134 research outputs found


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    Objective: Achyranthes aspera Linn. commonly known as prickly chaff flower belonging to the family  Amaranthaceae is said to show varied medicinal effects, including antiperiodic, diuretic, purgative, laxative, antiasthmatic, hepatoprotective, anti-allergic, useful in pneumonia, oedema, dropsy and piles, boils, eruptions of skin various other important medicinal properties. Hence the present study deals with the determination of Phytochemical constituents present in the hydro-alcoholic extract of Achyranthes aspera whole plant extract using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry technique.Methods: The phytoconstituents present in the hydro-alcoholic extract of Achyranthes aspera whole plant was investigated extract using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry technique, while the mass spectra of the compounds found in the extract was matched with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) library.Results: GC-MS analysis of Achyranthes aspera whole plant extract revealed the existence of  Tetradecane(0.62%), Benzaldehyde,4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-(0.52%), 3-Buten-2-one,4-(2,2,6-trimethyl-7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]hept-1-yl) (2.65%), Xanthoxylin (0.53%), Phenol,4-(3-hydroxy-1-propenyl)-2-methoxy-(2.95%), Patchouli alcohol (0.76%), dl-(2-Fluorophenyl)-glycine(2.18%), Flurenol butyl ester (0.91%), Hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester (3.28%), Ethanone,2-(benzoyloxy)-1-[1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl- (0.93%), Phytol (22.13%), 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)- (12.74%), 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-,2,3-dihydroxypropyl Ester (1.12%), Squalene (0.55%), Lupeol (1.74%)Conclusion: The present study revealed that Achyranthes aspera Linn is an important plant with many therapeutically and pharmacologically active constituents justifying the use of this plant to treat many ailments in folk and herbal medicine. Key words: Achyranthes aspera, GC-MS technique, Herbal Medicine, Lupeol, Phytol, Xanthophyli

    Density Based Traffic Control System with Smart Sensing Of Emergency Vehicles

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    Present Traffic Light Controller (TLC) relies upon micro-controller and microchip. These TLC have restrictions as they are depend on pre-portrayed gear, which is filling in with respect  to the program that doesn't have the versatility of adjustment on continuous reason. Owing to fixed time spans, orange and red signal’s holding up time is more and vehicle uses more fuel. To make traffic light leadership progressively beneficial, we abuse the advancement of new procedure called as “Density based traffic control system with smart sensing of emergency vehicles”. It is constructed mainly by using Magnetic Sensors for real world environment and by using IR modules for Model. The main objective of our project is to clear traffic efficiently by effective usage of the green signal time. In this system the density of the vehicle in a particular lane is obtained by the number of magnetic sensors kept in the road side which produces output signal with respect to the density of the traffic. Thus produced output signal is further processed by ARM microcontroller and according to the density obtained by the magnetic sensors the countdown time of the green signal is varied by the microcontroller and hence the usage of green signal even after all the vehicle pass by are prevented. In addition to this system our system also senses the emergency vehicle like ambulance that approaches the signal by detecting the RF signal transmitted by the Ambulance or other emergency vehicle with the help of RF receivers that kept at the road side and halts all the vehicles by putting red signal for all the four sides of road and puts special ‘green jeep signal’ for the emergency vehicle to pass by hence our system provide way for emergency vehicle. It can also prioritize the emergency vehicle with the help of RF transmitter and receiver. As the signalling board receives the RF signal, it turns the Corresponding lane ON, thus clearing the route for the emergency vehicle. DSS also analyses the pollution levels by placing a check over the vehicle emissions at the junctions. When the priorities of any two lanes clash, pollution levels are taken into account to provide the signals for them in turns. The gas sensors are fitted onto the signalling boards which help in calculating the pollutant levels


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    Objectives: Bioactive phytocompounds are a rich source of chemopreventive substance. In the present investigation, docking study was performed for the selected bioactive phytocompounds such as oleanolic acid, ecdysterone, betaine, stigmasterol acetate, and cinnamic acid to evaluate their affinity to glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK-3β) protein, a wound-healing biomarker. 2-chloro-5-[4-(3-chloro-phenyl)-2, 5-dioxo-2,5-dihydro-1h- pyrrol-3-ylamino]-benzoic acid was used as an inhibitor for GSK-3β with minimum binding energy (−31.5 kcal/mol).Methods: Molecular docking study was conducted using AutoDock 4.2 version and the visualization result using Discover Studio 4.5.Results: The docking analysis ranked the selected phytocompounds that have high theoretical scores to bind to the proteins. The binding mode of the phytocompounds that bound to all the target proteins with high affinity was studied. The simulation demonstrated that the protein-ligand complex stabilized by multiple hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) was preferentially formed at the catalytic site. The results highlighted in this study reveals that among the selected lead phytocompounds that docked into the active site of GSK-3β, ecdysterone showed acceptable 6 H-bond interactions with residues LYS85, TYR134, ARG141, GLN185, ASP200, PRO136 when compared to the reference compound with 5 H-bond interactions.Conclusion: Thus, based on the docking score ecdysterone could be considered as a novel compounds that can be used for experimental studies for the inhibition of GSK-3β kinase. These results can be helpful for further design of novel GSK-3β inhibitors.Keywords: Phytocompounds, Molecular docking, Simulation, Receptor, Ligand, Inhibition


