46 research outputs found


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    The aim of this article was to attract attention on the importance of risk management. Here we are dealing with the definition of the risk as something that happens in the future but cannot be predicted exactly today because there is uncertainty, further more we are giving the highligts on risk decisions and balancing risk against reward. We are also giving the guidelines concerning identification and categorization of risk and some types of risk measurement.Cilj ovog rada bio je usmjeriti pažnju na važnost upravljanja rizikom. Naglasak je na definiciji same riječi rizik i shvaćanju njezinog značenja kao i na odlučivanju kod rizičnih situacija te balansiranju negativnog aspekta i pozitivnog aspekta rizične situacije. Date su određene smjernice koje se tiču indenlifikacije i kategorizacije rizika, a samim logičnim slijedom navedeni su i tipovi rizika koji se u praksi obično nalaze isprepleteni Å”to otežava njihovo prepoznavanje. Naravno, da bi ocijenili razinu rizičnosti potrebno je vrÅ”iti mjerenja rizika pa smo iz tog razloga rad zaključili načinima mjerenja rizika i upotrebom proizaÅ”lih rezultata


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    Net current assets consist primarily of cash, marketable securities, receivables and inventory. The balances in these accounts can be highly volatile as they respond quickly to changes in the firmā€™s operating environment. Medium-term planning and immediate reactions to changes in forecasts and conditions are required for effective management of the net current assets. Net current assets management is the functional area of finance that covers all the current accounts of the firm. It is concerned with the adequacy of current assets as well as the level of risk posed by current liabilities. We can say that net current assets management is a discipline that seeks proper policies for managing current assets and liabilities and practical techniques for maximizing the benefits.Jedno od najvažnijih područja svakodnevnog menadžmenta firme sastoji se od upravljanja obrtnim kapitalom. Obrtni kapital definiramo kao razliku između kratkoročne imovine i kratkoročnih obveza. Sastoji se većinom od gotovine, utrživih vrijednosnih papira, potraživanja i zaliha. Za uspjeÅ”no upravljanje obrtnim kapitalom potrebne su kvalitetne strategije, srednjeročno planiranje i promptne reakcije na predviđanja i promjenjive uvjete poslovanja. U radu je upravo iz navedenih razloga dat naglasak na važnost obrtnog kapitala u procjenama opravdanosti izvedbe nekog projekta


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    Ovim člankom autori žele definirati model optimalne financijske strukture, u okviru Å”iroke problematike financiranja poslovanja i razvoja poduzeća u uvjetima razvijenog tržiÅ”ta, novca i kapitala. Dakle, posebni naglasak dan je na oblikovanje optimalne strukture kapitala i to koriÅ”tenjem brojnih mogućnosti koji se pružaju financijskom menedžeru u suvremenom financijskom okruženju. Suvremeno financijsko okruženje omogućuje veliku fleksibilnost pri modeliranju raznih optimalnih struktura kapitala poduzeća.This article aims at defining a model of optimal financial structure, in the borders of a wide financial business problematics and a development of enterprises in the conditions of developed money market and capital. Special accent is given on slurping optimal structure of capital by using numerous possibilities that financial manager has in modem financial society. Modem financial society enables flexibility in modelling various optimal capital structures in enterprises.Das Ziel der Autoren ist in diesem Artikel das Model der optimalen Finanzstruktur, im Rahmen breiter Finanzierungsproblematik bezĆ¼glich der GeschƤftsfuehrung und der Entwicklung des Unternehmens, in den Bedingungen des entwickelten Geld- und Kapitalmarktes zu definieren. Besonderen Nachdruck gab man auf das Formieren optimaler Kapitalstruktur und zwar durch die Benutzung zahlreicher Mƶglichkeiten, welche dem Finanzmanager in einer modernen Finanzumgebung zur VerfĆ¼gung stehen. Die moderne Finanzierungsumgebung, ermƶglicht eine grosse FlexibilitƤt bei der Modelierung verschiedener optimaler Kapitalstrukturen in einem Unternehmen


