16 research outputs found

    Quantum Measurement and Weak Values in Entropic Dynamics

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    The problem of measurement in quantum mechanics is studied within the Entropic Dynamics framework. We discuss von Neumann and Weak measurements, wavefunction collapse, and Weak Values as examples of bayesian and entropic inference.Comment: Presented at MaxEnt 2016, the 36th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (July 10-15, 2016, Ghent, Belgium

    Inferential Moments of Uncertain Multivariable Systems

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    This article expands the framework of Bayesian inference and provides direct probabilistic methods for approaching inference tasks that are typically handled with information theory. We treat Bayesian probability updating as a random process and uncover intrinsic quantitative features of joint probability distributions called inferential moments. Inferential moments quantify shape information about how a prior distribution is expected to update in response to yet to be obtained information. Further, we quantify the unique probability distribution whose statistical moments are the inferential moments in question. We find a power series expansion of the mutual information in terms of inferential moments, which implies a connection between inferential theoretic logic and elements of information theory. Of particular interest is the inferential deviation, which is the expected variation of the probability of one variable in response to an inferential update of another. We explore two applications that analyze the inferential deviations of a Bayesian network to improve decision-making. We implement simple greedy algorithms for exploring sensor tasking using inferential deviations that generally outperform similar greedy mutual information algorithms in terms of root mean squared error between epistemic probability estimates and the ground truth probabilities they are estimating

    A Generalized Bayesian Approach to Model Calibration

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    In model development, model calibration and validation play complementary roles toward learning reliable models. In this article, we expand the Bayesian Validation Metric framework to a general calibration and validation framework by inverting the validation mathematics into a generalized Bayesian method for model calibration and regression. We perform Bayesian regression based on a user's definition of model-data agreement. This allows for model selection on any type of data distribution, unlike Bayesian and standard regression techniques, that "fail" in some cases. We show that our tool is capable of representing and combining least squares, likelihood-based, and Bayesian calibration techniques in a single framework while being able to generalize aspects of these methods. This tool also offers new insights into the interpretation of the predictive envelopes (also known as confidence bands) while giving the analyst more control over these envelopes. We demonstrate the validity of our method by providing three numerical examples to calibrate different models, including a model for energy dissipation in lap joints under impact loading. By calibrating models with respect to the validation metrics one desires a model to ultimately pass, reliability and safety metrics may be integrated into and automatically adopted by the model in the calibration phase

    Entropic Updating of Probabilities and Density Matrices

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    We find that the standard relative entropy and the Umegaki entropy are designed for the purpose of inferentially updating probabilities and density matrices, respectively. From the same set of inferentially guided design criteria, both of the previously stated entropies are derived in parallel. This formulates a quantum maximum entropy method for the purpose of inferring density matrices in the absence of complete information

    Theoretical Study of Variable Measurement Uncertainty h_I and Infinite Unobservable Entropy

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    This paper examines the statistical mechanical and thermodynamical consequences of variable phase-space volume element hI=�igtriangleupxi�igtriangleuppih_I=�igtriangleup x_i�igtriangleup p_i. Varying hIh_I leads to variations in the amount of measured entropy of a system but the maximum entropy remains constant due to the uncertainty principle. By taking huightarrow0+h_u ightarrow 0^+ an infinite unobservable entropy is attained leading to an infinite unobservable energy per particle and an unobservable chemical equilibrium between all particles. The amount of heat fluxing though measurement apparatus is formulated as a function of hIh_I for systems in steady state equilibrium as well as the number of measured particles or sub-particles so any system can be described as unitary or composite in number. Some example systems are given using variable hIh_I