23 research outputs found

    Open data and beyond: Exploring existing open data projects to prepare a successful open data strategy; Deelrapport Instrumenten voor de monitoring van de impact van open data (bij Alliander)

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    Dit rapport gaat in op de monitoringsaspecten van de invoering van open data bij organisaties. Het gepresenteerde raamwerk kan worden gebruikt om de wereldwijde claims van het succes van open data nader te onderbouwen. Want hoewel veelal het gebruik van data bij vrijgave explosief toe kan nemen zijn er geen onderzoeken bekend die deze toename in het gebruik verder hebben onderzocht. Naast gebruik zal ook een verandering in de kosten van verstrekken en mogelijk andere kosten plaatsvinden. Wat de omvang van deze kosten zijn is tot dusver onbekend. Hier ligt een (wetenschappelijke) uitdaging om niet alleen een theoretische wijze van monitoring te ontwikkelen die het effect van een beleidsverandering voldoende nauwkeurig kan meten maar ook dat deze monitoring tegen zo min mogelijk kosten effectief kan worden uitgevoerd. Eerst zullen de stappen die moeten worden gezet bij de ontwikkeling van een monitoringsraamwerk worden besproken. Dan zullen de eigenschappen die indiciatoren moeten hebben worden behandeld en deze eisen worden toegepast bij een groot aantal mogelijke indicatoren. Dan zullen een aantal uitvoeringsinstrumenten worden behandeld en ten slotte wordt een voorstel gedaan om het effect van open data te monitoren.OTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Organizational and cultural assessment of GIIs: The introduction of a new model

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    A geographic information infrastructure (GII) develops gradually. Several development stages may be identified each with unique characteristics. Also the organisational characteristics are likely to vary per stage. This knowledge was used to develop an SDI maturity matrix as presented by Kok and Van Loenen (2005), further developed in Van Loenen (2006). Although the model has been subject of study of several Master students and has been successfully applied in several case studies, it is still in its early development stages. This paper further develops the model by including the cultural dimension as presented by Hofstede (1980). The paper draws on the research accomplished by and presented in Huisman van Zijp (2008).OTB Research Institut

    Assessing Spatial Information Themes in the Spatial Information Infrastructure for Participatory Urban Planning Monitoring: Indonesian Cities

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    Most urban planning monitoring activities were designed to monitor implementation of aggregated sectors from different initiatives into practical and measurable indicators. Today, cities utilize spatial information in monitoring and evaluating urban planning implementation for not only national or local goals but also for the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Modern cities adopt Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) initiative for their urban planning monitoring. Cities provide spatial information and online tools for citizens to participate. However, the selection of spatial information services for participants is made from producers’ perception and often disregards requirements from the regulation, functionalities, and broader user’s perception. By providing appropriate spatial information, the quality of participatory urban monitoring can be improved. This study presents a method for selecting appropriate spatial information for urban planning monitoring. It considers regulation, urban planning, and spatial science theories, as well as citizens’ requirements, to support participatory urban planning monitoring as a way to ensure the success of providing near real-time urban information to planners and decision-makersGIS TechnologieGeo Informatio

    Modeling Spatial Units Class for Spatial Planning map for the future of ISO 19152 on Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)

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    The International Standards Organization (ISO) published ISO 19152:2012 on The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) aims to provide guidelines to develop a 3D spatial representation of Rights, Restrictions, and Responsibilities (RRRs). The multidimensional representation is useful for improving stakeholders' ability to understand the relationship between land and people. In 2017, the working group on LADM revision proposed extension of the standard by integrating land valuation and spatial planning information into its scope. The spatial planning information package proposed in LADM revision facilitates RRRs derived from spatial planning by reusing information defined in zoning regulation. Knowing that land administration and land management are matters, we examine the process of how to manage RRRs information from spatial planning and to publish it trough 3D web GIS. This paper aims to present the method for integrating land use and land development aspects in land management and visualize its RRRs with real data of Bandung City, Indonesia.GIS TechnologieGeo Informatio

    Multi-Domain Master Spatial Information Management for Open SDI in Indonesian Smart Cities

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    Spatial Information Infrastructure (SDI) has great potential to support smart city by providing framework dataset and real-time information services in urban informational infrastructure, the social infrastructure and citizen's participation practices. Bandung City and Jakarta City are maintaining their SDI for various kinds of decision-making at different domain within their jurisdiction. In smart cities, it is crucial to have a data management systems which allow more stakeholders to participate in collecting, updating, maintaining, evaluating and utilizing urban information. A smart city should open their data to its citizen following Open Government Data (OGD) principles through SDI. As a member of Open Government Partnership, Indonesia is in the beginning phase of extending its SDI systems not only to serve government entities but also to citizens, academia, and private sectors. In reality, smart cities cannot rely on government entities only in producing spatial information. Heterogeneity of spatial information quality produced by citizens, academia, and private sectors create some difficulties in urban data management. However, most of the smart cities in Indonesia, namely Bandung City and Jakarta City, have not yet connected their SDI to their Smart City system due uncoordinated policies and technical limitation. Specification of Multi-domain Master Spatial Information Management (MSIM) will be the key factor for improving SDI in Indonesian Smart Cities to able to accommodate citizens, academia, and private sectors to enrich urban information. This paper proposes master data management solution for a multi-domain environment and Open SDI in a smart city.Short paper.OLD Department of GIS TechnologyOLD Geo-information and Land Developmen

