85 research outputs found

    Prion variability and evolution: in vitro studies of prion mutability

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    I prioni, privi di acidi nucleici, esistono come ceppi e possono mutare, in particolare quando attraversano una barriera di specie. Numerosi studi convergono sulla conclusione che le caratteristiche ceppo-specifiche siano inscritte nella conformazione della PrPSc, con la variabilità di ceppo associata a varianti conformazionali della PrPSc. In questo studio ci siamo avvalsi del PMCA, tecnica che riproduce in vitro molti aspetti della biologia dei prioni, per mettere a punto condizioni sperimentali di replicazione che permettessero di osservare fenomeni di mutazione e selezione, onde investigare i meccanismi molecolari e di popolazione alla base della mutabilità dei prioni. In condizioni di replicazione eterologa, che mima la trasmissione tra diverse specie, è stato inizialmente possibile identificare un mutante difettivo della scrapie, caratterizzato da una diversa conformazione della PrPSc e capace di replicare in vitro ma non più in vivo. Le condizioni in cui tale mutante è emerso hanno permesso di sviluppare ulteriori ipotesi di lavoro, basate sul concetto della quasi-specie. Impartendo diversi regimi di replicazione e seguendo l’evoluzione di due ceppi, è stato possibile evidenziare fenomeni di mutazione anche in condizioni di replicazione omologa, in assenza di forti pressioni selettive. In entrambi i ceppi sono emerse varianti conformazionali di PrPSc durante passaggi replicativi ad ampia popolazione, mentre le popolazioni sottoposte a ripetuti colli di bottiglia hanno mostrato un rapido declino del tasso di replicazione. Sono stati infine investigati l’efficacia e il potenziale mutageno di molecole anti-prioniche, ottenendo importanti risultati preliminari sull’efficacia di molecole che legano la PrPC. Questi risultati evidenziano come la mutabilità sia una caratteristica intrinseca dei prioni e supportano l’idea che i prioni siano molto variabili, similmente alle quasi-specie virali, e perciò adattabili e proni a fenomeni di mutazione e selezione. Tali conclusioni hanno impatto su problematiche sanitarie quali lo studio del potenziale zoonotico e i fenomeni di farmaco-resistenza dei prioni.Despite the absence of a nucleic acid encoding the genetic information, prions exist as strains, that are characterized by distinctive biochemical and biological features and are able to mutate, mostly during inter-species transmissions. It is now widely accepted that different strains are associated with different PrPSc conformations and that the strain variation is due to modification of PrPSc conformation. Taking advantage of PMCA, an in vitro technique that reproduces several aspects of prion biology, we developed an in vitro set-up to mimic prion strain mutation and selection and to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying prion mutability. During heterologous PMCA replications, i.e. that mimic inter-species transmission, a defective scrapie mutant, characterized by a different PrPSc conformation and able to replicate in vitro but not in vivo, was identified. The fact that the defective mutant arose only from an highly diluted inoculum, resembling the emergence of defective genotypes in viral quasi-species population after subsequent plaque-to-plaque transfers or bottleneck events, led us to evaluate prion ability to mutate during homologous PMCA replications and without selective pressure, only submitting prion strains to different passage regimens. In both strains, PrPSc conformational variants were identified only after large population passages, while repeated bottleneck events caused a rapid decline in amplification rates. Lastly, we evaluate the ability of some anti-prion compounds to inhibit PrPSc in vitro amplification and their potential role in inducing drug-resistant prions, pointing out the worth use of PrPC as a therapy target. The data support the view that mutability is an intrinsic property of prions and that prions constitute quasi-species populations subjected to mutation and selective amplification, thus able to change their “phenotype” in response to changes in the environment. These findings have obvious significant implications in public health, raising concern about the real zoonotic potential of prion strains and TSE therapeutic approaches

    The Combination of Immune Checkpoint Blockade with Tumor Vessel Normalization as a Promising Therapeutic Strategy for Breast Cancer: An Overview of Preclinical and Clinical Studies

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have a modest clinical activity when administered as monotherapy against breast cancer (BC), the most common malignancy in women. Novel combinatorial strategies are currently being investigated to overcome resistance to ICIs and promote antitumor immune responses in a greater proportion of BC patients. Recent studies have shown that the BC abnormal vasculature is associated with immune suppression in patients, and hampers both drug delivery and immune effector cell trafficking to tumor nests. Thus, strategies directed at normalizing (i.e., at remodeling and stabilizing) the immature, abnormal tumor vessels are receiving much attention. In particular, the combination of ICIs with tumor vessel normalizing agents is thought to hold great promise for the treatment of BC patients. Indeed, a compelling body of evidence indicates that the addition of low doses of antiangiogenic drugs to ICIs substantially improves antitumor immunity. In this review, we outline the impact that the reciprocal interactions occurring between tumor angiogenesis and immune cells have on the immune evasion and clinical progression of BC. In addition, we overview preclinical and clinical studies that are presently evaluating the therapeutic effectiveness of combining ICIs with antiangiogenic drugs in BC patients

    Proton pump inhibitors and serum magnesium levels in patients with Torsades de Pointes

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    Background: Torsades de pointes (TdP) is a life-threatening ventricular tachycardia occurring in long QT-syndrome patients. It usually develops when multiple QT-prolonging factors are concomitantly present, more frequently drugs and electrolyte imbalances. Since proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs)-associated hypomagnesemia is an increasingly recognized adverse event, PPIs were recently included in the list of drugs with conditional risk of TdP, despite only few cases of TdP in PPI users have been reported so far. Objectives: Aim of the present study is to evaluate whether PPI-induced hypomagnesemia actually has a significant clinical impact on the risk of TdP in the general population. Methods: Forty-eight unselected patients who experienced TdP were consecutively enrolled (2008-2017). Shortly after the first TdP episode, in those patients who did not receive magnesium sulfate and/or potassium or calcium replacement therapy, serum electrolytes were measured and their relationship with PPI usage analyzed. Results: Many patients (28/48, 58%) were under current PPI treatment when TdP occurred. Among TdP patients in whom serum electrolyte determinations were obtained before replacement therapy (27/48), those taking PPIs had significantly lower serum magnesium levels than those who did not. Hypomagnesemia occurred in ~40% of patients receiving PPIs (6/14), in all cases after an extended treatment (> 2 weeks). In patients taking PPIs the mean QT-prolonging risk factor number was significantly higher than in those who did not, a difference which was mainly driven by lower magnesium levels. Conclusions: In unselected TdP patients, PPI-induced hypomagnesemia was common and significantly contributed to their cumulative arrhythmic risk. By providing clinical support to current recommendations, our data confirm that more awareness is needed when a PPI is prescribed, specifically as regards the risk of life-threatening arrhythmias
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