219 research outputs found

    Social Entrepreneurship

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    This Research is devoted to social entrepreneurship as a new global phenomenon, the policy objectives behind social entrepreneurship programmes and their impact on long-term policy decisions, including in the cultural sector


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    The study aimed at determining the prevalence of the class-specific rheumatoid factors (RFs) in juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) and evaluating the diagnostic test qualities. A total of JCA 79 patients (48 with pauciarticular form, 17 of whom with extending pauciarthritis), 31 with polyarticular for, as well as 125 control children (58 healthy and 67 disease controls) were tested. Most JCA patients (95%) had negative Waaler-Rose test. ELISAfor the detection of IgM-, IgA- and IgG- isotypes of RFs was used. The diagnostic characteristics of the tests were evaluated by clinico-epidemiological methods (assessment of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and likelihood ratio). The prevalence of IgG-, IgA- and IgM-RF in JCA versus all controls at optimal cut offtitres was 16 %, 22 c/c and 32%, respectively. The test for IgG-RF was not diagnostically significant. IgA-RF had the highest prevalence in the polyarticular form (40 %). The diagnostic qualities of the test were significant, mostly concerning the differentiation of the polyarticular course of JCA and the presence of erosive arthritis. IgM-RF was most typical of the polyarticular form (55 %) followed by the extending pauciarthritis (41 %). The diagnostic test qualities were significant and most prominent to distinguish the polyarticular course and erosive arthritis. IgM- and IgA-RFs had significant diagnostic value in JCA, mainly for the polyarticular and extending pauciarticular form and also in regard to more severe disease course. IgGRF had no diagnostic significance for JCA

    Tympanometric results from neonates and infants under four months

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    Advantages of objective studying the middle ear of infants and neonates are presented. High frequency timpanometry is proposed and used because of anatomical differences between children and adults. This method is used widely in diagnosing, because he is noninvasive, quick and easy to perform

    Intellectual Communications and Contemporarly Technologies Alternatives of the Science Libraries

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    (Summary of: Varbanova-Dencheva, K. Intellectual communications and contemporarly technologies. Alternatives of the science libraries. Sofia, Marin Drinov academic publishing house. 2003, 114p. ) The new technologies and the globalization are the factors which have brought essential changes in human society and its environment. The unceasing dynamic changes imposed new strategies for survival and prosperity of institutions and people in the new conditions. The spheres with greatest potential for achieving competition priority are compatible to the fastness of research results implementation in each field of human activity. The extended knowledge requires narrower specialization as well as interdisciplinarity to solve the arising problems. The new research fields and trends are a synthesis of science and high technologies determined by the new discoveries. The present study aims at finding answers to the questions about the place of science library in the dynamic restructuring of research environment. The necessity of transformation of the scientific library’s genetically set functions from a guardian of the achieved knowledge to an active participant in the creation of new knowledge is a natural consequence of the processes and tendencies of the social medium. The priorities of Europe and USA for intensive creation of knowledge economics are at the first place and this requires intensification of that research an integral part of which are the new communications realized at a new technological level


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    The trials for identification of the specific target antigen for antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) revealed that a significant number of patients produce antibodies directed to individual histories and histone peptides. Fifty JCA patients, 58 healthy children and 58 children with autoimmune and rheumatologic disorders were studied for a presence of IgG- and IgM-antibodies against histone 1, histone 2 and histone 3 measured by ELISA. The levels of IgGand IgM-antibodies directed to histone 1, 2 and 3 were elevated in JCA as compared to the healthy controls. IgG-antibodies to histone 2 and IgM-antibodies to histone 3 also were elevated in comparison with the disease controls. IgG- and IgM-antibodies against histone 1 were found to be positive in 30 % and 26 % of JCA patients, respectively, in significant association with ANA (p = 0,038 and p = 0,03, respectively) and uveitis (p = 0,02 and p = 0,016, respectively). The same prevalence of IgG- and IgM-antibodies to histone 2 was established but only the IgG-isotype showed significant association with uveitis (p = 0,018). Anti-histone 3 IgG- and IgM-antibodies were found in 34 % and 27 % of JCA patients, respectively. IgM-antibodies to histone 3 were proved to be significantly associated with uveitis (p - 0,009). It was concluded that antibodies to histone 1, histone 2, and histone 3 represented a common serological feature of JCA. Their presence was related to the manifestation of chronic anterior uveitis, associated with JCA

    Legal Nature of Smart Contracts: Contract or Program Code?

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    Objective: due to the rapid technological changes, digital economy and contractual relations determine law transformation and legislation development towards adaptation to prospective spreading and application of smart contracts in civil and commercial turnover. In this regard, the study focuses on determining the legal essence of smart contracts as a fundamental step towards the development of their timely and clear regulation.Methods: the research is based on the methodology of formal-legal and comparative legal analysis. It compares the current Bulgarian legislation with supranational legal sources and identifies the characteristic features of smart contracts as demanded instruments necessary for modern law and economy. The article also compares them with the classical understanding of contracts, making it possible to understand and define the nature of smart contracts more accurately.Results: it was determined that a smart contract is a software code in which the parties predetermine conditions under which the contractual relationship between them is created, modified and terminated. The research proved that the contract execution does not depend on the action or inaction of its parties, but rather on the occurrence of a predetermined condition (a certain fact relevant to the parties) under which the contract must self-execute. It was substantiated that the will of the parties cannot be changed or replaced because of the special way in which the smart contract is recorded in a distributed ledger. It is found that the fundamental problem of transferring the will from the legal language to the program code of the smart contract persists: if the will of the parties is incorrectly transferred to the program code, the smart contract may self-execute, but its execution will not be the result that the parties counted on.Scientific novelty: the analysis made it possible to compare the current national (Bulgarian) legislation and supranational (European) law. It revealed the vagueness of smart contracts regulation, both at the national and international level, and identified a number of issues in need of scientific and legal interpretation, which refer to the legal nature of smart contracts in view of the self-executing program code concept.Practical significance: the study can serve as a basis for further development of legislation towards its adaptation to the prospects of smart contracts spreading and application in civil and commercial turnover. It also allows an in-depth analysis of the smart contracts practice referring to such unsolved problems as accurate transference of the parties' will to the program code (translation of specific terms from the legal language into the smart contract program code), electronic identification of subjects - parties to the transaction and many other issues

    Results in the development of speech in bilingual children with a cochlear implant

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    Mobile Applications for Cultural Tourism – Past, Present, and Future. Criteria for a Successful Mobile App

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    This publication presents a prototype of a mobile application for cultural tourism. Its main goal is to provide information about tourist sites in a city with a rich historical past and deeprooted traditions, catering to the needs and preferences of contemporary users in terms of functionality and user-friendliness. The paper analyzes contemporary Bulgarian and foreign mobile applications for cultural tourism, emphasizing their advantages over similar applications that were active in the recent past. These advantages include availability, interactivity, and an enhanced user experience. The purpose of the paper is to develop and promote a mobile application that will meet the needs of tourists. The methodology for designing the prototype includes a review and comparative analysis of mobile applications that existed a decade ago, as well as current applications in this field in 2023. Both local applications for Bulgaria and international applications for the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Hungary, and Spain were studied. The study focused on usability and other key characteristics that are similar to the functionality of the developed application. Weaknesses of some of the analyzed applications and problems avoided in the proposed prototype are indicated. The paper also presents the primary features of the developed application, such as its user-friendliness, speed of operation, intuitive design, and easy access to tourist and cultural sites. In the future, with the introduction of various mobile applications in this field, it is expected that users will be greatly facilitated in their search for up-to-date information on cultural and historical sites around the world
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