179 research outputs found
Maize core collection for increased grain quality
Formation of the maize (Zea mays L) core collection for increased macronutrient content is presented. Among
3,443 populations from Maize Research Institute (MRI), Zemun Polje (ZP), a total of 352 accessions (around 10.2%) were chosen for the core collection. The criteria were increased protein, oil and/or starch content in the kernel of the accessions, as well as good combining ability (CA) that was tested with two Lancaster and one each BSSS and Iodent testers. Average values for protein, oil and starch content for the whole collection were 11.5%, 4.2% and 68.9%, respectively. On the other hand, averages for the core collection were 13.6% for proteins, 7.7% for oil and 74.1% for starch, and they were significantly higher than for the whole collection (
Uticaj spoljaŔnje sredine na segregacioni odnos kvalitativnih svojstava kukuruza
The significant influence of environment was found on the segregation ratio in a dyhibrid inheritance in maize. Two possible causes are proposed for this segregation distortion: 1) environmental influence (selection) prior forming the gametes or/and 2) different preferential pairing in different environments. Further studies, however, on other self or cross-pollinated plant species, and with different traits are needed to better understand this phenomena.ZnaÄajan uticaj spoljaÅ”nje sredine na segregacioni odnos je utvrÄen kod dihibridnog nasleÄivanja kod kukuruza. Dva moguÄa uzorka segregacione distorzije su: 1) uticaj spoljaÅ”nje sredine (selekcija) pre formiranja gameta ili/i 2) razliÄita preferencijalna ukrÅ”tanja u razliÄitim sredinama. Dalja istraživanja, na drugim samooplodnim ili stranooplodnim biljnim vrstama i sa razliÄitim svojstvima su potrebna da bi se ovaj fenomen bolje razumeo
The effects of cytoplasmic male sterility and xenia on the chemical composition of maize grain
Sterile hybrids often outyield their fertile counterparts, especially if pollinated by a genetically unrelated pollinator. The combined effect of cms and xenia is referred to as the Plus-hybrid effect. The objective of this study was to determine the individual, as well as, combining effect of cms and xenia on the maize grain chemical composition. The percent of oil, protein and starch in the grain was also observed. Two sterile hybrids, their fertile counterparts and five fertile pollinator-hybrids were selected for the studies. The three-replicate trial set up according to the split-plot experimental design was performed at Zemun Polje in 2008. The obtained results show that the effects of cms on the oil percent was not significant in the studied hybrid ZP 341, while it increased at the significance level of P = 0.1 in the second observed hybrid ZP 360. The effect of this factor on the protein and starch percent was also significant (P = 0.01) in some hybrid combinations. Xenia effects on all three chemical parameters were significant (P = 0.01) in some hybrid combinations. The gained results indicate that the identification of a good combination of two hybrids, in which one would be a sterile female component, and the other a pollinator, would end up not only in the increased yield, but also in the improved maize grain quality
Uticaj citoplazmatiÄke muÅ”ke sterilnosti i ksenija na komponente prinosa kukuruza
The combined effect of cms and xenia is referred to as the plus-hybrid effect and can be used in the maize production in order to increase maize grain yield and quality by growing the sterile version of one hybrid and the fertile version of another hybrid. Two sterile hybrids, their fertile counterparts and five fertile hybrids as pollinators were selected. The following traits were studied: ear length, kernel row number, number of kernels per row, kernel length and 1000-kernel weight. All plus-hybrid combinations of the first hybrid had a longer ear than their fertile counterpart, while this value was reduced in the second hybrid in three out of four combinations. The greatest increase in the ear length amounted to 3.04% (P=0.05). Although all plus-hybrid combinations of the first hybrid had a smaller kernel row number, the differences were not significant. All plus-hybrid combinations of the second hybrid had higher value of this observed trait, while the value of the best combination was higher by 4.2% than the value of its fertile counterpart (P=0.1). As far as the number of kernels per row is concerned, there were no significant differences between the plus-hybrid combinations and their fertile counterparts in any of observed hybrids. The plus-hybrid effect on the kernel length was positive in both hybrids. The best plus-hybrid combination of the first, i.e. the second hybrid had value of this trait higher by 6.06% (P=0.1), i.e. 4.07% (P=0.05), respectively. Two plus-hybrid combinations of the first hybrid had a higher 1000-kernel weight than their