48 research outputs found

    Ex-vivo changes in amino acid concentrations from blood stored at room temperature or on ice: implications for arginine and taurine measurements

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    Background: Determination of the plasma concentrations of arginine and other amino acids is important for understanding pathophysiology, immunopathology and nutritional supplementation in human disease. Delays in processing of blood samples cause a change in amino acid concentrations, but this has not been precisely quantified. We aimed to describe the concentration time profile of twenty-two amino acids in blood from healthy volunteers, stored at room temperature or on ice.Methods: Venous blood was taken from six healthy volunteers and stored at room temperature or in an ice slurry. Plasma was separated at six time points over 24 hours and amino acid levels were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography.Results: Median plasma arginine concentrations decreased rapidly at room temperature, with a 6% decrease at 30 minutes, 25% decrease at 2 hours and 43% decrease at 24 hours. Plasma ornithine increased exponentially over the same period. Plasma arginine was stable in blood stored on ice, with a < 10% change over 24 hours. Plasma taurine increased by 100% over 24 hours, and this change was not prevented by ice. Most other amino acids increased over time at room temperature but not on ice.Conclusion: Plasma arginine concentrations in stored blood fall rapidly at room temperature, but remain stable on ice for at least 24 hours. Blood samples taken for the determination of plasma amino acid concentrations either should be placed immediately on ice or processed within 30 minutes of collection

    Asymmetric Dimethylarginine, Endothelial Nitric Oxide Bioavailability and Mortality in Sepsis

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    Background: Plasma concentrations of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), an endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxidesynthase, are raised in patients with chronic vascular disease, causing increased cardiovascular risk and endothelialdysfunction, but the role of ADMA in acute inflammatory states is less well defined.Methods and Results: In a prospective longitudinal study in 67 patients with acute sepsis and 31 controls, digitalmicrovascular reactivity was measured by peripheral arterial tonometry and blood was collected at baseline and 2–4 dayslater. Plasma ADMA and L-arginine concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Baselineplasma L-arginine: ADMA ratio was significantly lower in sepsis patients (median [IQR] 63 [45–103]) than in hospital controls(143 [123–166], p,0.0001) and correlated with microvascular reactivity (r = 0.34, R2 = 0.12, p = 0.02). Baseline plasma ADMAwas independently associated with 28-day mortality (Odds ratio [95% CI] for death in those in the highest quartile($0.66 mmol/L) = 20.8 [2.2–195.0], p = 0.008), and was independently correlated with severity of organ failure. Increase inADMA over time correlated with increase in organ failure and decrease in microvascular reactivity.Conclusions: Impaired endothelial and microvascular function due to decreased endothelial NO bioavailability is a potentialmechanism linking increased plasma ADMA with organ failure and death in sepsis

    An Observational Cohort Study of the Kynurenine to Tryptophan Ratio in Sepsis: Association with Impaired Immune and Microvascular Function

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    Both endothelial and immune dysfunction contribute to the high mortality rate in human sepsis, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. In response to infection, interferon-γ activates indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) which metabolizes the essential amino acid tryptophan to the toxic metabolite kynurenine. IDO can be expressed in endothelial cells, hepatocytes and mononuclear leukocytes, all of which contribute to sepsis pathophysiology. Increased IDO activity (measured by the kynurenine to tryptophan [KT] ratio in plasma) causes T-cell apoptosis, vasodilation and nitric oxide synthase inhibition. We hypothesized that IDO activity in sepsis would be related to plasma interferon-γ, interleukin-10, T cell lymphopenia and impairment of microvascular reactivity, a measure of endothelial nitric oxide bioavailability. In an observational cohort study of 80 sepsis patients (50 severe and 30 non-severe) and 40 hospital controls, we determined the relationship between IDO activity (plasma KT ratio) and selected plasma cytokines, sepsis severity, nitric oxide-dependent microvascular reactivity and lymphocyte subsets in sepsis. Plasma amino acids were measured by high performance liquid chromatography and microvascular reactivity by peripheral arterial tonometry. The plasma KT ratio was increased in sepsis (median 141 [IQR 64–235]) compared to controls (36 [28–52]); p<0.0001), and correlated with plasma interferon-γ and interleukin-10, and inversely with total lymphocyte count, CD8+ and CD4+ T-lymphocytes, systolic blood pressure and microvascular reactivity. In response to treatment of severe sepsis, the median KT ratio decreased from 162 [IQR 100–286] on day 0 to 89 [65–139] by day 7; p = 0.0006) and this decrease in KT ratio correlated with a decrease in the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score (p<0.0001). IDO-mediated tryptophan catabolism is associated with dysregulated immune responses and impaired microvascular reactivity in sepsis and may link these two fundamental processes in sepsis pathophysiology

    A photoswitchable ITAM peptidomimetic: synthesis and real time surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis of the effects of cis–trans isomerization on binding

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    The Syk protein plays an important role in immune receptor signaling. The Syk tandem SH2 domain (tSH2)–ITAM interaction is important for recruiting Syk to the receptor complex and for Syk kinase activation. A peptidomimetic ligand for tSH2 was synthesized in which a photoswitchable azobenzene moiety was incorporated. Such a photoswitchable moiety may regulate the distance between the two phosphotyrosine containing ITAM sequences, which bind to tSH2. Different affinities of the cis and trans isomer of the ligand were found by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). By in situ irradiation during SPR measurements the effect of the cis–trans isomerization on binding could be monitored in real time

    Preparation of novel alkylated arginine derivatives suitable for click-cycloaddition chemistry and their incorporation into pseudosubstrate- and bisubstrate-based kinase inhibitors

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    Efficient strategies for the introduction of arginine residues featuring acetylene or azide moieties in their side chains are described. The substituents are introduced in a way that maintains the basicity of the guanidine moiety. The methodology can be used e.g. for non-invasive labeling of arginine-containing peptides. Its applicability is demonstrated by the introduction of ‘click’ handles into a Protein Kinase C (PKC) pseudosubstrate peptide, and the subsequent preparation and evaluation of a novel bisubstrate-based inhibitor based on such a peptide