46 research outputs found

    Emotional stability, core self-evaluations, and job outcomes: A review of the evidence and an agenda for future research.

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    In this article we present a review of research on core self-evaluations, a broad personality trait indicated by 4 more narrow traits: self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability. We review evidence suggesting that the 4 core traits are highly related, load on a single unitary factor, and have dubious incremental validity controlling for their common core. We more generally investigate the construct validity of core self-evaluations. We also report on the development and validation of the first direct measure of the concept, the Core Self-Evaluations Scale (CSES). Cross-cultural evidence on the CSES is provided. We conclude by offering an agenda for future research, discussing areas where future core self-evaluations research is most needed. Emotional stability or neuroticism is perhaps the most enduring personality concept in psychology. There are thousands of studies on the topic and the entire field of psychoanalysis and clinical psychology might be traced to the study of neurotic symptom

    Emotional stability, core self-evaluations, and job outcomes: A review of the evidence and an agenda for future research.

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    In this article we present a review of research on core self-evaluations, a broad personality trait indicated by 4 more narrow traits: self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability. We review evidence suggesting that the 4 core traits are highly related, load on a single unitary factor, and have dubious incremental validity controlling for their common core. We more generally investigate the construct validity of core self-evaluations. We also report on the development and validation of the first direct measure of the concept, the Core Self-Evaluations Scale (CSES). Cross-cultural evidence on the CSES is provided. We conclude by offering an agenda for future research, discussing areas where future core self-evaluations research is most needed. Emotional stability or neuroticism is perhaps the most enduring personality concept in psychology. There are thousands of studies on the topic and the entire field of psychoanalysis and clinical psychology might be traced to the study of neurotic symptom

    Construire sa vie (Life designing) : un paradigme pour l’orientation au 21e siècle

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    Ce texte est la traduction française de l’article publié dans le Journal of Vocational Behavior, 75(3) : Savickas, M. L., Nota, L., Rossier, J., Dauwalder, J.-P., Duarte, M. E., Guichard, J., Soresi, S., Van Esbroeck, R., & van Vianen, A. E. M., « Life designing: A paradigm for career construction in the 21st century » (239-250), © 2009, avec la permission de Elsevier. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00018791 ***** La nouvelle organisation sociale du travail du début du 21e siècle pose une série de questions et lance de nombreux défis aux spécialistes de l’accompagnement en orientation professionnelle. Compte tenu de la mondialisation du conseil en orientation, c’est dans un cadre international que nous avons décidé d’aborder ces questions, puis de formuler des réponses potentiellement innovantes. Cette approche permet d’éviter les difficultés que soulève la création de modèles et de méthodes dans un pays donné en tentant ensuite de les exporter dans d’autres, où ils doivent être adaptés pour être utilisés. Cet article présente le premier résultat tangible de cette collaboration : un modèle et des méthodes d’accompagnement des personnes. Le modèle « Construire sa vie », destiné à des interventions d’accompagnement en orientation se fonde sur cinq présupposés concernant les personnes et leur vie professionnelle : des possibilités liées aux contextes, des processus dynamiques, une progression non linéaire, des perspectives multiples et des configurations individuelles. En partant de ces présupposés, nous avons bâti un modèle en contexte, se réclamant de l’épistémologie du constructionnisme social, reconnaissant en particulier que les connaissances et l’identité d’un individu sont le produit d’interactions sociales et que le sens est co-construit, via la médiation du discours. Le cadre général « construire sa vie » s’appuie sur les théories de la construction de soi (Guichard, 2005) et de la construction des parcours professionnels (Savickas, 2005), qui décrivent les conduites d’orientation et leurs développements. Ce cadre concerne toute la vie, il est holiste, tient compte des contextes et est préventif.At the beginning of the 21st century, a new social arrangement of work poses a series of questions and challenges to scholars who aim to help people develop their working lives. Given the globalization of career counseling, we decided to address these issues and then to formulate potentially innovative responses in an international forum. We used this approach to avoid the difficulties of creating models and methods in one country and then trying to export them to other countries where they would be adapted for use. This article presents the initial outcome of this collaboration, a counseling model and methods. The life-designing model for career intervention endorses five presuppositions about people and their work lives: contextual possibilities, dynamic processes, non-linear progression, multiple perspectives, and personal patterns. Thinking from these five presuppositions, we have crafted a contextualized model based on the epistemology of social constructionism, particularly recognizing that an individual’s knowledge and identity are the product of social interaction and that meaning is co-constructed through discourse. The life-design framework for counseling implements the theories of self-constructing (Guichard, 2005) and career construction (Savickas, 2005) that describe vocational behavior and its development. Thus, the framework is structured to be life-long, holistic, contextual, and preventive

    Förbättran av Quality of Service för högbelastade Node.js-webbapplikationer genom effektivare operativsystem