fertile counterparts. These differences were not significant. The value of the trait in the worst plus-hybrid combination of the second hybrid was lower by even 12.18% than the value of the fertile counterpart (P=0.01).Kombinovani efekat cms-a i ksenija naziva se Plus-hibrid kukuruza. Odabrali smo dva sterilna hibrida kukuruza, njihove fertilne analoge i pet fertilnih hibrida opraÅ”ivaÄa. Ispitivana je dužinu klipa, broj redova zrna, broj zrna u redu, dužinu zrna i masa 1000 zrna. Dok su sve Plus-hibrid kombinacije prvog hibrida imale duži klip u odnosu na fertilnu verziju, kod drugog hibrida je doÅ”lo do smanjenja ove vrednosti kod tri od Äetiri kombinacije. NajviÅ”e poveÄanje dužine klipa iznosilo je 3,04% (P=0,05). Iako su sve Plus-hibrid kombinacije prvog hibrida imale manju vrednost broja redova zrna, ove razlike nisu bile statistiÄki znaÄajne. Sve Plus-hibrid kombinacije drugog hibrida su pokazale poveÄanje vrednosti ovog ispitivanog svojstva, a najbolja je imala za 4,2% viÅ”u vrednost od svog fertilnog analoga (P=0,1). Za svojstvo broj zrna u redu nije bilo znaÄajne razlike izmeÄu Plus-hibrid kombinacija i fertilnih analoga ni kod jednog od ispitivanih hibrida. Plus-hibrid efekat na dužinu zrna, kod oba hibrida, bio je pozitivan. Najbolja Plus-hibrid kombinacija prvog hibrida imala je za 6,06% (P=0,1), a najbolja kombinacija drugog hibrida za 4,07% (P=0,05) viÅ”u vrednost ovog ispitivanog svojstva. Dve Plus-hibrid kombinacije prvog hibrida imale su poveÄanu masu 1000 zrna u odnosu na svog fertilnog analoga, ali ne znaÄajno. Kod drugog ispitivanog hibrida je najloÅ”ija plus-hibrid kombinacija pokazala smanjenu vrednost ispitivanog svojstva za Äak 12,18% u odnosu na fertilnog analoga (P=0,01)
Devet ciklusa masovne selekcije na poveÄani sadržaj ulja u dve sintetiÄke populacije kukuruza (Zea mays L.)
The objectives of this study were to estimate changes in oil content and grain yield in the maize populations DS7u and YuSSSu. As estimations were performed at CO and C9 for both populations, it was possible to observe changes occurring following long-term mass selection for high oil content. The synthetic population DS7u was developed by recombination of 29 inbreeds of Yugoslav, Canadian and US origin. The synthetic population YuSSSu is an Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic - BSS(R)C5. The following statistical and genetic parameters were analyzed: means, frequency distribution, components of genetic variance and heritability. Progenies were derived according to the North Carolina Design II. Results were indicated that nine cycles of selection led to statistically significant increase in oil content and statistically significant decrease for grain yield in both populations. Estimates of additive and dominance variances for grain oil content were highly significant in C0 and C9 of the population DS7u. Dominance variance showed significance in the initial cycle of the population YuSSSu, but it disappeared in the course of nine cycles of mass selection. Additive and dominance variances for grain yield were highly significant in both initial populations. Loss of significance did not result from selection, while the proportion of dominance vs. additive variance became greater. High narrow-sense heritability was detected for grain yield and oil content in the initial cycles of both populations. Mass selection resulted in increased heritability for oil content in the DS7u population.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde promene u sadržaju ulja i prinosu zrna u populacijama kukuruza DS7u i YuSSSu. PoÅ”to su procene parametara raÄene za CO i C9 za obe populacije, moguÄe je pratiti promene tokom dugoroÄne masovne selekcije za visok sadržaj ulja. SintetiÄka populacija DS7u dobijena je rekombinacijom 29 inbred linija jugoslavenskog, kanadskog i ameriÄkog porekla. SintetiÄka populacija YuSSSu je Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic -BSSSC5- Familije su dobijene prema North Carolina Design II modelu. Rezultati su pokazali daje 9 ciklusa selekcije dovelo do statistiÄki znaÄajnog poveÄanja sadržaja ulja i statistiÄki znaÄajnog smanjenja prinosa zrna u obe populacije. Aditivna i dominantna varijansa za sadržaj ulja su visoko znaÄajne u CO i C9 populacije DS7u. Dominantna varijansa je znaÄajna u poÄetnom ciklusu populacije YuSSSu, ali je ova znaÄajnost nestala posle devet ciklusa masovne selekcije. Aditivna i dominantna varijansa za prinos zrna su visoko znaÄajne u obe poÄetne populacije. Gubitak znaÄajnosti nije nastao usled selekcije, dok se odnos dominantne prema aditivnoj varijansi poveÄao. Visoka heritabilnost u užem smislu dobijena je za prinos zrna i sadržaj ulja u poÄetnom ciklusu obe populacije. Masovna selekcija dovela je do poveÄanja heritabilnosti za sadržaj ulja u populaciji DS7u
GenetiÄke korelacije za važnija agronomska svojstva izmeÄu S1 i HS familija u dva kompozita kukuruza (Zea mays L.)
