8,243 research outputs found

    Some Experimental Signatures to look for Time-reversal Violating superconductors

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    We discuss some experimental signatures associated with the topological structures of unconventional superconductor order parameters of form dx2−y2+ixd_{x^2-y^2}+ix, where x=s,px±pyx=s,p_x \pm p_y, or dxyd_{xy}. Specifically, we study the topological surface states on the (110)(110) and equivalent surfaces of such superconductors which are observable in Andreev tunneling experiments, as well as evaluate the magnetic flux trapped in superconducting rings of such superconductors with multiple grain-boundary Josephson junctions. Previous experiments are examined and several new experiments suggested.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Detection and Implications of a Time-reversal breaking state in underdoped Cuprates

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    We present general symmetry considerations on how a Time-reversal breaking state may be detected by angle-resolved photoemission using circularly polarized photons as has been proposed earlier. Results of recent experiments utilizing the proposal in underdoped cuprates are analysed and found to be consistent in their symmetry and magnitude with a theory of the Copper-Oxides. These togather with evidence for a quantum critical point and marginal Fermi-liquid properties near optimum doping suggest that a valid microscopic theory of the phenomena in the cuprates has been found.Comment: A statement on detecting the Anyon state is added and some typos are subtracte

    Collective Modes in the Loop Current Ordered Phase of Cuprates

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    Recently two branches of weakly dispersive collective modes have been discovered in under-doped cuprates by inelastic neutron scattering. Polarization analysis reveals that the modes are magnetic excitations. They are only visible for temperatures below the transition temperature to a broken symmetry phase which was discovered earlier and their intensity increases as temperature is further decreased. The broken symmetry phase itself has symmetries consistent with ordering of orbital current loops within a unit-cell without breaking translational symmetry. In order to calculate the collective modes of such a state we add quantum terms to the Ashkin-Teller (AT) model with which the classical loop current order has been described. We derive that the mean field ground state of the quantum model is a product over all unit-cells of linear combination of the four possible classical configurations of the loop current order in each unit-cell. The collective modes are calculated by using a generalized Holstein-Primakoff boson representation of orbital moment operators and lead to three branches of gapped weakly dispersive collective modes. The experimental results are consistent with the two lower energy branches; the third mode is at a higher energy than looked for by present neutron scattering experiments and might also be over-damped. Implications of the discovery of the collective modes are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    A Theory of the Pseudogap State of the Cuprates

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    The phase diagram for a general model for Cuprates is derived in a mean-field approximation. A phase violating time-reversal without breaking translational symmetry is possible when both the ionic interactions and the local repulsions are large compared to the energy difference between the Cu and O single-particle levels. It ends at a quantum critical point as the hole or electron doping is increased. Such a phase is necessarily accompanied by singular forward scattering such that, in the stable phase, the density of states at the chemical potential, projected to a particular point group symmetry of the lattice is zero producing thereby an anisotropic gap in the single-particle spectrum. It is suggested that this phase occupies the "pseudogap" region of the phase diagram of the cuprates. The temperature dependence of the single-particle spectra, the density of states, the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility are calculated with rather remarkable correspondence with the experimental results. The importance of further direct experimental verification of such a phase in resolving the principal issues in the theory of the Cuprate phenomena is pointed out. To this end, some predictions are provided.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figure

    Theory of the Quantum Critical Fluctuations in Cuprates

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    The statistical mechanics of the time-reversal and inversion symmetry breaking order parameter, possibly observed in the pseudogap region of the phase diagram of the Cuprates, can be represented by the Ashkin-Teller model. We add kinetic energy and dissipation to the model for a quantum generalization and show that the correlations are determined by two sets of charges, one interacting locally in time and logarithmically in space and the other locally in space and logarithmically in time. The quantum critical fluctuations are derived and shown to be of the form postulated in 1989 to give the marginal fermi-liquid properties. The model solved and the methods devised are likely to be of interest also to other quantum phase transitions

    Heavy-Fermions in a Transition-Metal Compound: LiV2O4LiV_2O_4

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    The recent discovery of heavy-Fermion properties in Lithium Vanadate and the enormous difference in its properties from the properties of Lithium Titanate as well as of the manganite compounds raise some puzzling questions about strongly correlated Fermions. These are disscussed as well as a solution to the puzzles provided.Comment: late

    Collective Modes in the Loop Ordered Phase of Cuprates

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    We show that the two branches of collective modes discovered recently in under-doped Cuprates with huge spectral weight are a necessary consequence of the loop-current state. Such a state has been shown in earlier experiments to be consistent with the symmetry of the order parameter competing with superconductivity in four families of Cuprates. We also predict a third branch of excitations and suggest techniques to discover it. Using parameters to fit the observed modes, we show that the direction of the effective moments in the ground state lies in a cone at an angle to the c-axis as observed in experiments

    Narasimham Committee Report - Some Further Ramifications and Suggestions

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    This paper while agreeing with the general thrust of the Narasimham Committee Report. Calls attention to some logical corollaries of the Report and analyses some possible fallout from implementing the Report. We agree with the view that control of banking system should be under an autonomous body supervised by the RBI. However at the level of individual banks, closer scrutiny of lending procedures may be called for than is envisaged in the Report. In a freely functioning capital market the potential of government bonds is enormous, but this necessitates restructuring of the government bond market. The government bonds may then also be used as suitable hedging mechanisms by introducing options and futures trading. We recommend freeing up the operation of pension and provident fund to enable at least partial investment of such funds in risky securities. In the corporate sector, we believe that the current 2:1 debt equity norm is too high and not sustainable in the long term. We envisage that high debt levels and higher interest rates, combined with higher business risk may result in greater incidence of corporate sickness. This may call for various schemes for retrenched workers and amendment to land laws for easy exit of companies. On account of interdependencies across different policies, any sequencing of their implementation may be highly problematic. We therefore suggest a near simultaneity in the implementation of various reforms in order to build up a momentum which would be irreversible if people are to have confidence that the reforms will endure, and if we are to retain our credibility with international financial institutions.
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