9 research outputs found

    The response of stocks of C, N, and P to plant invasion in the coastal wetlands of China

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    The increasing success of invasive plant species in wetland areas can threaten their capacity to store carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus (C, N, and P). Here, we have investigated the relationships between the different stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC), and total C, N, and P pools in the plant-soil system from eight different wetland areas across the South-East coast of China, where the invasive tallgrass Spartina alterniflora has replaced the native tall grasses Phragmites australis and the mangrove communities, originally dominated by the native species Kandelia obovata and Avicennia marina. The invasive success of Spartina alterniflora replacing Phragmites australis did not greatly influence soil traits, biomass accumulation or plant-soil C and N storing capacity. However, the resulting higher ability to store P in both soil and standing plant biomass (approximately more than 70 and 15 kg P by ha, respectively) in the invasive than in the native tall grass communities suggesting the possibility of a decrease in the ecosystem N:P ratio with future consequences to below- and aboveground trophic chains. The results also showed that a future advance in the native mangrove replacement by Spartina alterniflora could constitute a serious environmental problem. This includes enrichment of sand in the soil, with the consequent loss of nutrient retention capacity, as well as a sharp decrease in the stocks of C (2.6 and 2.2 t C ha-1 in soil and stand biomass, respectively), N, and P in the plant-soil system. This should be associated with a worsening of the water quality by aggravating potential eutrophication processes. Moreover, the loss of carbon and nutrient decreases the potential overall fertility of the system, strongly hampering the reestablishment of woody mangrove communities in the future

    Global change and forest nutrient stoichiometry. The foliar elemental composition of woody plants and its drivers

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    Aquesta tesi se centra al voltant de la composició química elemental de les fulles de les plantes llenyoses i té com a objectiu establir-hi relacions ecològiques. Al llarg dels seus diferents capítols explora la composició foliar elemental a nivell regional, a través d'experiments de camp, a nivell continental Europeu i finalment a nivell global, a través de modelització. En conjunció s'estableixen relacions estequiomètriques amb deposició de nitrogen, sequera, defoliació, condicions ambientals i competència ecològica. A més a més, la tesi s'emmarca dins el concepte del nínxol biogeoquímic, que es presenta com una alternativa quantitativa a la clàssica teoria ecològica del nínxol. Així doncs en aquesta tesi pretén utilitzar la química de les fulles com a indicador de l'estat ecològic i de salut dels ecosistemes vegetals així com relacionar-ho amb els efectes del canvi climàtic i la petjada humana.Esta tesis divaga alrededor de la composición química elemental de las hojas de las plantas leñosas y tiene como objetivo establecer relaciones ecológicas. A lo largo de sus diferentes capítulos explora la composición foliar elemental a nivel regional, mediante experimentos de campo, a nivel continental Europeo y finalmente a nivel global, mediante modelización. En conjunción se establecen relaciones estequiométricas con la deposición de nitrógeno, sequía, defoliación, condiciones ambientales y competencia ecológica. Además, la tesi se enmarca dentro del concepto del nicho biogeoquímico, que se presenta como una alternativa cuantitativa a la clásica teoría ecológica del nicho. De esta forma en esta tesis se pretende utilizar la química de las hojas como indicador del estado ecológico y de salud de los ecosistemas vegetales así como relacionarlo con los diferentes efectos del cambio climático y la huella humana.This thesis focuses on the elemental chemical composition of the leaves of woody plants and aims to establish ecological relationships with it. Throughout its different chapters it explores the elementary foliar composition at regional level, through field experiments, at continental European level and finally at global level, through modeling. In conjunction, stoichiometric relationships are established with nitrogen deposition, drought, defoliation, environmental conditions, and ecological competition. In addition, the thesis is framed within the concept of the biogeochemical niche, which is presented as a quantitative alternative to the classic ecological theory of the niche. Thus in this thesis it is intended to use the chemistry of the leaves as an indicator of the ecological and health status of plant ecosystems as well as to relate it to the effects of climate change and the human footprint

    Short-term n-fertilization differently affects the leaf and leaf litter chemistry of the dominant species in a mediterranean forest under drought conditions

