5 research outputs found

    New forms of democratic local government: The case of the Citizen's Committee for decentralised cooperation in Rome

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    The economic, political and social changes that have characterised the beginning of the 21st century have been accompanied by a proliferation of unprecedented forms of relationships between governments and citizens that are more inclusive, transparent and accountable. These numerous new and varied democratic practices represent a search for greater and differentiated civic participation that aims to offer a response to a crisis that is corroding democracy in various geopolitical areas. Present in both the north and south of the globe, they demonstrate a greater capacity for innovation at a local level. The focus of this article is an analysis of international development cooperation, meaning the set of policies that aim to change the imbalance that continues to characterise north-south relationships at the local level. It studies an example of democratic innovation in the international aid activity of a city council, specifically the case of the Citizen's Committee for decentralised cooperation in Rome, which has been operating for twenty years. This resource method was chosen to verify hypotheses and suggest avenues that may contribute to overall reflections on the processes of constructing new forms of governance, today at the very heart of democracy.Les changements économiques, politiques et sociaux marquant la première partie du XXIème siècle se sont accompagnés d’une multitude de nouvelles actions plus participatives, transparentes et pour la reddition de comptes entre les gouvernements et les citoyens. Ces nouvelles pratiques démocratiques, nombreuses et variées, visent à une plus grande participation citoyenne afin de répondre à la crise qui affecte la démocratie dans les différents contextes géopolitiques. Ces pratiques sont mises en œuvre dans le monde entier et démontrent une plus grande capacité d’innovation à l’échelle locale. Cet article analyse la coopération internationale au développement, à savoir l’ensemble des politiques visant à modifier le déséquilibre qui continue de caractériser les relations Nord-Sud. Il y est étudié un exemple d’innovation démocratique dans le cadre d’une initiative d’aide internationale au niveau d’une municipalité, et plus précisément celui du Comité citoyen en faveur de la coopération décentralisée de la ville de Rome, actif depuis près de vingt ans.  Cette ressource méthodologique a été choisie afin de vérifier les hypothèses et formuler des pistes visant à enrichir la réflexion générale sur les processus menant à de nouvelles formes de gouvernance, actuellement au « cœur » même de la question démocratique.Los cambios económicos, políticos y sociales que caracterizan los inicios del siglo XXI están acompañados por la proliferación de modalidades inéditas de relación entre gobiernos y ciudadanos, más inclusivas, trasparentes y responsables. Las nuevas prácticas democráticas, numerosas y variadas, representan la búsqueda de una mayor y distinta participación ciudadana que mira a ofrecer respuesta a la crisis que, en los diferentes escenarios geopolíticos, corroe la democracia. Presentes en el Sur como en el Norte del mundo, manifiestan una mayor capacidad de innovación a nivel local. La cooperación internacional al desarrollo, es decir el conjunto de las políticas dirigidas a promover cambios en las asimetrías que siguen caracterizando las relaciones Norte-Sur, y el nivel local, constituyen el campo de análisis de este artículo. El estudio de un caso de innovación democrática presente en la acción de ayuda internacional de un Ayuntamiento, en específico el del Comité ciudadano para la cooperación descentralizada de la ciudad de Roma, activo desde hace casi veinte años, es el recurso metodológico elegido para verificar hipótesis y formular pistas que aspiran a contribuir a la reflexión general sobre los procesos de construcción de nuevas formas de gobernanza, "corazón" mismo - hoy - de la cuestión democrática

    New forms of democratic local government: The case of the Citizen's Committee for decentralised cooperation in Rome

