384 research outputs found

    Capra alba Moyà-Solà, 1987 del Pleistoceno Inferior de la Sierra de Quibas (Albanilla, Murcia, España)

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    A finales de la década de los 90 se realizó el primer estudio paleontológico del yacimiento de la Sierra de Quibas (Montoya et al., 1999) en el que se describieron más de 60 taxones de vertebrados. Uno de ellos fue el de un caprino asignado como Capra sp. aff Capra alba. Las últimas campañas de excavación han librado nuevos restos de este taxón, lo que ha permitido poder estudiarlo con mayor profundidad y asignarlo a Capra alba. Esta atribución se basa en la comparación morfológica y métrica de los cráneos, núcleos óseos, dentición y metápodos con los ejemplares de C. alba de Venta Micena (Orce, Granada).The first palaeontological study of the locality of Quibas dates from the end of the 1990ties (Montoya et al., 1999), describing over 60 vertebrate taxa. One of these was a caprine assigned to Capra sp. aff. Capra alba. Recent excavations yielded new remains of this taxon, which permits a more profound study of its affinities and an assignation to Capra alba, without reservation. This assignation is based on the morphological and metrical comparison of the skulls, horn cores, dentition and metapodials from Quibas with those of Capra alba from Venta Micena (Orce Granada)[email protected]

    An open-source approach to automation in organic synthesis: The flow chemical formation of benzamides using an inline liquid-liquid extraction system and a homemade 3-axis autosampling/product-collection device

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    Several open-source hardware and software technologies (RAMPS, Python, PySerial, OpenCV) were used to control an automated flow chemical synthesis system. The system was used to effect the synthesis of a series of benzamides. An inexpensive Raspberry Pi single board computer provided an electronic interface between the control computer and the RAMPS motor driver boards

    Comparison of conventional ceramic laminate veneers, partial laminate veneers and direct composite resin restorations in fracture strength after aging

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    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to test the fracture strength in vitro of laminate veneers, partial laminate veneers and composite restorations after aging and analyze the failure mode. Methods: Forty extracted, sound human teeth were selected and divided into four groups: 1) Control group (CG); 2) Conventional Laminate Veneer (CLV); 3) Partial Laminate Veneer (PLV); 4) Direct Composite Resin (DCR). Laminate veneer preparations with incisal overlap were made in group CLV whereas only incisal preparations were made with a 1 mm bevel in group PLV and DCR. The indirect restorations were luted with a resin composite and the DCR group was restored with a direct resin composite restoration. The restored teeth were subsequently aged by thermocycling (20.000 cycles, 5-55 degrees C). Subsequently, the fracture strength was tested by a load to failure test at 135. on the incisal edge. A failure analysis was performed using light microscopy. The results were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk and Kruska-Wallis test. Results: After thermocycling, one sample from group CLV presented a premature adhesive failure and was excluded. Three restorations from groups PLV and DCR presented small cracks but were taken to the fracture test. After aging mean fracture load + SD (N) were: Group DCR (n = 10): 385 +/- 225; Group CG (n = 10): 271 +/- 100; Group PLV (n = 10): 266 +/- 69; Group CLV (n = 9): 264 +/- 66. Fracture strength means from groups CLV and PLV did not differ statistically from each other nor from control (p = 0.05). In the group CLV the root fracture was the most occurring fracture. In groups PLV and DCR, material cohesive failures and a mix (adhesive, tooth and material cohesive) failures were most observed. Significance: This in vitro study showed for the first time that partial laminate veneers can exhibit fracture strength values similar to direct composite restorations or conventional ceramic laminate veneers. All three restorative procedures presented clinically acceptable values of fracture strength. Even though three samples from groups PLV and three from DCR presented small cracks after thermocycling, these cracks do not appear to have a negative effect on the fracture strength

    Influence of Preparation Design and Restorative Material on Fatigue and Fracture Strength of Restored Maxillary Premolars