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    Hedge fondovi uvijek pobuđuju različita pitanja koja nalaze svoje porijeklo upravo u činjenici da manja imovina fondova naspram imovine banaka ne znači nužno i manje utjecaja na tržiÅ”te. Naime spretno i eksplicirao koriÅ”tenje izvanbilančnih instrumenata od strane fondova, daje im veći utjecaj na tržiÅ”te nego to veličina njihove imovine može sugerirati. Å to je možda joÅ” važnije, promjena pozicija na tržiÅ”tu uzrokuje promjene cijena Å”to je sasvim karakteristično upravo za tu vrstu fondova, a izaziva rasprave o Å”pekulacijama i potiče različite analize i istraživanja financijskog tržiÅ”ta.Hedge fonds are always provoking various questions that arise from the fact that hedge fonds can do business with less assets than banks but still have larger influence on the markets. Skilful and explicit use of off-balance-sheet instruments gives them much larger influence on the market that their assets can suggest. Change of positions on the market that causes changes in prices is the main characteristic for this kind of fonds and this causes debates about all kinds of speculations and various analysis of the financial market


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    Osim financijskih derivata kojima se trguje na burzovnom tržiÅ”tu postoji i veoma raÅ”ireno over-the-counter tržiÅ”te financijskim derivatima (opcije, terminski ugovori o kamatnim stopama i swap-ovi kamatnih stopa). OTC opcije predstavljaju opcije kojima se trguje na trećem tržiÅ”tu kapitala ili OTC tržiÅ”tu. OTC opcije su obično strukturirane prema specifičnim potrebama klijenta, tako da je svaka osobina opcije specifična svakoj opciji i individualno se dogovara. PoÅ”to svaka opcija uključuje jedinstvene osobine, mogućnosti sekundarnog tržiÅ”ta u tim opcijama su s jedne strane ograničene, a s duge strane ove opcije nude kupcima mogućnost da sami izaberu način i instrument s kojim će se zaÅ”tititi od rizika kamatne stope. U radu se analiziraju over-the-counter opcije na kamatnu stopu i njihova primjena prilikom upravljanja rizikom kamatne stope.AuƟer den finanziellen Derivaten mit welchen auf dem Bursenmarkt gehandelt wird, besteht auch ein sehr verbreiteter over-the-counter Markt mit finaziellen Derivaten (Optionen, TerminvertrĆ¼ge Ć¼ber ZinssƤtze und Swap-ZinssaƤtze). OTC Optionen stellen Optionen dar mit welchen auf dem dritten Kapitalmarkt oder auf dem OTC Markt gehandelt wird. OTC Optionen sind meistens gemƤƟ den spezifischen Problemen der Kunden srukturiert, sadass jede Eigenschaft der Option spezifisch zu jeder Option ist und individuell vereinbart wird. Da jede Option einzigartige Eigenschaften einschlieƟt, sind die Mƶglichkeiten der sekundƤren Markte in diesen Optionen einerseits begrenzt und andererseits bieten diese Optionen den Kunden die Mƶglichkeit selber die Art und Weise und das Instrument auszuwƤhlen mit welchem sie sich von dem Zinssatzrisiko schĆ¼tzen werden. In dieser Arbeit werden die over-the-counter Optionen auf den Zinssatz und auch dessen Anwendung wƤhrend des Management des Zinssatztrisikos analysiert


