14 research outputs found

    Tectonic evolution of the High Himalaya in upper Lahul (NW Himalaya, India)

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    The Upper Lahul region in the NW Himalaya is located in the transition zone between the High Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) to the SW and the Tethyan Zone sedimentary series to the NE. The tectonic evolution of these domains during the Himalayan Orogeny is the consequence of a succession of five deformation events. An early D1 phase corresponds to synmetamorphic, NE verging folding. This deformation created the Tandi Syncline, which consists of Permian to Jurassic Tethyan metasediments cropping out in the core of a large-scale synformal fold within the HHC paragneiss. This tectonic event is interpreted as related to a NE directed nappe stacking (Shikar Beh Nappe), probably during the late Eocene to the early Oligocene. A subsequent D2a phase caused SW verging folding in the HHC. This deformation is interpreted as contemporaneous with late Oligocene to early Miocene SW directed thrusting along the Main Central Thrust. In the Tethyan Zone, a D2b phase is marked by a decollement thrust, a system of reverse faults, and gentle folds, associated with SW directed tectonic movements. This deformation is related to an imbricate structure, characteristic of a shallow structural level, and developed in the frontal part of a nappe affecting the Tethyan Zone units of SE Zanskar (Nyimaling-Tsarap Nappe). A later D3 phase generated the Chandra Dextral Shear Zone (CDSZ), a large-scale, ductile, dextral strike-slip shear zone, located in the transition zone between the HHC and the Tethyan Himalaya. The CDSZ most likely represents a part of a system of early Miocene extensional and/or dextral, strike-slip shear zones-observed at the HHC-Tethyan Zone contact along the entire Himalaya. A final D4 phase induced large-scale doming and NE:verging back folding

    Himalayan inverted metamorphism and syn-convergence estension as a consequence of a general shear extrusion.

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    Two paradoxical geological features of the Himalaya are the syn-convergence extension and the inverted metamorphic isograds observed in the crystalline core zone of this orogen. This High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence corresponds to an up to 40 km thick sequence of amphibolite to granulite facies gneiss, bounded by the Main Central Thrust at the base, and by the extensional faults of the South Tibetan Detachment System at the top. Geochronological and structural data demonstrate that coeval movements along both the Main Central Thrust and South Tibetan Detachment System during Early to Middle Miocene times were related to a tectonically controlled exhumation of these high-grade metamorphic rocks. The High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence systematically shows an inverted metamorphic zonation, generally characterized by a gradual superposition of garnet, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite + muscovite and sillimanite + K-feldspar isograds, from the base to the top of the unit. Recent kinematic flow analyses of these metamorphic rocks demonstrate the coexistence of both simple shear and pure shear during the ductile deformation. The simple shear component of such a general non-coaxial flow could explain a rotation of isograds, eventually resulting in an inversion. The pure shear component of the flow implies a thinning of the metamorphic sequence that must be balanced by a perpendicular stretching of the unit parallel to its boundaries. Inasmuch as seismic data show that both the Main Central Thrust and South Tibetan Detachment System converge at depth, a thinning of the wedge-shaped High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence should induce a ductile extrusion of these high-grade rocks toward the surface. Rapid extension at the top of the sequence could thus be the consequence of a general shear extrusion of this unit relative to its hanging wall. Moreover, this extensional movement should decrease with depth to become zero where the boundaries of the unit meet, accounting for the paradoxical convergence of the South Tibetan Detachment System toward the Main Central Thrust. Furthermore, a general flow combining simple shear and pure shear can reconcile inverted isograds with the lack of inverted pressure field gradient across the High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence, despite an intense non-coaxial deformation. In good agreement with the seismic, kinematic and P–T–t constraints on the Himalayan tectono-thermal evolution, general shear extrusion provides a consistent model accounting for both inverted isograds and rapid extension in a compressional orogenic setting.</jats:p

    Tertiary Himalayan structures and metamorphism in the Kulu Valley (Mandi-Khoksar transect of the Western Himalaya) - Shikar-Beh-nappe and crystalline nappe