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    The economic, political and social changes that have characterised the beginning of the 21st century have been accompanied by a proliferation of unprecedented forms of relationships between governments and citizens that are more inclusive, transparent and accountable. These numerous new and varied democratic practices represent a search for greater and differentiated civic participation that aims to offer a response to a crisis that is corroding democracy in various geopolitical areas. Present in both the north and south of the globe, they demonstrate a greater capacity for innovation at a local level. The focus of this article is an analysis of international development cooperation, meaning the set of policies that aim to change the imbalance that continues to characterise north-south relationships at the local level. It studies an example of democratic innovation in the international aid activity of a city council, specifically the case of the Citizen's Committee for decentralised cooperation in Rome, which has been operating for twenty years. This resource method was chosen to verify hypotheses and suggest avenues that may contribute to overall reflections on the processes of constructing new forms of governance, today at the very heart of democracy.Les changements économiques, politiques et sociaux marquant la première partie du XXIème siècle se sont accompagnés d’une multitude de nouvelles actions plus participatives, transparentes et pour la reddition de comptes entre les gouvernements et les citoyens. Ces nouvelles pratiques démocratiques, nombreuses et variées, visent à une plus grande participation citoyenne afin de répondre à la crise qui affecte la démocratie dans les différents contextes géopolitiques. Ces pratiques sont mises en œuvre dans le monde entier et démontrent une plus grande capacité d’innovation à l’échelle locale. Cet article analyse la coopération internationale au développement, à savoir l’ensemble des politiques visant à modifier le déséquilibre qui continue de caractériser les relations Nord-Sud. Il y est étudié un exemple d’innovation démocratique dans le cadre d’une initiative d’aide internationale au niveau d’une municipalité, et plus précisément celui du Comité citoyen en faveur de la coopération décentralisée de la ville de Rome, actif depuis près de vingt ans.  Cette ressource méthodologique a été choisie afin de vérifier les hypothèses et formuler des pistes visant à enrichir la réflexion générale sur les processus menant à de nouvelles formes de gouvernance, actuellement au « cœur » même de la question démocratique.Los cambios económicos, políticos y sociales que caracterizan los inicios del siglo XXI están acompañados por la proliferación de modalidades inéditas de relación entre gobiernos y ciudadanos, más inclusivas, trasparentes y responsables. Las nuevas prácticas democráticas, numerosas y variadas, representan la búsqueda de una mayor y distinta participación ciudadana que mira a ofrecer respuesta a la crisis que, en los diferentes escenarios geopolíticos, corroe la democracia. Presentes en el Sur como en el Norte del mundo, manifiestan una mayor capacidad de innovación a nivel local. La cooperación internacional al desarrollo, es decir el conjunto de las políticas dirigidas a promover cambios en las asimetrías que siguen caracterizando las relaciones Norte-Sur, y el nivel local, constituyen el campo de análisis de este artículo. El estudio de un caso de innovación democrática presente en la acción de ayuda internacional de un Ayuntamiento, en específico el del Comité ciudadano para la cooperación descentralizada de la ciudad de Roma, activo desde hace casi veinte años, es el recurso metodológico elegido para verificar hipótesis y formular pistas que aspiran a contribuir a la reflexión general sobre los procesos de construcción de nuevas formas de gobernanza, "corazón" mismo - hoy - de la cuestión democrática

    New forms of democratic local government: The case of the Citizen's Committee for decentralised cooperation in Rome

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    The economic, political and social changes that have characterised the beginning of the 21st century have been accompanied by a proliferation of unprecedented forms of relationships between governments and citizens that are more inclusive, transparent and accountable. These numerous new and varied democratic practices represent a search for greater and differentiated civic participation that aims to offer a response to a crisis that is corroding democracy in various geopolitical areas. Present in both the north and south of the globe, they demonstrate a greater capacity for innovation at a local level. The focus of this article is an analysis of international development cooperation, meaning the set of policies that aim to change the imbalance that continues to characterise north-south relationships at the local level. It studies an example of democratic innovation in the international aid activity of a city council, specifically the case of the Citizen's Committee for decentralised cooperation in Rome, which has been operating for twenty years. This resource method was chosen to verify hypotheses and suggest avenues that may contribute to overall reflections on the processes of constructing new forms of governance, today at the very heart of democracy

    Retrospective study 2005-2015 of all cases of fetal death occurred at 6523 gestational weeks, in Friusli Venezia Giulia, Italy

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    Background: Intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) is a tragic event and, despite efforts to reduce rates, its incidence remains difficult to reduce. The objective of the present study was to examine the etiological factors that contribute to the main causes and conditions associated with IUFD, over an 11-year period in a region of North-East Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia) for which reliable data in available. Methods: Retrospective analysis of all 278 IUFD cases occurred between 2005 and 2015 in pregnancies with gestational age 65 23 weeks. Results: The incidence of IUFD was 2.8\u2030 live births. Of these, 30% were small for gestational age (SGA), with immigrant women being significantly over-represented. The share of SGA reached 35% in cases in which a maternal of fetal pathological condition was present, and dropped to 28% in the absence of associated pathology. In 78 pregnancies (28%) no pathology was recorded that could justify IUFD. Of all IUFDs, 11% occurred during labor, and 72% occurred at a gestational age above 30 weeks. Conclusion: The percentage of IUFD cases for which no possible cause can be identified is quite high. Only the adoption of evidence-based diagnostic protocols, with integrated immunologic, genetic and pathologic examinations, can help reduce this diagnostic gap, contributing to the prevention of future IUFDs