2 research outputs found

    Single-Molecule Analysis of Subtelomeres and Telomeres in Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Telomeric DNA is typically comprised of G-rich tandem repeat motifs and maintained by telomerase (Greider CW, Blackburn EH; Cell 51:887-898; 1987). In eukaryotes lacking telomerase, a variety of DNA repair and DNA recombination based pathways for telomere maintenance have evolved in organisms normally dependent upon telomerase for telomere elongation (Webb CJ, Wu Y, Zakian VA; Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 5:a012666; 2013); collectively called Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) pathways. By measuring (TTAGGG) n tract lengths from the same large DNA molecules that were optically mapped, we simultaneously analyzed telomere length dynamics and subtelomere-linked structural changes at a large number of specific subtelomeric loci in the ALT-positive cell lines U2OS, SK-MEL-2 and Saos-2. RESULTS: Our results revealed loci-specific ALT telomere features. For example, while each subtelomere included examples of single molecules with terminal (TTAGGG) n tracts as well as examples of recombinant telomeric single molecules, the ratio of these molecules was subtelomere-specific, ranging from 33:1 (19p) to 1:25 (19q) in U2OS. The Saos-2 cell line shows a similar percentage of recombinant telomeres. The frequency of recombinant subtelomeres of SK-MEL-2 (11%) is about half that of U2OS and Saos-2 (24 and 19% respectively). Terminal (TTAGGG) n tract lengths and heterogeneity levels, the frequencies of telomere signal-free ends, and the frequency and size of retained internal telomere-like sequences (ITSs) at recombinant telomere fusion junctions all varied according to the specific subtelomere involved in a particular cell line. Very large linear extrachromosomal telomere repeat (ECTR) DNA molecules were found in all three cell lines; these are in principle capable of templating synthesis of new long telomere tracts via break-induced repair (BIR) long-tract DNA synthesis mechanisms and contributing to the very long telomere tract length and heterogeneity characteristic of ALT cells. Many of longest telomere tracts (both end-telomeres and linear ECTRs) displayed punctate CRISPR/Cas9-dependent (TTAGGG) n labeling patterns indicative of interspersion of stretches of non-canonical telomere repeats. CONCLUSION: Identifying individual subtelomeres and characterizing linked telomere (TTAGGG) n tract lengths and structural changes using our new single-molecule methodologies reveals the structural consequences of telomere damage, repair and recombination mechanisms in human ALT cells in unprecedented molecular detail and significant differences in different ALT-positive cell lines

    A long-read sequencing strategy with overlapping linkers on adjacent fragments (OLAF-Seq) for targeted resequencing and enrichment

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    Abstract In this report, we present OLAF-Seq, a novel strategy to construct a long-read sequencing library such that adjacent fragments are linked with end-terminal duplications. We use the CRISPR-Cas9 nickase enzyme and a pool of multiple sgRNAs to perform non-random fragmentation of targeted long DNA molecules (> 300kb) into smaller library-sized fragments (about 20 kbp) in a manner so as to retain physical linkage information (up to 1000 bp) between adjacent fragments. DNA molecules targeted for fragmentation are preferentially ligated with adaptors for sequencing, so this method can enrich targeted regions while taking advantage of the long-read sequencing platforms. This enables the sequencing of target regions with significantly lower total coverage, and the genome sequence within linker regions provides information for assembly and phasing. We demonstrated the validity and efficacy of the method first using phage and then by sequencing a panel of 100 full-length cancer-related genes (including both exons and introns) in the human genome. When the designed linkers contained heterozygous genetic variants, long haplotypes could be established. This sequencing strategy can be readily applied in both PacBio and Oxford Nanopore platforms for both long and short genes with an easy protocol. This economically viable approach is useful for targeted enrichment of hundreds of target genomic regions and where long no-gap contigs need deep sequencing