37 research outputs found

    Channel-Forming Activities in the Glycosomal Fraction from the Bloodstream Form of Trypanosoma brucei

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    Background: Glycosomes are a specialized form of peroxisomes (microbodies) present in unicellular eukaryotes that belong to the Kinetoplastea order, such as Trypanosoma and Leishmania species, parasitic protists causing severe diseases of livestock and humans in subtropical and tropical countries. The organelles harbour most enzymes of the glycolytic pathway that is responsible for substrate-level ATP production in the cell. Glycolysis is essential for bloodstream-form Trypanosoma brucei and enzymes comprising this pathway have been validated as drug targets. Glycosomes are surrounded by a single membrane. How glycolytic metabolites are transported across the glycosomal membrane is unclear. Methods/Principal Findings: We hypothesized that glycosomal membrane, similarly to membranes of yeast and mammalian peroxisomes, contains channel-forming proteins involved in the selective transfer of metabolites. To verify this prediction, we isolated a glycosomal fraction from bloodstream-form T.brucei and reconstituted solubilized membrane proteins into planar lipid bilayers. The electrophysiological characteristics of the channels were studied using multiple channel recording and single channel analysis. Three main channel-forming activities were detected with current amplitudes 70–80 pA, 20–25 pA, and 8–11 pA, respectively (holding potential +10 mV and 3.0 M KCl as an electrolyte). All channels were in fully open state in a range of voltages 6150 mV and showed no sub-conductance transitions. The channel with current amplitude 20–25 pA is anion-selective (P K+/P Cl2,0.31), while the other two types of channels are slightl

    Numerical modelling of the aerial drop of firefighting agents by fixed-wing aircraft. Part II: model validation

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    The validation of the Aerial Drop Model consisted of the comparison of computed ground patterns with experimentaldata fromaset ofreal-scale droptestsusingwater anda widerange offire retardant viscosities.Results were analysed in terms of pattern length and area. A total of 78% of the computed line lengths per coverage level were within a 10% error, with an average normalised mean squared error of 0.01 and a Pearson correlation coefficient above 0.9. In all cases,nearly90%oftheresultswerewithinafactorof2ofobservations.Theaccuracyofthesimulationsshowednostrong relation with the viscosity, although better results were obtained in the range from 700 to 1100cP. In general, the model produced a good representation of the spatial distribution of the agent for various coverage levels and its accuracy was, in fact,within thestatistical uncertaintyofthecup-and-gridsampling method.Thegoodperformanceobtaineddemonstrates that this tool, for the tested range of drop conditions, fulfils the requirements for use in the optimisation of firefighting operations, as a complementary method to real-scale drop testing, and in firefighter training activities.publishe

    Dairy science, 1967

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    DEHY-100 substitutes for soybean oil meal in dairy rations / H. R. Conrad and J. W. Hibbs -- Corn silage as the only roughage for dairy cows / R. W. Hemken and J. H. Vandersall -- Prototype layouts for dairy cows / J. S. Boyd -- Materials handling in prototype dairy layouts / R. L. Maddex -- Silage and haylage for dairy cows / C. H. Gordon -- Maintaining the milk fat test / D. L. Palmquis