7 research outputs found

    Het nieuwe speelveld van de zorg

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    Doorgaans wordt zorg geassocieerd met het publieke verzorgingsarrangement: formele zorg die beroepsmatig en tegen betaling vanuit sociale verzekeringen wordt gegeven. Dit is een beperkte benadering waarmee we niet meer uitkomen en die eigenlijk ook nooit heeft geklopt. Zorg begint in de persoonlijke sfeer, waar burgers hun eigen gezondheid, welbevinden en weerbaarheid onderhouden als een vorm van zelfzorg, in het verband van het gezin en de familie, maar ook met activiteiten in sociale netwerken en de mogelijkheid om tijdelijk terug te kunnen vallen op de formele zorg als dat nodig is

    Mental health, citizenship, and the memory of World War II in the Netherlands (1945-85)

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    After World War II, Dutch psychiatrists and other mental health care professionals articulated ideals of democratic citizenship. Framed in terms of self-development, citizenship took on a broad meaning, not just in terms of political rights and obligations, but also in the context of material, social, psychological and moral conditions that individuals should meet in order to develop themselves and be able to act according to those rights and obligations in a responsible way. In the post-war period of reconstruction (1945-65), as well as between 1965 and 1985, the link between mental health and ideals of citizenship was coloured by the public memory of World War II and the German occupation, albeit in completely different, even opposite ways. The memory of the war, and especially the public consideration of its victims, changed drastically in the mid-1960s, and the mental health sector played a crucial role in bringing this change about. The widespread attention to the mental effects of the war that surfaced in the late 1960s after a period of 20 years of public silence should be seen against the backdrop of the combination of democratization and the emancipation of emotions