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    Financial derivatives come in many shapes and forms, including futures, forwards, swaps, options, structured debt obligations and deposits, and various combinations thereof. Some are traded on organized exchanges, whereas others are privately negotiated transactions. Derivatives have become an integral part of the financial markets because they can serve several economic functions. Derivatives can be used to reduce business risks, expand product offerings to customers, trade for profit, manage capital and funding costs, and alter the risk-reward profile of a particular item or an entire balance sheet. Although derivatives are legitimate and valuable tools for banks and corporations, like all financial instruments they contain risks that must be managed. Managing these risks should not be considered unique or singular. Risks associated with derivatives are not new or exotic. They are basically the same as those faced in traditional activities (e.g., price, interest rate, liquidity, credit risk). Fundamentally, the risk of derivatives (as of all financial instruments) is a function of the timing and variability of cash flows. It is very important to understand the various risk factors associated with business activities and to establish appropriate risk management systems to identify, measure, monitor, and control exposure and risk associated with derivatives.Financijski derivati pojavljuju se u mnogo oblika uključujući futures ugovore, terminske ugovore, swap-ove, opcije, strukturirane zajmovne obligacije i depozite, te i u raznim kombinacijama navedenih instrumenata. Pojedinim derivatima trguje se na organiziranim tržiÅ”tima, dok se ostalim derivatima neposredno negocira. Derivati su postali integrirani dio financijskog tržiÅ”ta zbog toga Å”to oni imaju nekoliko ekonomskih funkcija. Derivati se mogu koristiti za smanjenje poslovnog rizika, kao sredstva trgovine za ostvarenje dobiti, za smanjenje troÅ”kova kapitala i financiranja, te za promjenu odnosa rizičnosti i dobiti pojedinih stavaka u bilanci stanja. Iako su derivati legitimna i vrijedna oruđa za banke i korporacije, oni kao i svi ostali financijski instrumenti sadrže određeni rizik kojim se mora upravljati. Rizici povezani sa derivatima nisu novi u odnosu na druge rizike. U stvari to su rizici koji se pojavljuju i kod ostalih tradicionalnih aktivnosti (npr. rizik cijene, kamatne stope, likvidnosti, kreditni rizik). U osnovi rizici povezani sa derivatima su funkcija vremena i varijabilnosti novčanog tijeka. Stoga je veoma važno razumjeti razne rizične faktore koji su povezani sa poslovnim aktivnostima te prema tome i uspostaviti primjerene sisteme za identifikaciju, mjerenje, monitoring i kontrolu izloženosti rizicima koji su povezani sa derivatima


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    Obuhvaćajući, najčeŔće, velike i nenaseljene prostome cjeline, sa visokim stupnjem očuvanosti prirodne sredine, nacionalni parkovi spadaju među najznačajnije turističke vrijednosti, pružajući mogućnost najsvestranijeg turističkog aktiviranja. Međutim, turizam je po svojoj prirodi dinamična i disperzivna aktivnost, sklona stihiji i degradiranju prirodne sredine, ako nije dobro programski utemeljena i kontrolirana prikladnim planskim i organizacijskim mjerama. Imajući to u vidu, u radu su analizirani osnovni elementi suvremenog upravljanja turizmom u nacionalnim parkovima, čija primjena treba dovesti do maksimiziranja pozitivnih, a minimiziranja negativnih efekata, u ovim atraktivnim ali ekoloÅ”ki osjetljivim prirodnim dobrima.Tourism in national parks is a specific paradox. It can cause great damage to vital values o f national parks, especially if not managed properly, but it can also bring great benefits. In some national parks there are simply so many visitors in certain parts, or at particular times, that nature - and the quality o f the visitor\u27s experience - suffers. Also, tourist facilities often conflict with conservation aims and spoil natural landscapes. On the other hand, if planned and managed for sustainability, tourism can be very positive force, bringing benefits to protected areas and local communities alike. Tourism will be welcome in or near national parks if it respects special character o f the area, such as tourism based on appreciating nature, cultural and educational tourism, and quiet small-scale or small group activities; and if it causes minimal damage, disturbance or pollution. It can justify establishing protected areas in marginal regions, and can lead to revival in local economy and traditional cultures. Techniques for managing tourism in sensitive environment, with national parks included, are now generally better known; though they often cost time and money, the income which tourism generates can help offset the costs. Also, tourism development can be linked to craft industryā€™ and alternative employment of farms producing elements o f sustainable rural economy