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    This thesis investigates the feasibility of porting Node.js, a JavaScript web application framework and server, to IX, a dataplane operating system specifically developed to meet the needs of high performance microsecond-computing type of applications in a datacentre setting. We show that porting requires extensions to the IX kernel to support UDS polling, which we implement. We develop a distributed load generator to benchmark the framework. The results show that running Node.js on IX improves throughput by up to 20.6\%, latency by up to 5.23×, and tail latency by up to 5.68× compared to a Linux baseline. We show how server side request level reordering affect the latency distribution, predominantly in cases where the server is load saturated. Finally, due to various limitations of IX, we are unable at this time to recommend running Node.js on IX in a production environment, despite improved metrics in all test cases. However, the limitations are not fundamental, and could be resolved in future work.Detta exjobb undersöker möjligheterna till att använda IX, ett specialiserat dataplansoperativsystem avsett för högpresterande datacentertillämpningar, för att köra Node.js, ett webapplikationramverk för JavaScript-applikationer. För att porta Node.js till IX krävs att vi utvidgar IX med funktionalitet för samtidig pollning av Unix Domain Sockets och nätverksflöden, vilket visas samt genomförs. Vidare utvecklas en distribuerad lastgenerator för att utvärdera applikationsramverket under IX jämfört baslinje som utgörs av en omodifierad Linuxdistribution. Resultaten visar att throughput förbättras med upp till 20.6\%, latens upp till 5.23× och tail latency upp till 5.68×. Sedermera undersöker vi huruvida latensvariansen ökat på grund av request-omordningar på serversidan, vilket tycks vara fallet vid hög serverbelastning, även om andra faktorer tycks ha större inverkan vid låg serverbelastning. Slutligen, även om alla storheter förbättrats vid alla observerade mätpunkter, kan ännu inte vidspredd adoption av IX för att köra Node.js applikationer rekommenderas, främst på grund av problem med horisontal skalning samt problem att ingå som frontend-server i en klassisk tiered-datacentre arkitektur

    Does employee perceived person-organization fit promote performance? The moderating role of supervisor perceived person-organization fit

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    Prior research has shown inconsistent and mostly nonsignificant relationships between employee person-organization (P-O) fit and in-role performance. In this study, we examine whether the strength of the relationship between employee perceived P-O fit and supervisor-rated performance depends on the perceived P-O fit of the supervisor. We propose that (a) in-role task-related processes are facilitated when both supervisor and employee share a common frame of understanding about what is important for the organization and (b) that high P-O fit supervisors attach value to the work behaviours of high P-O fit employees, both of which should translate into more positive performance evaluations. The results of a field study among 155 employees and their supervisors provided support for this proposition: employees'' perceived P-O fit was positively associated with their performance evaluation when supervisor perceived P-O fit was high, whereas this association was absent when supervisor perceived P-O fit was low. Our study contributes to the P-O fit literature by unpacking whether and when employee perceived P-O fit is important for functioning and performance evaluations

    All I need is a stage to shine : narcissists' leader emergence and performance

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    Many of the world's leaders appear to possess narcissistic characteristics (e.g., Deluga, 1997). This begs a question as to whether and why narcissistic individuals are chosen as leaders and how they perform. Prior research has suggested that leadership emergence and performance of narcissistic personalities may depend on contextual factors. Of particular interests are those contextual factors that pertain to the interdependence of work relationships, because narcissists typically tend to 'shine' in social settings where they can influence others. Therefore, the present study investigated the leadership emergence and performance of narcissistic individuals in low versus high reward interdependent teams that participated in an interactive team simulation task. We found that narcissists emerged as leaders irrespective of the team's level of reward interdependence and their individual performance. Yet, high narcissists performed better in the high reward interdependent condition than in the low reward interdependent condition.16 page(s

    Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

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    this paper, we propose a framework for thinking about how conflict issues can be conceptualized, and we develop a set of hypotheses regarding how conflict issues are likely to affect the perceptions, motivations, behavioral interactions, and outcomes in negotiation. In doing so, this research integrates negotiation research and research on group decision making and reconciles, as will be argued, apparent differences in research finding

    Reality at odds with perceptions : narcissistic leaders and group performance

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    Although narcissistic individuals are generally perceived as arrogant and overly dominant, they are particularly skilled at radiating an image of a prototypically effective leader. As a result, they tend to emerge as leaders in group settings. Despite people’s positive perceptions of narcissists as leaders, it was previously unknown if and how leaders’ narcissism is related to the performance of the people they lead. In this study, we used a hidden-profile paradigm to investigate this question and found evidence for discordance between the positive image of narcissists as leaders and the reality of group performance. We hypothesized and found that although narcissistic leaders are perceived as effective because of their displays of authority, a leader’s narcissism actually inhibits information exchange between group members and thereby negatively affects group performance. Our findings thus indicate that perceptions and reality can be at odds and have important practical and theoretical implications.6 page(s