33 research outputs found

    Overproduced Brucella abortus PdhS-mCherry forms soluble aggregates in Escherichia coli, partially associating with mobile foci of IbpA-YFP

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>When heterologous recombinant proteins are produced in <it>Escherichia coli</it>, they often precipitate to form insoluble aggregates of unfolded polypeptides called inclusion bodies. These structures are associated with chaperones like IbpA. However, there are reported cases of "non-classical" inclusion bodies in which proteins are soluble, folded and active.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report that the <it>Brucella abortus </it>PdhS histidine kinase fused to the mCherry fluorescent protein forms intermediate aggregates resembling "non-classical" inclusion bodies when overproduced in <it>E. coli</it>, before forming "classical" inclusion bodies. The intermediate aggregates of PdhS-mCherry are characterized by the solubility of PdhS-mCherry, its ability to specifically recruit known partners fused to YFP, suggesting that PdhS is folded in these conditions, and the quick elimination (in less than 10 min) of these structures when bacterial cells are placed on fresh rich medium. Moreover, soluble PdhS-mCherry foci do not systematically colocalize with IpbA-YFP, a marker of inclusion bodies. Instead, time-lapse experiments show that IbpA-YFP exhibits rapid pole-to-pole shuttling, until it partially colocalizes with PdhS-mCherry aggregates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data reported here suggest that, in <it>E. coli</it>, recombinant proteins like PdhS-mCherry may transit through a soluble and folded state, resembling previously reported "non-classical" inclusion bodies, before forming "classical" inclusion bodies. The dynamic localization of IbpA-YFP foci suggests that the IbpA chaperone could scan the <it>E. coli </it>cell to find its substrates.</p

    The histidine kinase PdhS controls cell cycle progression of the pathogenic alphaproteobacterium Brucella abortus

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    Bacterial differentiation is often associated with the asymmetric localization of regulatory proteins, such as histidine kinases. PdhS is an essential and polarly localized histidine kinase in the pathogenic alphaproteobacterium Brucella abortus. After cell division, PdhS is asymmetrically segregated between the two sibling cells, highlighting a differentiation event. However, the function(s) of PdhS in the B. abortus cell cycle remains unknown. We used an original approach, the pentapeptide scanning mutagenesis method, to generate a thermosensitive allele of pdhS. We report that a B. abortus strain carrying this pdhS allele displays growth arrest and an altered DivK-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) polar localization at the restrictive temperature. Moreover, the production of a nonphosphorylatable PdhS protein or truncated PdhS proteins leads to dominant-negative effects by generating morphological defects consistent with the inhibition of cell division. In addition, we have used a domain mapping approach combined with yeast two-hybrid and fluorescence microscopy methods to better characterize the unusual PdhS sensory domain. We have identified a fragment of the PdhS sensory domain required for protein-protein interaction (amino acids [aa] 210 to 434), a fragment sufficient for polar localization (aa 1 to 434), and a fragment (aa 527 to 661) whose production in B. abortus correlates with the generation of cell shape alterations. The data support a model in which PdhS acts as an essential regulator of cell cycle progression in B. abortus and contribute to a better understanding of the differentiation program inherited by the two sibling cells

    G1-arrested newborn cells are the predominant infectious form of the pathogen Brucella abortus

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    Several intracellular pathogens, such as Brucella abortus, display a biphasic infection process starting with a non-proliferative stage of unclear nature. Here, we study the cell cycle of B. abortus at the single-cell level, in culture and during infection of HeLa cells and macrophages. The localization of segregation and replication loci of the two bacterial chromosomes indicates that, immediately after being engulfed by host-cell endocytic vacuoles, most bacterial cells are newborn. These bacterial cells do not initiate DNA replication for the next 4 to 6 h, indicating a G1 arrest. Moreover, growth is completely stopped during that time, reflecting a global cell cycle block. Growth and DNA replication resume later, although bacteria still reside within endosomal-like compartments. We hypothesize that the predominance of G1-arrested bacteria in the infectious population, and the bacterial cell cycle arrest following internalization, may constitute a widespread strategy among intracellular pathogens to colonize new proliferation niches

    BtaE, an adhesin that belongs to the trimeric autotransporter family, is required for full virulence and defines a specific adhesive pole of Brucella suis

