20 research outputs found

    Chemical Constituents of the Fruits of Gleditschia Australis

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    Effects of prophylactic and therapeutic antimicrobial uses in small-scale chicken flocks

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    Antimicrobials are extensively used both prophylactically and therapeutically in poultry production. Despite this, there are little data on the effect of antimicrobial use (AMU) on disease incidence rate and per cent mortality. We investigated the relationships between AMU and disease and between AMU and mortality using data from a large (n = 322 flocks) cohort of small-scale chicken flocks in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, that were followed longitudinally from day old to slaughter (5,566 observation weeks). We developed a parameterized algorithm to emulate a randomized control trial from observational data by categorizing the observation weeks into 'non-AMU', 'prophylactic AMU' and 'therapeutic AMU'. To evaluate the prophylactic AMU effect, we compared the frequencies of clinical signs in 'non-AMU' and 'prophylactic AMU' periods. To analyse therapeutic AMU, we compared weekly per cent mortality between the weeks of disease episodes before and after AMU. Analyses were stratified by clinical signs (4) and antimicrobial classes (13). Prophylactic AMU never reduced the probability of disease, and some antimicrobial classes such as lincosamides, amphenicols and penicillins increased the risk. The risk of diarrhoea consistently increased with prophylactic AMU. Therapeutic AMU often had an effect on mortality, but the pattern was inconsistent across the combinations of antimicrobial classes and clinical signs with 14/29 decreasing and 11/29 increasing the per cent weekly mortality. Lincosamides, methenamines and cephalosporins were the only three antimicrobial classes that always decreased the mortality when used therapeutically. Results were robust respective to the parameters values of the weeks categorization algorithm. This information should help support policy efforts and interventions aiming at reducing AMU in animal production

    Effect of two alternative methods of pooling sputum prior to testing for tuberculosis with genexpert MTB/RIF

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    Background: Pooling sputum specimens is one potential strategy for reducing the cost of using Xpert MTB/RIF, a rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based test, for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. We sought to compare the sensitivity of two alternative method of pooling. Methods: Patients referred for assessment for TB, whose initial sputum was Xpert MTB positive, were recruited and their sputum specimens were pooled for analysis with sputum specimens that were Xpert MTB negative. Two alternative pooling strategies were employed: one in which the concentration of sample reagent (buffer) was maintained at 2:1 (standard), in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and another in which the concentration of sample reagent was reduced to 1:1. Results: We tested 101 Xpert MTB positive sputum specimens. Among these, 96% of valid test results (95% confidence interval (CI) 89-99%) were positive using the "standard buffer method". Using the "reduced buffer pooling" method 94% of valid test results (95% CI 87-98%) were positive. McNemar's test for the difference in paired proportions did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.56). Conclusion: We have confirmed that pooling of two sputum specimens for testing in a single cartridge is a valid method of reducing the number of cartridges required when using Xpert MTB to detect pulmonary tuberculosis. Two alternative pooling strategies tested here yielded similar results. Trial registration: The present study was conducted within the Active Casefinding in Tuberculosis (ACT3) Trial. The ACT3 Trial had been registered with Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Register on 8th April, 2014

    Minimum inhibitory concentrations of commercial essential oils against common chicken pathogenic bacteria and their relationship with antibiotic resistance