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    In an icreasingly competitive environment for organisations, a self-evaluating process is one of the greatest challenges for management. One such strategy is benchmarking - "see what others are doing in order to be the best". Instead of their own approaches to problems, numerous companies opt for benchmarking methods to improve their performances. Complexity and significance of defining term - quality in tourism - points out the necessity of permanent monitoring of market trends. This includes, at the same time, necessity of permanent comparison with the main competitors on tourist market - that is, in fact, benchmarking process. Literature relative to benchmarking models in tourism is divided into two main groups: hotel models and destination models, that are the subject of this paper. Monitoring tourists perceptions of competitive performance is very important in assesing and comparing destinations. Thus, the benchmarking models, based on tourist satisfaction is specially focused in this paper, as the crucial tools for total quality management of tourist destinations.U uvjetima sve veće konkurencije na tržiÅ”tu, proces samo-ocjenjivanja je jedan od najvećih izazova za menadžere poduzeća i drugih organizacija. Spomenuti proces oslikava bit benchmarking-a: vidi Å”to drugi rade da bi postao najbolji. Složenost i značaj definiranja kvalitete u turizmu nameće potrebu stalnog praćenja tržiÅ”nih trendova, iz čega proizlazi i neophodnost stalne usporedbe sa najboljim konkurentima na globaliziranom turističkom tržiÅ”tu. Uvid u raspoloživu literaturu pokazuje da se benchmarking modeli u turizmu mogu svrstati u dvije glavne grupe: hotelski modeli i destinacijski modeli, koji su predmet ovog rada. Kontinuirano praćenje percepcije turista o performansama turističkih destinacija ima važnu ulogu u ocjeni i međusobnom uspoređivanju destinacija i kvalitete njihove ponude koju plasiraju na tržiÅ”tu. U skladu sa tim, u radu je naglasak stavljen na metode benchmarking-a zasnovane na praćenju i mjerenju zadovoljstva turista, kao bitnog instrumenta za upravljanje potpunom kvalitetom turističkih destinacija


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    Introduction: Spontaneous recanalized coronary thrombi (SRCT) are a rare condition characterized by multiple channels divided by thin septa, communicating with each other, proximally and distally, with the normal coronary lumen. Highresolution intracoronary imaging techniques such as intravascular ultrasound or optical coherence tomography (OCT) enable routine study of the coronary artery lumen and wall. Case report: A 73-year-old male presented to the intensive care unit due to the loss of consciousness and transient extreme bradycardia recorded on electrocardiogram. Coronary angiogram revealed contrast defect on the right coronary artery (RCA). For better assessment of the angiographic fi nding, OCT was performed and confi rmed a honeycomb-like structure starting from medial RCA and propagating up to the distal part. As a result of the data acquired, the diagnosis of SRCT in the RCA was established. It was decided not to treat the RCA with stent implantation, and it was proceeded with optimal medicament therapy and pacemaker implantation. At three-month follow up, the patient reported no subjective symptoms and SPECT showed no signs of ischemia. Conclusion: While there are no appropriate recommendations for the treatment of SRCT yet, decision on treatment is based on imaging techniques fi ndings and physicianā€™s experience. Adequate follow up of these patients can provide important data needed for future guiding of the SRCT treatment.Uvod: Spontana rekanalizacija koronarnih tromba (SRKT) rijetko je stanje i karakteriziraju ga viÅ”estruki kanali podijeljeni tankim pregradama, koji međusobno komuniciraju, proksimalno i distalno, s normalnim lumenom koronarne krvne žile. Intrakoronarne slikovne tehnike visoke rezolucije poput intravaskularnog ultrazvuka ili optičke koherentne tomografi je (OCT) omogućavaju rutinsko proučavanje lumena i zida koronarne arterije. Prikaz bolesnika: 73-godiÅ”nji muÅ”karac primljen je u jedinicu intenzivne njege zbog gubitka svijesti i prolazne ekstremne bradikardije registririrane na elektrokardiogramu. Koronarni angiogram otkrio je kontrastni defekt na desnoj koronarnoj arteriji (RCA). Radi bolje procjene angiografskog nalaza provedena je OCT i potvrđena struktura nalik na saće, počevÅ”i od medijalnog segmenta RCA i Å”ireći se do distalnog dijela. Kao rezultat prikupljenih podataka postavljena je dijagnoza SRKT u RCA. Odlučeno je da se RCA ne liječi implantacijom stenta, nego se nastavilo s optimalnom terapijom lijekovima i implantacijom elektrostimulatora srca. Nakon tri mjeseca praćenja bolesnik nije prijavio nikakve subjektivne simptome, a SPECT nije pokazivao znakove ishemije. Zaključak: Iako joÅ” uvijek ne postoje odgovarajuće preporuke za liječenje SRKT-a, odluka o liječenju temelji se na nalazima slikovnih tehnika i iskustvu liječnika. Odgovarajuće praćenje ovih bolesnika može pružiti važne podatke potrebne za buduće smjernice u liječenju SRKT-a