193 research outputs found

    Primary structure of potato Kunitz-type serine proteinase inhibitor

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    The serine proteinase inhibitor (PSPI-51) isolated from potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L,) comprises two protein species with pi 5.2 and 6.3, denoted as PSPI-21-5.2 and PSPI-21-6.3, respectively. They were separated by anion exchange chromatography on a Mono Q FPLC column. Both species tightly inhibit human leukocyte elastase, whereas their interaction with trypsin and chymotrypsin is substantially weaker. The sequences of both PSPI-21-5.2 and PSPI-21-6.3 were determined by analysis of overlapping peptides obtained from the oxidized or reduced and S-pyridylethylated proteins after digestion with trypsin or pepsin, Both species of PSPI-21 are composed of two chains, named chains A and B, which are linked by a disulfide bridge between Cys(146) and Cys(157). The other disulfide bridge is located within the A chains between Cys(48) and Cys(97). The amino acid sequences of the large A chains of the two forms, consisting of 150 amino acids residues each, differ in a single residue at position 52. The small chains B, containing 37 and 36 residues in PSPI-21-6.3 and PSPI-21-5.2, respectively, have nine different residues. The entire amino acid sequences of the two inhibitors show a high degree of homology to the other Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitors from plants

    Адміністративний статус морських портів

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    Валуєва Л. В. Адміністративний статус морських портів / Л. В. Валуєва // Актуальні проблеми політики : зб. наук. пр. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред..), Л. І. Кормич (заст. голов. ред..), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОНмолодьспорт України ; НУ ОЮА. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – Вип.. 46. – С. 309-319.This article analyzes the administrative status of the seaport and its specifi c features on which the concept of sea port in the broad and narrow sens

    Военно-техническое сотрудничество двух региональных держав: новые вызовы для России и Индии

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    Scientific article is dedicated to the modern condition and prospect of Russian-Indian military and technical cooperation, the character of which can be characterized as significant and symbolic for partners. Such character can be proved by the place of Russia in Indian military market as the leader-importer, presence of an exclusive Program with India for military and technical cooperation till 2020. Determined that there are some factors that can decrease Russia’s share in India military marker, such as: liberalization of India’ investment policy and increasing of FDI Cap (% of equity) in to 49%; incapability of Russia to satisfy India’s demand and India’s policy of importers diversification. Activation and searching of new products, technologies and approaches could allow keep, strength and prolong Russia’s position in India market.В статье проведен обзор состояния и перспектив российско-индийского военно-технического сотрудничества, которое является знаковым и важным для стран-партнеров, что подтверждается доминирующим положение России в качестве ведущего поставщика вооружений на рынок Индии (более 50%), и наличием фактически эксклюзивной в своем роде с Индией «Программы военно-технического сотрудничества до 2020 года». Установлено, что факторы, способствующие дальнейшему сокращению доли России на индийском рынке вооружений, следующие: либерализация инвестиционной политики Индии, увеличившая порог присутствия иностранных инвесторов в военно-промышленном комплексе (ВПК) Индии до 49%; неспособность России удовлетворить спрос Индии во всех сферах вооружений; проводимая Индией политика диверсификации поставщиков продукции военного назначения (ПВН); ряд тендеров, которые не смогла выиграть Россия по поставке вооружений в Республику. Активизация поиска прорывных технологий, офсетные соглашения, а также более глубокая проработка и развитие текущих проектов позволят России не только удержать, но и нарастить свои позиции на рынке вооружений Индии

    Influence of Cooling Rate in High-Temperature Area on Hardening of Deposited High-Cutting Chrome-Tungsten Metal

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    The authors study the influence of cooling rate in high-temperature area for thermal cycle of high-cutting chrome-tungsten metal weld deposit on the processes of carbide phase merging and austenite grain growth for the purpose of providing high hardness of deposited metal (HRC 64-66)

    Clinical case of acupuncture treatment of hemicrania continua with ophthalmic symptoms

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    A clinical case of successful treatment of hemicrania continua with ophthalmic symptoms using acupuncture is presented.Chronic headache (CH) is an important medical and social problem. The fact is that CH is treated mainly medication-based. About 63 % of patients have to take analgesic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time, while in most cases there are signs of drug overdose, which increases the risk of complications and side effects.The presented clinical case showed the acupuncture effectiveness in hemicrania continua with ophthalmic symptoms in a 23-year-old patient.Since the age of 13, the patient has been observed and repeatedly treated with complaints of persistent headaches on the left, pain in the left eye and decreased vision, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbance. In 2019, against the background of constant daily intake of indomethacin, at a dosage of 9 tablets (225 mg) and a short course of glucocorticosteroids, positive dynamics of the left eye side and relative remission on the part of the pain syndrome were achieved. At the same time, choroidal ischemia with retinal edema persisted, headaches periodically occurred. Acupuncture had been performed during 6 months, 1–2 times every 14–28 days, depending on the patient’s condition, against the background of a gradual reduction in the dose of indomethacin. Complete remission has been achieved. After the end of treatment and complete withdrawal of the drug the patient has been under control for more than 3 months. The patient’s condition is satisfactory, no complaints

    Research on Operational Characteristics of Imported Rails under Conditions of East Siberian Railway

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    In world's manufacturing of railroad rails there are several thermal bonding methods: differentiated waterflow quenching, air-blast or spray quenching, rail head's hardening in polymer solution and bulk oil hardening; rails' service durability is strongly dependent on thermo-hardening methods. Until recently, all of rails, produced at Nizhniy Tagil and Kuznetsk Metallurgical Works, were subjected to bulk oil hardening. Only in 2010-2011, in the Russian Federation, differentiated air quenching of rails was started at the JSC "EVRAZ ZSMK"; and rail heads' hardening in polymer solution - at the JSC "Mechel". At the same time, exploitation of imported rails with differentiated hardening has been performed on Russian railways since 1995. Service durability of these rails in Siberia and the Far North is of considerable interest. In this paper we investigated the quality of P65-type rails, made in Japan, removed after use from curved track section of the East-Siberian railway

    Optimizing Technological Parameters of the Reduction Processes in Treating Steels in a Ladle Furnace

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    This work reports the possible development of reduction processes when treating the molten metal and slag using a ladle furnace under conditions of intensive stirring with an inert gas. The industrial data have been received, confirming the possibility of decreasing the concentration of ferrous and manganese oxides in the slag and stabilizing the contents of manganese and silicon in the metal

    Oxidation Processes in Blowing Steel With Inert Gas into the Ladle

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    This work reports the possible development of oxidative processes in a metal when treating the melt in the ladle under intensive stirring with an inert gas. The industrial data have been received, confirming the possibility of reducing the concentration of silicon and aluminum in the metal, as well as changing the slag chemical composition with the bath blowing with the inert gas through the top submerged lance


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    At present, significant advances have been made in the surgical and conservative treatment of glaucoma. However, in patients with a prolonged course of the disease, even against the background of normalized intraocular pressure, progressive deterioration of visual functions occurs with the transition of the disease to a more severe stage. Effects directed solely at lowering the intraocular pressure are not able to fully ensure the preservation of visual functions, so its normalization cannot ensure the stabilization of the glaucoma process. Dysfunction of the nervous system and vascular disorders play a significant role in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. In this regard, the treatment of this disease should be comprehensive and include neuroprotective therapy aimed at correction of metabolic disorders that occur in glaucoma in the optic nerve head, improvement of local microcirculation and trophism of tissues, normalization the rheological properties of the blood. Conventional conservative therapy does not provide adequate blood supply to the optic nerve and prevent the deterioration of visual functions in more than half of patients. The purpose of this study was to study the effectiveness of reflexotherapy in patients with glaucoma after surgery and normalization of intraocular pressure. In the study, 18 patients with a diagnosis of primary open-angle glaucoma were treated. It has been established that reflexotherapy improves significantly the functions of the visual system and the general condition, normalizes arterial pressure and psycho-emotional state of patients