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    Aims We investigated the antibacterial effect of seven essential oils (EOs) and one EO-containing liquid phytogenic solution marketed for poultry and pigs (&lsquo;Product A&rsquo;) on chicken pathogens, as well as the relationship between minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) in EOs and antibiotics commonly administered to chicken flocks in the Mekong Delta (Vietnam). Methods and Results Micellar extracts from oregano (Origanum vulgare), cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendra), garlic (Allium sativum), black pepper (Piper nigrum), peppermint (Mentha&nbsp;&times;&nbsp;piperita&nbsp;L.), tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) EOs and Product A were investigated for their MIC against&nbsp;Avibacterium endocarditidis&nbsp;(N&nbsp;=&nbsp;10),&nbsp;Pasteurella multocida&nbsp;(N&nbsp;=&nbsp;7),&nbsp;Ornitobacterium rhinotracheale&nbsp;(ORT) (N&nbsp;=&nbsp;10),&nbsp;Escherichia coli&nbsp;(N&nbsp;=&nbsp;10) and&nbsp;Gallibacterium anatis&nbsp;(N&nbsp;=&nbsp;10). Cinnamon EO had the lowest median MIC across strains (median 0.5&nbsp;mg/ml [IQR, interquartile range 0.3&ndash;2.0&nbsp;mg/ml]), followed by Product A (3.8&nbsp;mg/ml [1.9&ndash;3.8&nbsp;mg/ml]), oregano EO (30.4&nbsp;mg/ml [7.6&ndash;60.8&nbsp;mg/ml]) and garlic 63.1&nbsp;mg/ml [3.9 to &gt;505.0&nbsp;mg/ml]. Peppermint, tea tree, cajeput and pepper EOs had all MIC &ge;219&nbsp;mg/ml. In addition, we determined the MIC of the 12&nbsp;most commonly used antibiotics in chicken flocks in the area. After accounting for pathogen species, we found an independent, statistically significant (p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.05) positive correlation between MIC of 10 of 28 (35.7%) pairs of EOs. For 67/96 (69.8%) combinations of EOs and antibiotics, the MICs were correlated. Of all antibiotics, doxycycline was positively associated with the highest number of EOs (peppermint, tea tree, black pepper and cajeput, all&nbsp;p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.05). For cinnamon, the MICs were negatively correlated with the MICs of 11/12 antimicrobial tested (all except colistin). Conclusions Increases in MIC of antibiotics generally correlates with increased tolerance to EOs. For cinnamon EO, however, the opposite was observed. Significance and Impact of the Study Our results suggest increased antibacterial effects of EOs on multi-drug resistant pathogens; cinnamon EO was particularly effective against bacterial poultry pathogens.</p

    A survey of retail prices of antimicrobial products used in small-scale chicken farms in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam

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    Background: In the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, high quantities of products containing antimicrobial are used as prophylactic and curative treatments in small-scale chicken flocks. A large number of these contain antimicrobial active ingredients (AAIs) considered of ā€˜critical importanceā€™ for human medicine according to the World Health Organization (WHO). However, little is known about the retail prices of these products and variables associated with the expense on antimicrobials at farm level. Therefore, the aims of the study were: (1) to investigate the retail price of antimicrobials with regards to WHO importance criteria; and (2) to quantify the antimicrobial expense incurred in raising chicken flocks. We investigated 102 randomly-selected small-scale farms raising meat chickens (100ā€“2000 per flock cycle) in two districts in Dong Thap (Mekong Delta) over 203 flock production cycles raised in these farms. Farmers were asked to record the retail prices and amounts of antimicrobial used. Results: A total of 214 different antimicrobial-containing products were identified. These contained 37 different AAIs belonging to 13 classes. Over half (60.3%) products contained 1 highest priority, critically important AAI, and 38.8% 1 high priority, critically important AAI. The average (farm-adjusted) retail price of a daily dose administered to a 1 kg bird across products was 0.40 cents of 1 US$ (ā‚µ) (SE Ā± 0.05). The most expensive products were those that included at least one high priority, critically important AAI, as well as those purchased in one of the two study districts. Farmers spent on average of ā‚µ3.91 (SE Ā± 0.01) on antimicrobials per bird over the production cycle. The expense on antimicrobials in weeks with disease and low mortality was greater than on weeks with disease and high mortality, suggesting that antimicrobial use had a beneficial impact on disease outcomes (Ļ‡ 2 = 3.8; p = 0.052). Farmers generally used more expensive antimicrobials on older flocks. Conclusions and recommendation: The retail prices of antimicrobial products used in chicken production in Mekong Delta small-scale chicken farms are very low, and not related to their relevance for human medicine. Farmers, however, demonstrated a degree of sensitivity to prices of antimicrobial products. Therefore, revising pricing policies of antimicrobial products remains a potential option to curb the use of antimicrobials of critical importance in animal production

    Characterizing antimicrobial resistance in chicken pathogens: a step towards improved antimicrobial stewardship in poultry production in Vietnam

