the territory on the other, have compromised the interpretation of a system that in the tradition of knowledge, techniques and materials had characterized a territory for at least two centuries.Varvaro, S. (2022). Protection and reuse of a forgotten heritage: the Parmesan cheese buildings. Notes for a widespread museum in the lower Reggio Emilia plain. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1085-1092. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.152851085109

    Otto Lenel nel ritratto di Hugo Sinzheimer: scienza giuridica e antisemitismo nelle università tedesche fra Ottocento e Novecento

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    AbstractAn analysis of the portrait of Otto Lenel offered by Hugo Sinzheimer in his Jüdische Klassiker der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft (Jewish Classics of German Juris-prudence), published in 1938, allows us to reflect critically in a broader context on anti-Semitism in German culture between the 19th and 20th centuries. This analysis gives us an opportunity to unearth the roots of the prejudices which, even in the academic world, were used to justify a position incompatible with the task of their profession to cultivate the progress of science through the objective verification of every assertion