264 research outputs found

    One and Two Way Packaging in the Dairy Sector

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    Choosing packaging material for dairy products and soft drinks is an interesting issue at the moment. Discussions arise on the costs impacts and environmental impacts of both one way packaging and reusable packaging. The aim of this article is to develop an evaluation tool providing costs and environmental impacts of the PC-bottle and the GT-packs in the dairy sector, considering forward and return flows. The evaluation tool enables the user to analyse the costs and environmental impacts of a supply chain with and without return flows using scenario analyses with respect to the use of various carrier types and the number of return loops. It appears that costs differences between PC-bottles and GT-pack are quite small. The PC bottle has a better environmental profile than the GT-pack. Scenario analysis on the carriers results in the advice to use preferably roll-in-containers with direct delivery, secondly roll-in-containers with delivery via distribution centers, thirdly in case of direct delivery either cartons or crates and cartons in case of delivery via distribution centers.pricing;supply chain management;reverse logistics;environment;life cycle assessment

    Demand Management Opportunities in E-fulfillment: What Internet Retailers Can Learn from Revenue Management

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    In this paper, we explain how Internet retailers can learn from proven revenue management concepts and use them to reduce costs and enhance service. We focus on attended deliveries as these provide the greatest opportunities and challenges. The key driver is service differentiation. Revenue management has shown that companies can do much better than a one-size-fits-all first-come-first-serve strategy when selling scarce capacity to a heterogeneous market. Internet retailers have strong levers at their disposal for actively steering demand, notably the offered delivery time windows and their associated prices. Unlike traditional revenue management, these demand management decisions affect both revenues and costs. This calls for a closer coordination of marketing and operations than current common practice.ketenbeheer;revenue management;home delivery;E-fulfillment;demand management;marketing-operations interface

    One and Two Way Packaging in the Dairy Sector

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    Choosing packaging material for dairy products and soft drinks is an interesting issue at the moment. Discussions arise on the costs impacts and environmental impacts of both one way packaging and reusable packaging. The aim of this article is to develop an evaluation tool providing costs and environmental impacts of the PC-bottle and the GT-packs in the dairy sector, considering forward and return flows. The evaluation tool enables the user to analyse the costs and environmental impacts of a supply chain with and without return flows using scenario analyses with respect to the use of various carrier types and the number of return loops. It appears that costs differences between PC-bottles and GT-pack are quite small. The PC bottle has a better environmental profile than the GT-pack. Scenario analysis on the carriers results in the advice to use preferably roll-in-containers with direct delivery, secondly roll-in-containers with delivery via distribution centers, thirdly in case of direct delivery either cartons or crates and cartons in case of delivery via distribution centers

    Temporal resolution deficits in the visual fields of MS patients

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    AbstractWe assessed the relationship between temporal resolution and MS-induced neuropathy. A diagnostic strategy comprising assessments of temporal resolution at 16 points in the extra-foveal visual field up to 12° from the fovea was first compared with foveal temporal resolution and with a standard VEP procedure in the same MS patients. At the group level, foveal temporal resolution was less sensitive to demyelination than the 16-point diagnostic strategy, the detection rate of which was comparable to that of the VEP procedure. Cross-sensitivity of the VEP and the 16-point diagnostic procedure was low. Subsequently, the average severity of MS-induced temporal resolution deficits was studied at three retinal loci of the same size but different eccentricities. Foveal deficits were not significantly greater than more peripheral deficits within the central 12°

    Permanent tooth agenesis in non-syndromic Robin sequence and cleft palate: prevalence and patterns

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    Objectives: Partial tooth agenesis is frequently observed in Robin sequence. Tooth anomalies are increasingly considered as an extended phenotype of the cleft palate population. The study objective was to compare the prevalence and patterns of tooth agenesis in a group of patients with non-syndromic Robin sequence (ns-RS) and a group with non-syndromic cleft palate (ns-CP). Materials and methods: The panoramic radiographs of 115 ns-RS and 191 ns-CP patients were assessed for agenesis of the permanent dentition (excluding third molars) and the patterns recorded using the Tooth Agenesis Code. Results: Partial tooth agenesis was observed in 47.8% of ns-RS and 29.8% of ns-CP patients with a greater prevalence in the mandibula than in the maxilla, particularly in ns-RS. The teeth most frequently absent in both groups were the mandibular second premolars and maxillary lateral incisors. Tooth agenesis was bilateral in two-thirds of affected ns-RS patients and one-half of ns-CP patients. In ns-RS, bilateral agenesis of the mandibular second premolars was more frequently observed in female than that in male patients. Completely symmetrical patterns of hypodontia were found in around 45% of ns-RS patients with tooth agenesis compared to 35% in ns-CP. No association was found between the extent of the palatal cleft and the severity of hypodontia. Conclusion: Tooth agenesis is more prevalent in ns-RS than that in ns-CP, demonstrates a much greater predilection for the mandible in ns-RS, and bears no relation to the extent of the palatal cleft. Clinical relevance: When compared to ns-CP, additional developmental disturbances are likely involved in the etiology of tooth agenesis in ns-RS. Future research could help identify the underlying genetic traits and aid in classifying patients in those with and without expected tooth agenesis in order to facilitate orthodontic management strategies

    Gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with isolated oligodontia and a Wnt gene mutation

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    OBJECTIVE: Since Wnt signaling plays an important role in both tooth agenesis and altered intestine homeostasis, the aim was to compare gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with isolated oligodontia caused by a Wnt pathway gene mutation and controls. METHODS: A case-control study was designed to compare self-reported gastrointestinal symptoms among patients with isolated oligodontia, caused by a Wnt signaling gene mutation, and fully dentate controls. The Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) was used to assess gastrointestinal symptoms. Prevalence and severity of gastrointestinal symptoms among patients and age- and gender-matched controls was evaluated. RESULTS: Twenty patients with isolated oligodontia and a pathogenic variant in the wnt pathway genes WNT10A, LRP6 or PAX9 participated. The prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms was higher in the oligodontia patients compared to their controls (Χ2 (1) = 87.33, p = .008). Mean GSRS total scores (p = .011) and domain scores for 'abdominal pain' (p = .022), 'reflux' (p = .003) and constipation (p = .030) were higher for these oligodontia patients compared to their controls. CONCLUSION: Gastrointestinal symptoms are more prevalent and more severe in patients with isolated oligodontia and a deficiency in a Wnt pathway related gene, when compared to controls without tooth agenesis

    Comparison of different diastolic resting indexes to iFR: are they all equal?

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    Background: Pressure measurement for the duration of the wave-free period (WFP) is considered essential for resting-state physiological assessment of coronary stenosis severity using the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR). Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare other diastolic resting indexes to iFR. Methods: In the population of the VERIFY2 (Pd/Pa vs iFR in an Unselected Population Referred for Invasive Angiography) study, iFR calculated by proprietary software (Volcano Harvest, Volcano Corporation, Rancho Cordova, California) was compared with the ratio of resting distal coronary pressure and aortic pressure during the complete duration of diastole (dPR), 25% to 75% of diastole (dPR25–75), and midpoint of diastole (dPRmid), along with Matlab calculated iFR (iFRmatlab) and iFR-like indexes shortening the length of the WFP by 50 and 100 ms (iFR−50ms and iFR−100ms), respectively. Mutual differences, Spearman correlations, area under the curve values from receiver-operating characteristic analyses, and diagnostic performance with respect to iFR and fractional flow reserve (FFR) were calculated for all indexes. Results: Median iFR in 197 patients with 257 vessels was 0.91 with an interquartile range of 0.87 to 0.95. The mutual differences (± SD) with iFR were 0.006 ± 0.011 (dPR), 0.001 ± 0.007 (dPR25–75), 0.001 ± 0.008 (dPRmid), 0.005 ± 0.009 (iFRmatlab), 0.003 ± 0.008 (iFR−50ms), and 0.001 ± 0.009 (iFR−100ms). Correlations for all indexes with iFR were >0.99 (p < 0.001 for all). Area under the curve values for predicting iFR were >0.99 for all indexes as well. Diagnostic accuracy compared with FFR was 76% to 77% for all indexes including iFR. Conclusions: All diastolic resting indexes tested were identical to iFR, both numerically and with respect to their agreement with FFR. A numerically equal value to iFR can be determined without restriction to the WFP. Cutoff values, guidelines, and clinical recommendations for iFR can therefore be extended to these other indexes. (Pd/Pa vs iFR in an Unselected Population Referred for Invasive Angiography [VERIFY2]; NCT02377310)

    Advancing a MEMS-Based 3D Cell Culture System for in vitro Neuro-Electrophysiological Recordings

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    In this work we present advances in three dimensional (3D) neuronal cell culture systems based on a reversible assembly of a microbioreactor with a microelectrode array (MEA) to create a MEMS-based 3D cell culture system for in vitro neuro-electrophysiological recordings. A batch of six molds were milled in poly (methyl methacrylate). The molds were used for soft lithography of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). In the center of the PDMS shape, a porous polyethersulfone (PES) cylindrical tube was press-fitted to form a growth barrier between the culture chamber inside the PES tube and the microfluidic channel surrounding the PES tube. A thin layer of partially cured PDMS was used to seal the bottom of the microbioreactor and provide reversible adhesion with the glass surface of a MEA. SH-SY5Y cells were successfully differentiated inside the microbioreactors in Matrigel and demonstrated extended neuronal networks over a height of at least 184 micrometers within the system. In previous microbioreactor designs visibility was limited due to the closed top with the dispensing holes. The new open top design allows for a better evaluation of the cell culture by optical detection methods during the experiment. Electrophysiological activity was recorded within the microbioreactor using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neurons cultured in Matrigel, in 3D, up until 21 days in vitro. In summary, we present advances made in the design, the fabrication process and integration of microbioreactors with MEAs. Optical imaging capabilities improved significantly with an open top and the culture time was further extended from 7 to 21 DIV without leakage or degradation thanks to introducing PES as a barrier material and an enhanced assembly procedure. The latter facilitated a sufficient long-term culture for neurons to mature in an environment free from flow-induced stress and provided a proof of principle for the recording of electrophysiological activity of cortical neurons cultured in 3D