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    The Crystalline Nappe of the High Himalayan Crystalline has been examined along the Kulu Valley and its vicinity (Mandi-Khoksar transect). This nappe was believed to have undergone deformation related only to its transport towards the SW essentially during the `'Main Central Thrust event''. New data has led to the conclusion that during the Himalayan orogeny, two distinctive phases, related to two opposite transport directions, characterize the evolution of this part of the chain, before the creation of the late NE-vergent backfolding. The first phase corresponds to an early NE-vergent folding and thrusting, creating the Tandi Syncline and the NE-oriented Shikar Beh Nappe stack, with a displacement amplitude of about 50 km. Two schistosities, together with a strong stretching lineation are developed at a deep tectonic level under amphibolite facies conditions (kyanite-staurolite-garnet-two mica schists). At a higher tectonic level and in the southern part of the section (Tandy Syncline and southern Kulu Valley between Kulu and Mandi) one or two schistosities are developed in the greenschist facies grade rocks (garnet-biotite and biotite schists). These structures and the associated Barrovian type metamorphism are all related to the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe. The creation of the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe may be explained by the reactivation of a SW dipping listric normal fault of the N Indian flexural passive margin, during the early stages of the Himalayan orogeny. In the second phase, the still hot metamorphic rocks of the Shikar Beh Nappe were folded and thrust towards the SW (mainly along the MBT and the MCT with a displacement in excess of 100 km) onto the cold, low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Larji-Kulu-Rampur Window or, near Mandi, on the non-metamorphic sandstones of the Ganges Molasse (Siwaliks). Sense of shear criteria and a strong NE-SW stretching-lineation indicate that the Crystalline Nappe has been overthrusted towards the SW. Thermometry on synkinematically crystallised garnet-biotite and garnet-hornblende pairs reveals the lower amphibolite facies temperature conditions related to the Crystalline Nappe formation. From the muscovite and biotite Rb-Sr cooling ages, the Shikar Beh Nappe emplacement occurred before 32 Ma and the southwestward thrusting of the Crystalline Nappe began before 21 Ma. Our model involving two opposite directions of thrusting goes against the conventional idea of only one main SW-oriented transport direction in the High Himalayan Crystalline Nappes

    Formation of aluminosilicate-bearing quartz veins in the Simano nappe (Central Alps): structural, thermobarometric and oxygen isotope constraints

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    We combined structural analysis, thermobarometry and oxygen isotope geochemistry to constrain the evolution of kyanite and/or andalusite-bearing quartz veins from the amphibolite facies metapelites of the Simano nappe, in the Central Alps of Switzerland. The Simano nappe records a complex polyphase tectonic evolution associated with nappe stacking during Tertiary Alpine collision (D1). The second regional deformation phase (132) is responsible for the main penetrative schistosity and mineral lineation, and formed during top-to-the-north thrusting. During the next stage of deformation (D3) the aluminosilicate-bearing veins formed by crystallization in tension gashes, in tectonic shadows of boudins, as well as along shear bands associated with top-to-the-north shearing. D2 and D3 are coeval with the Early Miocene metamorphic peak, characterised by kyanite + staurolite + garnet + biotite assemblages in metapelites. The peak pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions recorded are constrained by multiple-equilibrium thermobarometry at 630 +/- 20 degrees C and 8.5 +/- 1 kbar (similar to 27 km depth), which is in agreement with oxygen isotope thermometry indicating isotopic equilibration of quartz-kyanite pairs at 670 +/- 50 degrees C. Quartz-kyanite pairs from the aluminosilicate-bearing quartz veins yield equilibration temperatures of 645 +/- 20 degrees C, confirming that the veins formed under conditions near metamorphic peak. Quartz and kyanite from veins and the surrounding metapelites have comparable isotopic compositions. Local intergranular diffusion in the border of the veins controls the mass-transfer and the growth of the product assemblage, inducing local mobilization of SiO2 and Al2O3. Andalusite is absent from the host rocks, but it is common in quartz veins, where it often pseudomorphs kyanite. For andalusite to be stable at T-max, the pressure in the veins must have been substantially lower than lithostatic. An alternative explanation consistent with structural observations would be inheritance by andalusite of the kyanite isotopic signature during polymorphic transformation after the metamorphic peak

    Thrusting, extension, and doming during the polyphase tectonometamorphic evolution of the High Himalayan Crystalline Zone in NW India

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    In the NW Himalaya of India, high-grade metamorphic rocks of the High Himalayan Crystalline Zone (HHCZ) are exposed as a 50 km large dome along the Miyar and Gianbul valleys. This Gianbul dome is cored by migmatitic paragneiss formed at peak conditions around 750 degreesC and 8 kbar, and symmetrically surrounded by sillimanite, kyanite +/- staurolite, garnet, biotite, and chlorite Barrovian mineral zones. Thermobarometric and structural investigations reveal that the Gianbul dome results from a polyphase tectono-metamorphic evolution. The first phase corresponds to the NE-directed thrusting of the Shikar Beh nappe, that is responsible for the Barrovian prograde metamorphic field gradient in the southern limb of the dome. In the northern limb of the dome, the Barrovian prograde metamorphism is the consequence of a second tectonic phase, associated with the SW-directed thrusting of the Nyimaling-Tsarap nappe. Following these crustal thickening events, exhumation and doming of the HHCZ high-grade rocks were controlled by extension along the north-dipping Zanskar Shear Zone, in the frontal part of the Nyimaling-Tsarap nappe, as well as by coeval to late extension along the south-dipping Khanjar Shear Zone, in the southern limb of the Gianbul dome. Rapid syn-convergence extension along both of these detachments induced a nearly isothermal decompression, resulting in a high-temperature/low-pressure metamorphic overprint, as well as enhanced partial melting. Such a rapid exhumation within a compressional orogenic context appears unlikely to be controlled solely by granitic diapirism. Alternatively, large-scale doming in the Himalaya could reflect a sub-vertical ductile extrusion of partially melted rocks