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    Brucella is responsible for brucellosis, one of the most common zoonoses worldwide that causes important economic losses in several countries. Increasing evidence indicates that adhesion of Brucella spp. to host cells is an important step to establish infection. We have previously shown that the BmaC unipolar monomeric autotransporter mediates the binding of Brucella suis to host cells through cell-associated fibronectin. Our genome analysis shows that the B. suis genome encodes several additional potential adhesins. In this work, we characterized a predicted trimeric autotransporter that we named BtaE. By expressing btaE in a nonadherent Escherichia coli strain and by phenotypic characterization of a B. suis ΔbtaE mutant, we showed that BtaE is involved in the binding of B. suis to hyaluronic acid. The B. suis ΔbtaE mutant exhibited a reduction in the adhesion to HeLa and A549 epithelial cells compared with the wild-type strain, and it was outcompeted by the wild-type strain in the binding to HeLa cells. The knockout btaE mutant showed an attenuated phenotype in the mouse model, indicating that BtaE is required for full virulence. BtaE was immunodetected on the bacterial surface at one cell pole. Using old and new pole markers, we observed that both the BmaC and BtaE adhesins are consistently associated with the new cell pole, suggesting that, in Brucella, the new pole is functionally differentiated for adhesion. This is consistent with the inherent polarization of this bacterium, and its role in the invasion process

    Characterization of PdhS functions, an essential and polarly localized histidine kinase, in Brucella abortus

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    Several bacteria divide asymmetrically, one of the key processes leading to cellular differentiation. A huge number of complex shapes are observed among bacteria, where functionalities can be attributed to specialized cell types as observed in the prokaryotic model Caulobacter crescentus life cycle where a stalked and proliferative competent cell generates a motile flagellated cell able to find favorable replication niches. We are working on Brucella abortus, a facultative intracellular class III pathogen that is responsible for a worldwide zoonosis called Brucellosis, humans being accidental hosts. B. abortus divides asymmetrically, and following an old pole marker called PdhS, it has been suggested that a differentiation event was taking place during B. abortus cell cycle growing in bacteriological medium. PdhS, an essential histidine kinase, is involved in B. abortus cell cycle regulation and displays atypical features such as its large sensory domain. In order to better characterize PdhS, we used a domain mapping approach and identified minimal domains for protein-protein interaction (with PdhS itself or with a partner called FumC), for polar localization of for altered morphologies generation in B. abortus. We hypothesized that the slight morphological asymmetry observed in B. abortus could reflect a functional asymmetry generated after cytokinesis completion. We thus attempted to label the two different sibling cells using chemical compound and molecular markers. We showed that a mother cell, proliferative and non-invasive generates a virulent daughter cell that is blocked in its cell cycle. This shows that a differentiation event is taking place during a cellular invasion by B. abortus. Interestingly, the generation of the invasive daughter cell is observed at each division, using polar marker in growing bacteria. The generation of specialized cell types just after cytokinesis and despite the inheritance of an identical genetic material shows that clonal population of bacteria are more heterogeneous than previously thought. Responsive and stochastic events can trigger phenotypic heterogeneity and we propose that programmed differentiation along the B. abortus cell cycle is another way to generate phenotypic diversity.(DOCSC03) -- FUNDP, 201

    An intracellular replication niche for Vibrio cholerae in the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii

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    Vibrio cholerae is a human pathogen and the causative agent of cholera. The persistence of this bacterium in aquatic environments is a key epidemiological concern, as cholera is transmitted through contaminated water. Predatory protists, such as amoebae, are major regulators of bacterial populations in such environments. Therefore, we investigated the interaction between V. cholerae and the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii at the single-cell level. We observed that V. cholerae can resist intracellular killing. The non-digested bacteria were either released or, alternatively, established a replication niche within the contractile vacuole of A. castellanii. V. cholerae was maintained within this compartment even upon encystment. The pathogen ultimately returned to its aquatic habitat through lysis of A. castellanii, a process that was dependent on the production of extracellular polysaccharide by the pathogen. This study reinforces the concept that V. cholerae is a facultative intracellular bacterium and describes a new host–pathogen interaction