    Prospect of Open SDI in Developing Countries Case Study: Indonesia

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    Many developing countries established Spatial Data Infrastructure primary (SDI) based on belief its ability to facilitate spatial information sharing for their national development. As one of the countries that initiated Open Government Partnership, Indonesia committed to provides new space for openness, transparency, innovation, and establish continuous interaction between the government and its citizens. This paper proposes an improvement of SII by extending the range of spatial information sharing to citizens and non-government institutions as a contribution in transforming Indonesia as an open government.OLD Department of GIS TechnologyOLD Geo-information and Land Developmen

    Assessing geoportals from a user perspective

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    OLD Geo-information and Land Developmen

    Privacy op zijn plaats: Tussen willen weten en wetten

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    Witboek over de spanning tussen privacyregels en het realiseren van het locatie-informatie potentieel. Dataficatie en locatie-informatie: een wereld die open gaat Ons spectaculair toegenomen vermogen data te genereren, transporteren, analyseren en weer te distribueren luidt een nieuw tijdperk in. Geo-informatie – en locatie-informatie in het bijzonder – is daarbij het oliemannetje: het stelt ons in staat data uit verschillende bronnen aan elkaar te relateren. Dit schept ongekende mogelijkheden voor overheden, bedrijven en burgers, maar uiteraard creeërt het ook nieuwe uitdagingen. Een daarvan is dat met behulp van (het koppelen met) locatie-informatie een steeds gedetailleerder beeld valt te maken van personen. En dat breekt rechtstreeks in op een goed dat ons veel waard is: het recht op privacy. Bescherming van persoonsgegevens is een andere wereld De wereld van de bescherming van de persoonsgegevens is een andere dan die van de dataficatie. Die eerste wordt vooral bewoond door juristen en is gericht op het onder strikte voorwaarden delen van locatie-informatie zodra deze onder het bereik van een van de wettelijke regelingen valt. Deze wettelijke regimes zijn evenwel niet gemakkelijk toe te passen, onder meer doordat de semantiek, die bepalend is voor de toepasselijkheid van de regels, verwarrend is, doordat de normen zeer abstract zijn en, wellicht nog wel het belangrijkste, doordat sommige gemaakte keuzes ingehaald lijken te zijn door de ontwikkelingen in de technologie. De praktijk: voorzichtig proberen en experimenteren Niettemin, op diverse plaatsen binnen de overheid – en ook daarbuiten uiteraard – wordt druk geëxperimenteerd met locatie-informatie. Dat men daarbij de regels rond bescherming van persoonsgegevens in acht moet nemen, is goed bekend. Evenwel is de concrete toepassing van de regels op het voorgenomen gebruik van de locatie-informatie voor velen een black box: men snapt de regels niet en vindt ze veel te abstract.OTBArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Developing a spatial planning information package in ISO 19152 land administration domain model

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    Cities establish and maintain Land Administration Systems (LAS) to manage information about the land and urban space. Recognizing the importance of the urban space for sustainable development, information from spatial planning will affect land administration and vice versa. Therefore, every aspect that influences land use, both from spatial planning and land administration should be identified, documented, and standardized as they contain legally binding rules for governments and citizens. The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), ISO standard 19152:2012, offers guidelines to ensure interoperability in the representation of Rights, Restrictions, and Responsibilities (RRRs). LADM is also capable of standardizing multi-dimensional representation, including the temporal capability for documenting and visualizing all legal aspects of land use or space. This paper discusses how to construct interoperable information between the spatial plan and land administration. We present the standardization of spatial planning information and land administration as subsets of land-related information. The paper proposes the development of a spatial planning package within the existing LADM standard.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.GIS TechnologieGeo Informatio

    Designing Open Spatial Information Infrastructure to Support 3D Urban Planning in Jakarta Smart City

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    Land administration is essential for urban planning and Spatial Information Infrastructure (SII). Interoperability of land administration and spatial planning will determine the success of SII utilization. This information should be accessible to all member of SII, including businesses and the community. This article proposes spatial planning information as an extension of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), the ISO 19152:2012 in order to support spatial planning. The relevance of spatial planning information to be included into LADM is integral to Land Administration System (LAS) development. 3D Spatial planning along with 3D land administration (LA) will provide a complete scene for land tenure, land valuation, land use, and land development to support sustainable development initiatives. Further, the spatial planning extension will contribute to support the UN member countries in obtaining indicators in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by improving interoperability and by integrating right, restrictions, and responsibilities (RRR) from spatial planning and LA which are often resulted from separate processes by different parties.OLD Department of GIS TechnologyOLD Geo-information and Land Developmen