2 research outputs found

    Investigating the relationship between corporate tax avoidance and corporate culture in large South African companies

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    Not all companies are equally aggressive in their pursuit of corporate tax avoidance, which explains intensive research on the determinants of tax avoidance. Many determinants have been investigated, but the process of tax avoidance, and the relationships between corporate tax avoidance, longtermism (indicative of a stakeholder-orientated corporate culture), and CEO characteristics (informed by upper-echelon theory), are not yet fully understood. Much of previous research is conceptualised from theories such as principal-agent theory. This study investigates the influence of stakeholder orientation, using corporate culture, on corporate tax avoidance, in response to calls for more research using stakeholder theory. A mixed-method approach is used. The quantitative stream uses regressions to investigate the relationship between corporate tax avoidance, corporate culture, and tax-knowledgeable CEOs, based on a sample of 112 large, listed South African companies, studied over a period of 15 years. The South African setting allows the operationalisation of a tax-knowledgeable CEO, based the homogenous nature of CEOs' qualifications in South Africa, where many are chartered accountants. The results suggest that long-term oriented companies pay more tax on average. The results further suggest that tax knowledgeable CEOs are associated with more tax avoidance. The qualitative stream conducts eleven interviews with corporate tax advisors, showing the influence of corporate culture and CEO characteristics on corporate tax avoidance processes, but also how corporate culture and CEO-characteristics mutually inform each other. Altogether, the evidence indicates that the effect of corporate culture is less static than expected, and that the influence of corporate culture on tax avoidance can transcend the influence of CEO-characteristics, as an upperechelon effect. The interviews suggest mechanisms used by CEOs to influence tax culture, such as the creation of a company-wide awareness of the strategic importance of low effective tax rates. These results also indicate the ethical dilemma faced by executives of large companies when considering the use of tax-deductible corporate social responsibility initiatives, not to benefit shareholders or agents, but rather to benefit society as a corporate stakeholder, when governments would not

    Non-recognition of internally generated brands: implications for the usefulness of financial statements

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    International Accounting Standard 38 (IAS38) prohibits the recognition of internally generated brands as assets. This article explores the implications of this prohibition for the usefulness of financial statements, focusing on the implications for note-disclosure. A theoretical doctrinal research approach is taken in which the literature on intangible assets and current accounting standards is examined and evaluated. The article highlights the information content relevant to unrecognised brand assets that is not currently disclosed to users of financial statements. Furthermore, the article argues and explains how this situation may compromise the usefulness of financial statements. Practitioners compiling financial statements may find the conclusions and recommendations useful in improving voluntary note-disclosure when a reporting entity owns significant unrecognised brand assets. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) may find the article useful in reviewing IAS38’s mandatory note-disclosure requirements in order to improve the usefulness of financial statements