262 research outputs found

    De geo-database als spin in het web

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    INSPIRE activiteiten in het jaar 2008

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    Dit rapport bevat een beknopt verslag van de INSPIRE activiteiten van Peter van Oosterom in 2008. Deze zijn uitgevoerd ten behoeve van Kadaster, TNO Bouw en Ondergrond en TU Delft/RGI-116. Het rapport bevat een flink aantal bijlagen waarin de in 2008 geproduceerde resultaten integraal zijn opgenomen (presentaties, artikelen, analyses, etc.)GIS TechnologyOTB Research Institut

    4D-Cadastral registration of rights, restrictions and responsibilities

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    Innovation SystemsTechnology, Policy and Managemen

    Survey of Israel Three-Dimensional Cadastre and the ISO 19152: The Land Administration Domain Model. Technical Report 1 (updated version)

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    This report contains the results of the first phase of the 3D Cadastre and LADM investigations in context of possible future renewal of the Cadastral database at the Survey of Israel. This report complements the presentations given on ‘3D Cadastres’ and ‘Land Administration Domain Model (LADM, ISO 19152)’ on respectively 9 and 10 February 2014 at the Survey of Israel, Tel Aviv. For completeness both presentations are included as annexes to this report. The first phase of the investigations covered two studies: 1. the state of the art of three-dimensional cadastre and 2. current cadastral procedures, land model and database. Both studies focus on Israel, but are conducted from international perspective in order to provide comparison and possible best practises. The two topics of 3D Cadastres and LADM are highly related and therefore this report covers both studies. The report concludes the first phase of the investigations with a series of short and long(er) term recommendations in order to realize the inclusion of 3D Cadastral objects in the registration. In July 2014 the second phase of the investigations is planned and will continue the 3D Cadastre/LADM study (standards, procedures, case studies, SDI, LADM country profile, data transfer, DBMS schema, query and visualization) and prepare for future 5D Cadastre research (2D/3D integration, temporal, legal-physical objects, vario-scale).OTBArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Vison for the next decade of GIS technology; A research agenda for the TU Delft, the Netherlands

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    Research issues in integrated querying of geometric and thematic cadastral information (1)

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    Preface proceedings 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres

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    OTB ResearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Waar ben je? Geo-informatie: Zenuwstelsel duurzame leefomgeving

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    OTB onderzoekOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Op naar een "supergoogle" voor geo-informatie (interview, in Dutch)

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