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    Statement of Problem: Extensive carious lesions and/or large preexisting restorations possibly contribute to crack formation, ultimately resulting in a fracture that may lead to the loss of a tooth cusp. Hence, preparation design strategy in conjunction with the restorative material selected could be influential in the occurrence of a cuspal fracture. Purpose: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the fatigue behavior and fracture strength of maxillary premolars restored with direct composite and indirect ceramic inlays and overlays, with different preparation depths in the presence or absence of cuspal coverage, and analyze their failure types. Methods and Materials: Sound maxillary premolars (N=90; n=10) were divided into nine groups: group C: control; group DCI3: direct composite inlay 3 mm; group DCI5: direct composite inlay 5 mm; group ICI3: indirect ceramic inlay 3 mm; group ICI5: indirect ceramic inlay 5 mm; group DCO3: direct composite overlay 3 mm; group DCO5: direct composite overlay 5 mm; group ICO3: indirect ceramic overlay 3 mm; group ICO5: indirect ceramic overlay 5 mm. In indirect ceramic, lithium disilicate restoration groups, immediate dentin sealing was applied. After restoration, all specimens were tested in fatigue (1,200,000 cycles, 50 N, 1.7 Hz). Samples were critically appraised, and the specimens without failure were subjected to a load to failure test. Failure types were classified and the data analyzed. Results: Zero failures were observed in the fatigue testing. The following mean load to failure strengths (N) were recorded: group ICO5: 858 N; group DCI3: 829 N; group ICO3: 816 N; group C: 804 N; group ICI3: 681 N; group DCO5: 635 N; group DCI5: 528 N; group DCO3: 507 N; group ICI5: 482 N. Zero interaction was found between design-depth-material (p=0.468). However, significant interactions were found for the design-depth (p=0.012) and design-material (p=0.006). Within restorations at preparation depth of 3 mm, direct composite overlays obtained a significantly lower fracture strength in comparison to indirect ceramic onlays (p=0.013) and direct composite inlays (p=0.028). In restorations at depth 5 mm, significantly higher fracture load values were observed in indirect ceramic overlays compared with the inlays (p=0.018). Indirect ceramic overlays on 3 mm were significantly stronger than the deep inlays in ceramic (p=0.002) and tended to be stronger than the deep direct composite inlays. Severe, nonreparable fractures were observed with preparation depth of 5 mm within ceramic groups. Conclusions: The preparation depth significantly affected the fracture strength of tooth when restored with either composite or ceramic materials. Upon deep cavity preparations, cuspal coverage proved to be beneficial when a glass ceramic was used as the restorative material. Upon shallow cavity preparations, a minimally invasive approach regarding preparation design used in conjunction with a direct composite material was favorable

    Conservation of Maculinea butterflies at landscape level

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    To enhance the establishment of new populations of reintroduced Maculinea species and increase dispersal between sites, a regional action plan has been started. Public communities, nature conservation organizations, amateurs and farmers participate in the agreements on management of sites. The study describes the changes in the ant fauna in the Action Plan Area after changes in the management of canal borders, road verges and ditch sides

    Adult-onset autoinflammation caused by somatic mutations in UBA1:A Dutch case series of patients with VEXAS

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    Background: A novel autoinflammatory syndrome was recently described in male patients who harbored somatic mutations in the X-chromosomal UBA1 gene. These patients were characterized by adult-onset, treatment-refractory inflammation with fever, cytopenia, dysplastic bone marrow, vacuoles in myeloid and erythroid progenitor cells, cutaneous and pulmonary inflammation, chondritis, and vasculitis, which is abbreviated as VEXAS. Objective: This study aimed to (retrospectively) diagnose VEXAS in patients who had previously been registered as having unclassified autoinflammation. We furthermore aimed to describe clinical experiences with this multifaceted, complex disease. Methods: A systematic reanalysis of whole-exome sequencing data from a cohort of undiagnosed patients with autoinflammation from academic hospitals in The Netherlands was performed. When no sequencing data were available, targeted Sanger sequencing was applied in cases with high clinical suspicion of VEXAS. Results: A total of 12 male patients who carried mutations in UBA1 were identified. These patients presented with adult-onset (mean age 67 years, range 47-79 years) autoinflammation with systemic symptoms, elevated inflammatory parameters, and multiorgan involvement, most typically involving the skin and bone marrow. Novel features of VEXAS included interstitial nephritis, cardiac involvement, stroke, and intestinal perforation related to treatment with tocilizumab. Although many types of treatment were initiated, most patients became treatment-refractory, with a high mortality rate of 50%. Conclusion: VEXAS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of males with adult-onset autoinflammation characterized by systemic symptoms and multiorgan involvement. Early diagnosis can prevent unnecessary diagnostic procedures and provide better prognostic information and more suitable treatment options, including stem cell transplantation

    Retrieval Contexts and the Concreteness Effect: Dissociations in Memory of Concrete and Abstract Words

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    Decades of research on the concreteness effect, namely better memory for concrete as compared with abstract words, suggest it is a fairly robust phenomenon. Nevertheless, little attention has been given to limiting retrieval contexts. Two experiments evaluated intentional memory for concrete and abstract word lists in three retrieval contexts: free recall, explicit word-stem completion, and implicit word-stem completion. Concreteness effects were observed in free recall and in explicit word-stem completion, but not in implicit word-stem completion. These findings are consistent with both a bidirectional version of the relational-distinctiveness processing framework (Ruiz-Vargas, Cuevas, & Marschark, 1996) and a second framework combining insights from dual coding theory (Paivio, 1971, 1986) and the transfer appropriate processing framework (Roediger, Weldon, & Challis, 1989). Also, consistent with the relational-distinctiveness framework, the second experiment suggested that concreteness effects might depend on relational processing at encoding: Concreteness effects were observed in explicit memory for related word lists but not for unrelated word lists. © 2005 Psychology Press Ltd

    Fauna y bioestratigrafía del yacimiento Aragoniense de Montejo de la Vega de la Serrezuela (Segovia)

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    The macro and micromammals fossils of Montejo de la Vega de la Serrezuela (Segovia, Spain) are studied. The identified taxons allow to place the new locality in the Middle Aragonian, unit MN5 of Mein (1977, 1979, 1990). The Montejo de la Vega deposit can be correlated with the Arroyo del Olivar in the Madrid basin and the Las Planas 4A, 4B, Y4C in the Calatayud-Teruel basin.Se estudian los macro y micromamíferos fósiles de Montejo de la Vega de la Serrezuela (Segovia). Los taxones identificados permiten situar esta localidad en el Aragoniense medio, unidad MN5 de Mein (1977, 1979, 1990). El yacimiento de Montejo de la Vega puede correlacionarse con el de Arroyo del Olivar en la cuenca de Madrid y con los de Las Planas 4A, 4B y 4C en la cuenca de Calatayud-Teruel

    Cardiac circRNAs Arise Mainly From Constitutive Exons Rather Than Alternatively Spliced Exons

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a relatively new class of RNA molecules, and knowledge about their biogenesis and function is still in its infancy. It was recently shown that alternative splicing underlies the formation of circular RNAs (circRNA) arising from the Titin (TTN) gene. Since the main mechanism by which circRNAs are formed is still unclear, we hypothesized that alternative splicing, and in particular exon skipping, is a major driver of circRNA production. We performed RNA sequencing on human and mouse hearts, mapped alternative splicing events, and overlaid these with expressed circRNAs at exon-level resolution. In addition, we performed RNA sequencing on hearts of Rbm20 KO mice to address how important Rbm20-mediated alternative splicing is in the production of cardiac circRNAs. In human and mouse hearts, we show that cardiac circRNAs are mostly (~90%) produced from constitutive exons and less (~10%) from alternatively spliced exons. In Rbm20 KO hearts, we identified 38 differentially expressed circRNAs of which 12 were produced from the Ttn gene. Even though Ttn appeared the most prominent target of Rbm20 for circularization, we also detected Rbm20-dependent circRNAs arising from other genes including Fan1, Stk39, Xdh, Bcl2l13, and Sorbs1. Interestingly, only Ttn circRNAs seemed to arise from Rbm20-mediated skipped exons. In conclusion, cardiac circRNAs are mostly derived from constitutive exons, suggesting that these circRNAs are generated at the expense of their linear counterpart and that circRNA production impacts the accumulation of the linear mRNA