Genetic correlations for more important agronomic traits between S1 and HS families of two composites of maize (Composite B and M) were investigated. For the grain yield genotypic correlation between S1 and HS families in Comp. B was significant, medium strong (0,359*), but too low for predictable purposes. Greater correlation for the grain yield was obtained in Comp. M, it was strong and highly significant (0,663**). Correlations for grain yield were lower than for the other investigated traits in both composites. For the ear height and 1000 kernel weight these correlations were higher in Comp. B, while for the rest of the traits they were greater in Comp. M, indicating greater share of the additive in the total genotypic variance in this composite. As far as the grain yield is concerned, combined S1-HS selection should be applied only in the Comp. M, based on the strong, highly significant correlation between investigated families. In Comp. B this is not the case. For this composite, alternative procedure, for the simultaneous improvement of the population per se and its combining ability, is first to apply S1, and after that HS selection, but with very low intensity (about 30%).U radu su prouÄavane genetiÄke korelacije važnijih agronomskih svojstava izmeÄu S1 i HS familija u dva kompozita kukuruza (Kotnp. B i M). Za prinos zrna, genetiÄka korelacija S1 i HS familija u Kotnp. B bila je znaÄajna, srednje jaka (0,359*), ali i suviÅ”e niska da bi se sa sigurnoÅ”Äu, na osnovu prinosa S1 familije, sudilo o njenoj KS, ili obrnuto. VeÄa korelacija za prinos zrna utvrÄena je u Komp. M i bila je jaka i visoko znaÄajna (0.663**). Korelacije za prinos zrna bile su niže nego za druge ispitivane osobine u oba kompozita. Za visinu klipa i masu 1000zrna vrednosti ovih korelacija bile su veÄe u Komp. B, a za sve ostale osobine u Komp. M, pa je verovatno u Kompozitu M udeo aditivne u ukupnoj genetiÄkoj varijansi veÄi za veÄinu ispitivanih svojstava. Å to se tiÄe prinosa zrna, kombinovana S1-HS selekcija bi se smela primeniti samo u Komp. M, na osnovu visoko znaÄajne korelacije za ovu osobinu izmeÄu ispitivanih tipova familija. U Komp. B ovo ne bi smelo da se uradi. Ovde je alternativa, za istovremenu popravku prinosa populacije per se i njene KS, naizmeniÄna primena S1 i HS selekcije (najpre S1 a zatim HS), ali uz vrlo nizak intenzitet (oko 30%)
Crveni ZP hibridi kukuruza
The following three red kernel maize genotypes were observed: the variety ZP Rumenka and two commercial hybrids ZPH-1 red (FAO 350) and ZPH-2 red (FAO 600). The aim of the study was to determine possible superiority of commercial red maize hybrids over the variety Rumenka in order to produce functional food, i.e. specific flour from red maize. The hybrid ZPH-1 red was the best in the trial with the highest antioxidant activity and anthocyaninins content, as well as, with the highest grain yield. Therefore this hybrid is very suitable for the production of maize for special purposes.U radu su ispitivana tri genotipa kukuruza crvenog zrna: sorta ZP Rumenka i dva komercijalna hibrida, ZPH-1 crveni (FAO 350) i ZPH-2 crveni (FAO 600). Svrha je bila utvrÄivanje eventualne superiornosti komercijalnih crvenih hibrida u odnosu na sortu crvenog zrna za dobijanje tzv. funkcionalne hrane, odnosno specifiÄnog braÅ”na od crvenog kukuruza. Kao najpogodniji genotip pokazao se ZPH-1 crveni, sa daleko najveÄom antioksidativnom aktivnoÅ”Äu i sadržajem antocijaninina, kao i najveÄim prinosom zrna. Stoga je on veoma pogodan za proizvodnju kukuruza za specifiÄne namene
Hibridi kukuruza specifiÄnih svojstava za industrijsku preradu