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    In the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, farmers use large quantities of antimicrobials to raise small-scale chicken flocks, often including active ingredients regarded of "critical importance'" by the World Health Organization. Due to limitations in laboratory capacity, the choice of antimicrobials normally does not follow any empirical criteria of effectiveness. The aim of this study was to highlight non-critically important antimicrobials against which chicken pathogens are likely to be susceptible as a basis for treatment guidelines. Microtiter broth dilution method was performed to determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 12 commonly used antimicrobials for 58 isolates, including Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) (n = 22), Gallibacterium anatis (n = 19), and Avibacterium endocarditidis (n = 17). Unfortunately, internationally accepted breakpoints for resistance in these organisms do not exist. We drew tentative epidemiological cut-offs (TECOFFs) for those antimicrobial-pathogen combinations where MIC distributions suggested the presence of a distinct non-wild-type population. Based on the observed results, doxycycline would be the drug of choice for A.endocarditidis (11.8% presumptive non-wild type) and G. anatis infections (5.3% presumptive non-wild type). A total of 13.6% ORT isolates were non-wild type with regards to oxytetracycline, making it the drug of choice against this pathogen. This study illustrates the challenges in interpreting susceptibility testing results and the need to establish internationally accepted breakpoints for veterinary pathogens

    Antimicrobial residues and resistance against critically important antimicrobials in non-typhoidal Salmonella from meat sold at wet markets and supermarkets in Vietnam.

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    Excessive antimicrobial usage and deficiencies in hygiene in meat production systems may result in undesirable human health hazards, such as the presence of antimicrobial drug residues and non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS), including antimicrobial resistant (AMR) NTS. Recently, Vietnam has witnessed the emergence of integrated intensive animal production systems, coexisting with more traditional, locally-sourced wet markets. To date no systematic studies have been carried out to compare health hazards in beef, pork and chicken in different production systems. We aimed to: (1) estimate the prevalence of antimicrobial residues in beef, pork and chicken meat; (2) investigate the prevalence and levels of NTS contamination; and (3) investigate serovar distribution and AMR against critically important antimicrobials by animal species and type of retail (wet market vs. supermarket) in Vietnam. Fresh pork, beef and chicken meat samples (N=357) sourced from wet markets and supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Hanoi and Dong Thap were screened for antimicrobial residues by PremiTest, and were further investigated by Charm II. Samples from HCMC (N=113) were cultured using ISO 6579:2002/Amd 1:2007. NTS bacteria were quantified using a minimum probable number (MPN) technique. NTS isolates were assigned to serovar by Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST), and were investigated for their phenotypic susceptibility against 32 antimicrobials. A total of 26 (7.3%) samples tested positive by PremiTest (9.5% beef, 4.1% pork and 8.4% chicken meat). Sulfonamides, tetracyclines and macrolides were detected by Charm in 3.1%, 2.8% and 2.0% samples, respectively. Overall, meat samples from wet markets had a higher prevalence of residues than those from supermarkets (9.6% vs. 2.6%) (p=0.016). NTS were isolated from 68.4% samples from HCMC. Chicken samples from wet markets had by far the highest NTS counts (median 3.2 logMPN/g). NTS isolates displayed high levels of resistance against quinolones (52.2%) and Ī²-lactams (49.6%), but low levels against 3rd generation cephalosporins (4.4%) and aminoglycosides (0.8%). The highest adjusted prevalence of multidrug resistance (MDR) corresponded to isolates from chicken meat and pork (OR 8.3 and 1.8, respectively) (baseline=beef). S. Kentucky was the most common serovar identified (11 from chicken, 1 from beef) and 91.7% isolates was MDR. 11/12 isolates corresponded to ST198, a worldwide-disseminated multi-resistant NTS clone. We recommend stepping up policy measures to promote responsible antimicrobial use in animal production, as well as awareness about withdrawal periods to limit the hazard of residues in animal products, and improving slaughtering/hygiene procedures to limit cross-contamination with NTS, particularly in poultry wet markets

    Antimicrobial residues and resistance against critically important antimicrobials in non-typhoidal Salmonella from meat sold at wet markets and supermarkets in Vietnam.