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    Herbal plants and phytogenic products have used for the treatment of various diseases from ancient times in the folklore medicine worldwide. Crude extracts from plants now play an important and valuable source for natural products that are used in the advancement of medicines against various diseases, for the improvement of pharmaceutical preparations and for novel bioscience research. One such plant genus is Annona, such as Annona muricata, Annona cherimola, Annona reticulata, Annona squamosa, and Annona senegalensis are some species widely cultivating in India and tropical regions of Asia for their edible fruits and medicinal values. These plants have been used for centuries as traditional folk medicine for the treatments of various diseases. The plants are considered to be a good source of vitamins, minerals, plant proteins, fibers, etc., as well as the plant is supposed to have many biological activities. This review describes the morphology and ecology of the plant, its ethnomedicinal uses, pharmacological activities, and phytoconstituents

    Electrodeposition of lead-tin alloy from fluoborate solution-a voltammetric study

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    Lead-tin alloy deposition is done commercially from fluoborate bath. Though the practical aspects of addition agents for producing quality deposits are widely reported, the basic aspects on influence of these addition agents on alloy deposition are important. The techniques of cyclic and linear stripping voltammetry on a copper electrode in a fluoborate solution, with and without addition agents, have been employed to throw light on the basic aspects, with the aim of understanding, optimizing and controlling lead-tin alloy depositio

    A Classification of First Order Differential Equations

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    Let kk be a differential field of characteristic zero with an algebraically closed field of constants. In this article, we provide a classification of first order differential equations over kk and study the algebraic dependence of solutions of a given first order differential equation. Our results generalize parts of the work of Noordman et al. (MR4378074) and complements the work of Freitag et al. (MR4506775).Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    On Certain Towers of Extensions by Antiderivatives

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    Let F be a characteristic zerodifferential field with an algebraically closed field of constantsC . Let E and K be no new constants extensions of F, E contains K, Kis an extension by antiderivatives of Fand Econtain antiderivatives y1,&hellip,yn of K. Theantiderivatives y1,&hellip,ynof K are called J-I-Eantiderivatives if the derivative of each yisatisfies certain conditions. We will provide a new proof for the Kolchin-Ostrowski theorem andgeneralize this theorem for a tower of extensions by J-I-Eantiderivatives and use this generalized version of the theorem toclassify the finitely differentially generated subfields of thistower. In the process, we will show that the J-I-E antiderivativesare algebraically independent over the ground differential field.An example of a J-I-E tower is the iterated antiderivative extensionsof the field of rational functions C(x) generated by iteratedlogarithms, closed at each stage by all (translation)automorphisms. We analyze the algebraic and differential structureof these extensions. In particular, we show that the nth iteratedlogarithms and their translates are algebraically independent overthe field generated by all lower level iterated logarithms. Ouranalysis provides an algorithm for determining the differentialfield generated by any rational expression in iterated logarithms

    Production of gallium - preliminary experiences of a pilot plant operation

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    The Madras Aluminium Company, Mettur Dam haxi put up a pilot pbnt for the extraction of gaHium from sodium aluminate liquors besed on amalgam rnecellurgy,the procea, end the engineaing chign king auppbd by Centrsl Ebctrochemiil Research Institurn, Karaikudi. The performance of the pikt plent and the raults obtaimd in the tim few mMhs of operetian are described in thii paper

    Establishing the promising role of novel combination of triple therapeutics delivery using polymeric nanoparticles for Triple negative breast cancer therapy

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    Introduction: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a lethal tumor with an advanced degree of metastasis and poor survivability as compared to other subtypes of breast cancer. TNBC which consists of 15 % of all types of breast cancer is categorized by the absence of expression of estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2). This is the main reason for the failure of current hormonal receptor-based therapies against TNBCs, thus leading to poor patient outcomes. Therefore, there is a necessity to develop novel therapies targeting this devastating disease. Methods: In this study, we have targeted TNBC by simultaneous activation of apoptosis through DNA damage via cytotoxic agent such as paclitaxel (PAC), inhibition of PARP activity via PARP inhibitor, olaparib (OLA) and inhibiting the activity of FOXM1 proto-oncogenic transcription factor by using RNA interference technology (FOXM1-siRNA) in nanoformulations. Experiments conducted in this investigation include cellular uptake, cytotoxicity and apoptosis study using MDA-MB-231 cells. Results: The present study validates that co-delivery of two drugs (PAC and OLA) along with FOXM1-siRNA by cationic NPs, enhances the therapeutic outcome leading to greater cytotoxicity in TNBC cells. Conclusion: The current investigation focuses on designing a multifunctional drug delivery platform for concurrent delivery of either PAC or PARP inhibitor (olaparib) and FOXM1 siRNA in chitosan-coated poly(D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) with the ability to emerge as a front runner therapeutic for TNBC therapy