Extremely high genetic variability of maize provides the possibility to develop new types for various purposes in the process of selection. By the method of selection, the grain composition can be significantly modified in respect to quantity and quality of certain components. It enables "designing" of new maize types with specific traits necessary for particular purposes. Maize is mainly grown as an energetic crop, but there is a broad use of types with specific traits such as: sweet corn, popcorn and white-seeded maize. Maize types with specific traits require remarkable attention not only in the process of breeding and seed production, but also in the commercial production and processing.Izuzetno velika genetiÄka varijabilnost kukuruza omoguÄava da se u procesu selekcije razvijaju tipovi za raznovrsne namene. Kompozicija zrna se selekcijom može znaÄajno menjati u pogledu koliÄine i kvaliteta pojedinih sastavnih delova. To omoguÄava da se u odreÄenim granicama "dizajniraju" novi tipovi specifiÄnih svojstava potrebnih za odreÄene namene. Kukuruz se gaji prvenstveno kao energetski usev, ali se dosta Å”iroko koriste i razliÄiti specifiÄni tipovi kao Å”to su: Å”eÄerci, kokiÄari i kukuruz belog zrna. Kod specifiÄnih tipova kukuruza zastupljene su osobine koje zahtevaju posebnu pažnju, kako u toku procesa oplemenjivanja tako i u procesu proizvodnje semena, u komercijalnoj proizvodnji i tokom procesa prerade
Linije kukuruza L-70/9 i B-73Rfc nose gen Rf4 na istom lokusu
The inheritance of the fertility restoration in cms-C in maize is very complex, and there are many contradictory results in the literature. There is an indication that there are different parallel or duplicated systems some of which include at least three complementary dominant genes - Rf4, Rf5, Rf6. Also, there is an indication of the duplication of the gene Rf4, which was tested in this work. We used three lines of different genetic constitution regarding Rf genes (B-73Bbms, L-70/9 and B-73cmsC-RfC) and produced different genotypes, combinations of genotypes and generations between them for the screening of fertility/sterility. The results of this work are negative, i.e. we did not prove the duplication of the Rf4 gene. This may be because of the relatively small number of lines that we have used (only three), or because there really is no duplication of the investigated gene.NasleÄivanje povraÄaja fertilnosti kod cms-C tipa muÅ”ke sterilnosti kukuruza je po svoj prilici veoma složeno. Smatra se da postoji viÅ”e paralelnih genetiÄkih sistema, koji mogu biti i duplikacije istih, od kojih su neki sistemi od bar tri komplementarna dominantna gena. Postoji indikacija o duplikaciji gena Rf4 (Sisco, 1991), koja je testirana u ovom radu uz pomoÄ linija L-70/9 i B-73RfC, koje obe poseduju dominantan alel Rf4. NaÅ”i rezultati su negativni, odnosno duplikacija ovog gena u naÅ”em radu nije potvrÄena
Pat analiza za zapreminu kokiÄavosti, prinos zrna i komponente prinosa zrna kokiÄara (Zea mays L. everta)
Five maize inbred lines, ZPNP11, Sg1533, ZPLP2/1, ZPK18 and ZPK6, were used for this study. The dilled cross with n(n-l)/2 combinations was performed and 10 Fl hybrids were analyzed in parallel trials in two locations (Zemun Polje and Indjija). The two factorial analysis of variance and covariance, model II, was used for data processing and therefore separation of variance components (genetic, ecological, phenotypic) and the estimation of coefficients of genetic and phenotypic correlations among studied traits (popping volume, grain yield, number of kernel rows per ear, number of kernels per row, number of kernels per 10 grams, kernel depth). The coefĀficients of variation and heritability were also computed. Beside the degree of compatibility between the two traits (correlation coefficient), the path analysis (Wright, 1934) provided a more detailed consideration of the relation.: among observed traits. The estimation of standardized regression coefficients (path coefficients) was done by the method of inversion correlation symmetrical matrixes (Edwards. 1979) Popping volume, as the most important trait in popcorn breeding is used as a dependent variable (v). The results obtained by the path analysis point to the complexity of relations between popping volume, as a dependent variable, and independent variables, as well as to the character of relations among independent variables. Path analysis is a form of the regression analysis providing comprehension of the direct and indirect effects, as well as the share of joint effects (determinaĀtion) of independent variables (x1, x2, ... xn) on the dependent variable (y). The purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate effects of grain yield and grain yield components on popping volume. It was assumed that some of the selected traits, as independent variables, significantly affected grain yield as the dependent variable. The highest correlation dependence (genetic and phenotypic) was detected between popĀping volume and the number of kernel per row(rg=0.82**, rf=0.75**). The direct genetic effects (path coefficients) were higher and more significant than phenotypic ones. The highest direct genotypic effect on popping volume was detected for the number of kernel per row (Pyg3 = 1.04**) and number of kernel row per ear (Pyg4=1.00**). Negative direct genetic effect was found for grain yield (Pyg1=-1.33**) and number of kernels per 10 grams Pyg4 = -0.48**. The coefficients of determination, especially genetic one were not high (Rg2 = 0.31, Rf2 = 0.73) which indicate that studied traits do not determine popping volume at a great extent, so selection of genotypes with high popping volume could be done regardless grain yield and grain yield components. Direct phenotypic effects were lower and not significant.Pet linija kukuruza: ZPN11, Sg1533, ZPLP2/1, ZPK18 i ZPK6 su upotrebljene za ovo istraživanje. Dialelno ukrÅ”tanje sa n(n-1)/2 kombinacija uraÄeno je izmeÄu ovih linija, a 10 njihovih F1 hibrida je ispitivano u uporednim ogledima u dve lokacije (Zemun Polje i Indija). Za obradu podataka koriÅ”Äena je dvofaktorijalna analiza varijanse i kovarijanse, model II, kao i za razdvajanje komponenti varijanse (genetiÄka, spoljne sredine, fenotipska) i procenti koeficijenata genetiÄkih i fenotipskih korelacija izmeÄu ispitivanih osobina (zapremina kokiÄavosti, prinos zrna, broj redova zrna, broj zrna u redu, broj zrna u 10 g, debljina zrna). TakoÄe su utvrÄeni koeficijenti varijacije i heritabilnost. Osim stepena saglasnosti izmeÄu dvc osobine (koeficijent korelacije), pat analiza (Wright 1934) pruža detaljniji uvid u odnose izmeÄu ispitivanih osobina. Procene standardizovanih regresionih koeficijenata (pat koeficijenti) su uraÄene po metodi inverznib korelacionih simetriÄnih matrica (Edwards 1979) - Zapremina kokiÄavosti, kao najhitnija osobina u selekciji kokiÄara, iskoriÅ”Äena je kao zavisna promenljiva (y). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na složenost odnosa izmeÄu zapremine kokiÄavosti, kao zavisne promenljive, i nezavisnih promenljivih, kao i na karakter odnosa izmeÄu nezavisnih promenljivih. Pat analiza je oblik regresione analize koji omoguÄuje procenu direktnih i indirektnih efekata, kao i udeo zajedniÄkih efekata (determinacija) nezavisnih promenljivih (x1, x2,...xn) na zavisnu promenljivu (y). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde i procene efekti prinosa zrna i komponenti pritiosa zrna na zapreminu kokiÄavosti. Pretpostavilo se da neke od odabranih osobina, kao nezavisne promenljive, znaÄajno utiÄu na prinos zrna kao zavisnu varijablu. NajviÅ”a korelaciona zavisnost (genetiÄka i fenotipska) utvrÄena je izmeÄu zapremine kokiÄavosti i broja zrna u redu (rg=0,82**, rj=0,75**). Direktni genetiÄki efekti (pat koeficijenti) bili su veÄi i znaÄajniji od fenotipskih. NajveÄi direktan genotipski efekat na zapreminu kokiÄavosti bio je za broj zrna u redu (Pyg3 = 1,04**) i broj redova zrna (Pyg4 = l,00**). Negativan direktni genetiÄki efekat naÄen je za prinos zrna (Pyg4=-1,33**) i broj zrna u 10 g (Pyg4=-0,48**). Koeficijenti determinacije, posebno genetiÄki, nisu bili visoki (Rg2=0,31; Rf=0,73), Å”to ukazuje na to da ispitivane osobine ne utiÄu mnogo na zapreminu kokiÄavosti, tako da bi selekcija genotipova sa visokom zapreminom kokiÄavosti mogla biti uraÄena bez obzira na prinos zrna i neke komponente prinosa zrna. Direktni fenotipski efekti bili su niži i nisu bili znaÄajni
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