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    Nitrogen (N) deposition is a key driver of global change with significant effects on carbon (C) cycling, species fitness, and diversity; however, its effects on Mediterranean ecosystems are unclear. Here, we simulated N deposition in an N-fertilization experiment with N-labeled fertilizer in a montane evergreen Mediterranean holm oak forest, in central Catalonia, to quantify short-term impacts on leaf, leaf litter elemental composition, and resorption efficiency in three dominant species (Quercus ilex, Phillyrea latifolia, and Arbutus unedo). We found that even under drought conditions, N isotope analysis of leaf and leaf litter showed a rapid uptake of the added N, suggesting an N deficient ecosystem. Species responses to N fertilization varied, where A. unedo was unaffected and the responses in P. latifolia and Q. ilex were similar, albeit with contrasting magnitude. P. latifolia benefited the most from N fertilization under drought conditions of the experimental year. These differences in species response could indicate impacts on species fitness, competition, and abundance under increased N loads in Mediterranean forest ecosystems. Further research is needed to disentangle interactions between long-term N deposition and the drought predicted under future climate scenarios in Mediterranean ecosystems

    Empirical support for the biogeochemical niche hypothesis in forest trees

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    The possibility of using the elemental compositions of species as a tool to identify species/genotype niche remains to be tested at a global scale. We investigated relationships between the foliar elemental compositions (elementomes) of trees at a global scale with phylogeny, climate, N deposition and soil traits. We analysed foliar N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S concentrations in 23,962 trees of 227 species. Shared ancestry explained 60-94% of the total variance in foliar nutrient concentrations and ratios whereas current climate, atmospheric N deposition and soil type together explained 1-7%, consistent with the biogeochemical niche hypothesis which predicts that each species will have a specific need for and use of each bio-element. The remaining variance was explained by the avoidance of nutritional competition with other species and natural variability within species. The biogeochemical niche hypothesis is thus able to quantify species-specific tree niches and their shifts in response to environmental changes

    The response of stocks of C, N, and P to plant invasion in the coastal wetlands of China

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    The increasing success of invasive plant species in wetland areas can threaten their capacity to store carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus (C, N, and P). Here, we have investigated the relationships between the different stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC), and total C, N, and P pools in the plant-soil system from eight different wetland areas across the South-East coast of China, where the invasive tallgrass Spartina alterniflora has replaced the native tall grasses Phragmites australis and the mangrove communities, originally dominated by the native species Kandelia obovata and Avicennia marina. The invasive success of Spartina alterniflora replacing Phragmites australis did not greatly influence soil traits, biomass accumulation or plant-soil C and N storing capacity. However, the resulting higher ability to store P in both soil and standing plant biomass (approximately more than 70 and 15 kg P by ha, respectively) in the invasive than in the native tall grass communities suggesting the possibility of a decrease in the ecosystem N:P ratio with future consequences to below- and aboveground trophic chains. The results also showed that a future advance in the native mangrove replacement by Spartina alterniflora could constitute a serious environmental problem. This includes enrichment of sand in the soil, with the consequent loss of nutrient retention capacity, as well as a sharp decrease in the stocks of C (2.6 and 2.2 t C ha-1 in soil and stand biomass, respectively), N, and P in the plant-soil system. This should be associated with a worsening of the water quality by aggravating potential eutrophication processes. Moreover, the loss of carbon and nutrient decreases the potential overall fertility of the system, strongly hampering the reestablishment of woody mangrove communities in the future

    Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations correlate with declining nutritional status of European forests

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    The drivers of global change, including increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, N and S deposition, and climate change, likely affect the nutritional status of forests. Here we show forest foliar concentrations of N, P, K, S and Mg decreased significantly in Europe by 5%, 11%, 8%, 6% and 7%, respectively during the last three decades. The decrease in nutritional status was especially large in Mediterranean and temperate forests. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration was well correlated with the decreases in N, P, K, Mg, S concentrations and the increase of N:P ratio. Regional analyses indicated that increases in some foliar nutrient concentrations such as N, S and Ca in northern Europe occurred associated with increasingly favourable conditions of mean annual precipitation and temperature. Crucial changes in forest health, structure, functioning and services, including negative feedbacks on C capture can be expected if these trends are not reversed

    Global spectra of plant litter carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and returning amounts

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    Litter decomposition is a key ecological process that determines carbon (C) and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. The initial concentrations of C and nutrients in litter play a critical role in this process, yet the global patterns of litter initial concentrations of C, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are poorly understood. - We employed machine learning with a global database to quantitatively assess the global patterns and drivers of leaf litter initial C, N and P concentrations, as well as their returning amounts (i.e. amounts returned to soils). - The medians of litter C, N and P concentrations were 46.7, 1.1, and 0.1%, respectively, and the medians of litter C, N and P returning amounts were 1.436, 0.038 and 0.004 Mg ha−1 year−1, respectively. Soil and climate emerged as the key predictors of leaf litter C, N and P concentrations. Predicted global maps showed that leaf litter N and P concentrations decreased with latitude, while C concentration exhibited an opposite pattern. Additionally, the returning amounts of leaf litter C, N and P all declined from the equator to the poles in both hemispheres. - Synthesis: Our results provide a quantitative assessment of the global concentrations and returning amounts of leaf litter C, N and P, which showed new light on the role of leaf litter in global C and nutrients cycling

    Foliar elementome and functional traits relationships identify tree species niche in French Guiana rainforests

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    Altres ajuts: Fundación Ramón Areces. Grant Number: CIVP20A6621Biogeochemical niche (BN) hypothesis aims to relate species/genotype elemental composition with its niche based on the fact that different elements are involved differentially in distinct plant functions. We here test the BN hypothesis through the analysis of the 10 foliar elemental concentrations and 20 functional-morphological of 60 tree species in a French Guiana tropical forest. We observed strong legacy (phylogenic + species) signals in the species-specific foliar elemental composition (elementome) and, for the first time, provide empirical evidence for a relationship between species-specific foliar elementome and functional traits. Our study thus supports the BN hypothesis and confirms the general niche segregation process through which the species-specific use of bio-elements drives the high levels of α-diversity in this tropical forest. We show that the simple analysis of foliar elementomes may be used to test for BNs of co-occurring species in highly diverse ecosystems, such as tropical rainforests. Although cause and effect mechanisms of leaf functional and morphological traits in species-specific use of bio-elements require confirmation, we posit the hypothesis that divergences in functional-morphological niches and species-specific biogeochemical use are likely to have co-evolve

    Intercomparison of global foliar trait maps reveals fundamental differences and limitations of upscaling approaches

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    Foliar traits such as specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations play an important role in plant economic strategies and ecosystem functioning. Various global maps of these foliar traits have been generated using statistical upscaling approaches based on in-situ trait observations. Here, we intercompare such global upscaled foliar trait maps at 0.5° spatial resolution (six maps for SLA, five for N, three for P), categorize the upscaling approaches used to generate them, and evaluate the maps with trait estimates from a global database of vegetation plots (sPlotOpen). We disentangled the contributions from different plant functional types (PFTs) to the upscaled maps and characterized the differences between two trait metrics: community weighted mean (CWM) and top-of-canopy weighted mean (TWM). We found that the global foliar trait maps of SLA and N differ drastically and fall into two groups that are almost uncorrelated (for P only maps from one group were available). The primary factor explaining the differences between these groups is the exclusive use of PFT information combined with remote sensing-derived land cover products in one group while the other group mostly relied on environmental predictors. The impact of using TWM or CWM on spatial patterns was considerably smaller than that of including PFT and land cover information. The maps that used PFT and land cover information exhibit considerable similarities in spatial patterns that are strongly driven by land cover. The maps not using PFTs show a lower level of similarity and tend to be strongly driven by individual environmental variables. Overall, the maps using PFT and land cover information better reproduce the between-PFT trait differences and trait distributions of the plot-level sPlotOpen data, while the two groups performed similarly in capturing within-PFT trait variation. Upscaled maps of both groups were moderately correlated to grid-cell-level sPlotOpen data (R = 0.2-0.6), with considerable differences between upscaling approaches and overall higher correlations for SLA and N. Our findings highlight the importance of explicitly accounting for within-grid-cell trait variation, which has important implications for applications using existing maps and future upscaling efforts