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    Excessive antimicrobial usage and deficiencies in hygiene in meat production systems may result in undesirable human health hazards, such as the presence of antimicrobial drug residues and non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS), including antimicrobial resistant (AMR) NTS. Recently, Vietnam has witnessed the emergence of integrated intensive animal production systems, coexisting with more traditional, locally-sourced wet markets. To date no systematic studies have been carried out to compare health hazards in beef, pork and chicken in different production systems. We aimed to: (1) estimate the prevalence of antimicrobial residues in beef, pork and chicken meat; (2) investigate the prevalence and levels of NTS contamination; and (3) investigate serovar distribution and AMR against critically important antimicrobials by animal species and type of retail (wet market vs. supermarket) in Vietnam. Fresh pork, beef and chicken meat samples (N=357) sourced from wet markets and supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Hanoi and Dong Thap were screened for antimicrobial residues by PremiTest, and were further investigated by Charm II. Samples from HCMC (N=113) were cultured using ISO 6579:2002/Amd 1:2007. NTS bacteria were quantified using a minimum probable number (MPN) technique. NTS isolates were assigned to serovar by Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST), and were investigated for their phenotypic susceptibility against 32 antimicrobials. A total of 26 (7.3%) samples tested positive by PremiTest (9.5% beef, 4.1% pork and 8.4% chicken meat). Sulfonamides, tetracyclines and macrolides were detected by Charm in 3.1%, 2.8% and 2.0% samples, respectively. Overall, meat samples from wet markets had a higher prevalence of residues than those from supermarkets (9.6% vs. 2.6%) (p=0.016). NTS were isolated from 68.4% samples from HCMC. Chicken samples from wet markets had by far the highest NTS counts (median 3.2 logMPN/g). NTS isolates displayed high levels of resistance against quinolones (52.2%) and Ī²-lactams (49.6%), but low levels against 3rd generation cephalosporins (4.4%) and aminoglycosides (0.8%). The highest adjusted prevalence of multidrug resistance (MDR) corresponded to isolates from chicken meat and pork (OR 8.3 and 1.8, respectively) (baseline=beef). S. Kentucky was the most common serovar identified (11 from chicken, 1 from beef) and 91.7% isolates was MDR. 11/12 isolates corresponded to ST198, a worldwide-disseminated multi-resistant NTS clone. We recommend stepping up policy measures to promote responsible antimicrobial use in animal production, as well as awareness about withdrawal periods to limit the hazard of residues in animal products, and improving slaughtering/hygiene procedures to limit cross-contamination with NTS, particularly in poultry wet markets

    Antimicrobial residues, non-typhoidal Salmonella, Vibrio spp. and associated microbiological hazards in retail shrimps purchased in Ho Chi Minh city (Vietnam)

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    We investigated antimicrobial residues, non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS), Vibrio spp. and their associated antimicrobial resistance (AMR), in shrimps locally purchased in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). In addition, we investigated the relationship between AMR in NTS, Vibrio spp. and antimicrobial residue in the same sample. A total of 40 samples of shrimp heads/shells from different retail sources was cultured using ISO 6579-1:2017 (NTS) and ISO/TS 21872-1:2007 (Vibrio spp.). Phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility was investigated using Vitek (NTS, 34 antimicrobials) and disk diffusion (Vibrio spp., 12 antimicrobials). A total of 9 (22.5%) samples contained antimicrobial residue, including tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides and macrolides (in 7.5%, 7.5%, 2.5% and 2.5% of samples, respectively). Shrimp samples from supermarkets had a higher prevalence of antimicrobial residue than those purchased in street markets (50% vs. 13.3%) (pā€Æ=ā€Æ0.049). A total of 30 (75%) samples were contaminated with NTS. All samples contained Vibrio spp., with V. parahaemolyticus being most common (87.5% samples). A total of 58.9% NTS isolates were multidrug resistant. With regards to the highest priority, critically important antimicrobials, the highest resistance corresponded to quinolones (14.4-47.8%), followed by 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins (3.3-7.8%). Vibrio spp. isolates were characterised by their high resistance against ampicillin (82.7%) and 3rd generation cephalosporins (8.3-16.5%). Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) activity was detected in 28.1% V. parahaemolyticus isolates. Half of ESBL-positive V. parahaemolyticus strains harboured bla CTX-M1. We found an association between the presence of residues and the number of resistances for NTS (pā€Æ=ā€Æ0.075) and Vibrio spp. isolates (pā€Æ=ā€Æ0.093) from the same sample. These findings suggest that the presence of residues may contribute to the selection of AMR in foodborne pathogens in shrimps. Authorities should strengthen policies aiming at restricting inappropriate antimicrobial usage in shrimp farming, and step up monitoring of antimicrobial residues and food-borne pathogens at retail in Vietnam