58 research outputs found

    Quantum properties of atomic-sized conductors

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    Using remarkably simple experimental techniques it is possible to gently break a metallic contact and thus form conducting nanowires. During the last stages of the pulling a neck-shaped wire connects the two electrodes, the diameter of which is reduced to single atom upon further stretching. For some metals it is even possible to form a chain of individual atoms in this fashion. Although the atomic structure of contacts can be quite complicated, as soon as the weakest point is reduced to just a single atom the complexity is removed. The properties of the contact are then dominantly determined by the nature of this atom. This has allowed for quantitative comparison of theory and experiment for many properties, and atomic contacts have proven to form a rich test-bed for concepts from mesoscopic physics. Properties investigated include multiple Andreev reflection, shot noise, conductance quantization, conductance fluctuations, and dynamical Coulomb blockade. In addition, pronounced quantum effects show up in the mechanical properties of the contacts, as seen in the force and cohesion energy of the nanowires. We review this reseach, which has been performed mainly during the past decade, and we discuss the results in the context of related developments.Comment: Review, 120 pages, 98 figures. In view of the file size figures have been compressed. A higher-resolution version can be found at: http://lions1.leidenuniv.nl/wwwhome/ruitenbe/review/QPASC-hr-ps-v2.zip (5.6MB zip PostScript

    Robust procedure for creating and characterizing the atomic structure of scanning tunneling microscope tips

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    Scanning tunneling microscopes (STM) are used extensively for studying and manipulating matter at the atomic scale. In spite of the critical role of the STM tip, the control of the atomic-scale shape of STM tips remains a poorly solved problem. Here, we present a method for preparing tips {\it in-situ} and for ensuring the crystalline structure and reproducibly preparing tip structure up to the second atomic layer. We demonstrate a controlled evolution of such tips starting from undefined tip shapes.Comment: 12 pages preprint-style; 5 figure

    Chirality-controlled spin scattering through quantum interference

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    Chirality-induced spin selectivity has been reported in many experiments, but a generally accepted theoretical explanation has not yet been proposed. Here, we introduce a simple model system of a straight cylindrical free-electron wire, containing a helical string of atomic scattering centers, with spin-orbit interaction. The advantage of this simple model is that it allows deriving analytical expressions for the spin scattering rates, such that the origin of the effect can be easily followed. We find that spin-selective scattering can be viewed as resulting from constructive interference of partial waves scattered by the spin-orbit terms. We demonstrate that forward scattering rates are independent of spin, while back scattering is spin dependent over wide windows of energy. Although the model does not represent the full details of electron transmission through chiral molecules, it clearly reveals a mechanism that could operate in chiral systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Fast and accurate shot noise measurements on atomic-size junctions in the MHz regime

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    Shot noise measurements on atomic and molecular junctions provide rich information about the quantum transport properties of the junctions and on the inelastic scattering events taking place in the process. Dissipation at the nanoscale, a problem of central interest in nano-electronics, can be studied in its most explicit and simplified form. Here, we describe a measurement technique that permits extending previous noise measurements to a much higher frequency range, and to much higher bias voltage range, while maintaining a high accuracy in noise and conductance. We also demonstrate the advantages of having access to the spectral information for diagnostics.Comment: 8 figure

    Spatial variations of conductivity of self-assembled monolayers of dodecanethiol on Au/mica and Au/Si substrates

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    Determining the conductivity of molecular layers is a crucial step in advancing towards applications in molecular electronics. A common test bed for fundamental investigations on how to acquire this conductivity are alkanethiol layers on gold substrates. A widely used approach in measuring the conductivity of a molecular layer is conductive atomic force microscopy. Using this method, we investigate the influence of a rougher and a flatter gold substrate on the lateral variation of the conductivity. We find that the roughness of the substrate crucially defines this variation. We conclude that it is paramount to adequately choose a gold substrate for investigations on molecular layer conductivity

    Lithographic mechanical break junctions for single-molecule measurements in vacuum: possibilities and limitations

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    We have investigated electrical transport through the molecular model systems benzenedithiol, benzenediamine, hexanedithiol and hexanediamine. Conductance histograms under different experimental conditions indicate that measurements using mechanically controllable break junctions in vacuum are limited by the surface density of molecules at the contact. Hexanedithiol histograms typically exhibit a broad peak around 7 * 10^{-4} G_0. In contrast to recent results on STM-based break junctions in solution we find that the spread in single-molecule conductance is not reduced by amino anchoring groups. Histograms of hexanediamine exhibit a very wide peak around 4 * 10^{-4} G_0. For both benzenedithiol and benzenediamine we observe a large variability in low-bias conductance. We attribute these features to the slow breaking of the lithographic mechanically controllable break junctions and the absence of a solvent that may enable molecular readsorption after bond breaking. Nevertheless, we have been able to acquire reproducible current-voltage characteristics of benzenediamine and benzenedithiol using a statistical measurement approach. Benzenedithiol measurements yield a conductance gap of about 0.9 V at room temperature and 0.6 V at 77 K. In contrast, the current-voltage characteristics of benzenediamine-junctions typically display conductance gaps of about 0.9 V at both temperatures.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures; v2: changed wrongly given HDA peak position in abstract to correct value, removed typing mistakes; v3: added three plots, improved discussion, removed typo

    A Current Induced Transition in atomic-sized contacts of metallic Alloys

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    We have measured conductance histograms of atomic point contacts made from the noble-transition metal alloys CuNi, AgPd, and AuPt for a concentration ratio of 1:1. For all alloys these histograms at low bias voltage (below 300 mV) resemble those of the noble metals whereas at high bias (above 300 mV) they resemble those of the transition metals. We interpret this effect as a change in the composition of the point contact with bias voltage. We discuss possible explanations in terms of electromigration and differential diffusion induced by current heating.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure