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7 research outputs found
Factors associated with simulator-assessed laparoscopic surgical skills of veterinary students
Ameet Singh
Boel A. Fransson
+4Â more
Carolyn L. Kerr
Deep K. Khosa
Jessica J. Kilkenny
Valliyate M
Publication venue
'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effect of Instructional Format on Veterinary Students’ Task Performance and Emotional State during a Simulation-Based Canine Endotracheal Intubation Laboratory: Handout versus Video
Ahmad M
Basu RR
+15Â more
Cheung KL
Cohen RA
Dunne K
Eysenck M
Ilgen JS
Jones JL
Langebæk R
LeBreton JM
Read E
Reo JA
Spielberger CD
Stanczyk NE
Valliyate M
Williamson J
Williamson JA
Publication venue
'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Iterative Development of a Digital Game-Based Learning Concept: Introduction of Veterinary Herd Health Management in a Virtual Pig Herd
Adams DM
Andersen IL
+21Â more
Arnab S
Boeker M
Christopoulou E
Connolly TM
Csikszentmihalyi M
Dickey MD
Dreyfus HL
Ebner M
Egenfeldt-Nielsen S
Lave J
Mann BD
Nadolski RJ
Romanelli F
Shreeve MW
Slootmaker A
Slootmaker A
Valliyate M
Weed LL
Westera W
Westera W
Whitton N
Publication venue
'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Evaluation of 3D Additively Manufactured Canine Brain Models for Teaching Veterinary Neuroanatomy
Balcombe J
Berney S
+27Â more
Garg AX
Greenfield CL
Guillot A
Harrysson OL
Harrysson OLA
Harrysson OLA
Henry RW
Hoffmann D
Holladay S
Khalil MK
Khalil MK
Khot Z
Korf HW
Langlois J
Liska WD
Lufler RS
Nguyen N
Pawlina W
Peters M
Preece D
Ravikumar C
Rosenbaum PR
Rosenbaum PR
Russell LT
Valliyate M
von Hagens G
Vorstenbosch MA
Publication venue
'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Effect of an Ovariohysterectomy Model Practice on Surgical Times for Final-Year Veterinary Students’ First Live-Animal Ovariohysterectomies
Beal MW
Bewley WL
+30Â more
Boet S
Bowlt KL
Brown DC
Burrow R
Clark WT
Crossley MJ
Duclos A
Ericsson KA
Fingland R.
Freeman LJ
George JH
Greenfield CL
Greenfield CL
Griffon DJ
Gupta DM
Holmberg DL
Issenberg SB
Kneebone R
Kustritz MV.
May SA
McGaghie WC
Michelsen J
Pottie RG
Pukacz M
Sadideen H
Smeak DD
Valliyate M
van Goethem B
Wetzel CM
Wood D
Publication venue
'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Comparison of Self-Directed and Instructor-Led Practice Sessions for Teaching Clinical Skills in Food Animal Reproductive Medicine
Ainoda N
Bacon DR
+42Â more
Baillie S
Baillie S
Beyer A
Branch WT
Brannick MT
Brydges R
Brydges R
Brydges R
Chapman KJ
Chiviacowsky S
Chiviacowsky S
Colliver JA
Crowther E
Doucet M
Dubrowski A
Ericsson KA
Eva KW
Giese H
Glicken AD
Greveson GC
Hamstra SJ
Hesse A
Issenberg SB
Kelly C
Kuhn AA
LeFlore JL
Lewthwaite R
Lynagh M
Mavis B
McGaghie WC
McGaghie WC
Murad MH
Post PG
Rosch T
Shanks D
Snider KT
Sturm LP
Turner JL
Valliyate M
Wulf G
Wulf G
Zendejas B
Publication venue
'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Clinical skills of veterinary students – a cross-sectional study of the self-concept and exposure to skills training in Hannover, Germany
A Fröhmel
A Sajid
+56Â more
Andrea Tipold
B Beck
C Nikendei
CE Tinga
CJ Holleman
D Zenner
E Kruppa
Elisabeth Schaper
F Hällfritzsch
G Baljer
GJ Patronek
H Bark
HB Kutsch
J Biggs
J Biggs
J De Boo
J Fleger
J JĂĽnger
J Strate
J Van Der Valk
Jan P Ehlers
K Fogelberg
KR Van Sickle
L Niemi-Murola
L Ruiz
LD Sanchez
M Das
M Dilly
M Valliyate
MA Graber
Marc Dilly
Martin R Fischer
MD Kaplowitz
MH Davis
MV Root Kustritz
N Baur
PE Buck
PJ Canfield
PJ Canfield
PJ Welsh
R Langebaek
R Pletl
RJ Scalese
RJ Scalese
S Baillie
S Baillie
S Mönk
SM Rhind
T Colonius
T Rösch
Tanja Rösch
TAppV Bundesministerium fĂĽr Gesundheit
U Teichler
WA Reid
Y Okuda
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text