207 research outputs found


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    PkM ini berupaya untuk membahas mengenai keberadaan Standar Operasional Prosedur yang bersifat krusial dalam restoran, terutama jika membicarakan mengenai Food & Beverage Service. Standar Operasional Prosedur dapat dipandang sebagai sebuah arahan baik bagi setiap individu yang terlibat dalam kegiatan pekerjaan maupun pelatihan. Seperti yang diketahui, bahwa sektor Food & Beverage sangat berkaitan dengan pelayanan. Metode yang diterapkan penulis untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah melalui metode pelatihan. Melalui kegiatan ini, diharapkan setiap peserta mampu untuk memahami pentingnya layanan yang dilakukan kepada tamu, terlebih kepada tamu restoran. PkM ini juga diharapkan mampu menjadi sebuah kegiatan praktik bagi setiap peserta untuk mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin dan memperluas wawasan siswa siswi ketika melakukan service di masa mendatan


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    Gempa bumi adalah salah satu bencana sangat merusak dengan skala yang besar juga mengakibatkan kerugian yang tidak sedikit, gempa bumi juga sulit untuk diprediksi kapan dan dimana gempa akan terjadi. Sebagai akibat dari dampak terjadinya gempa bumi, muncul masalah lain akibat dari gempa bumi yaitu salah satunya terjadinya fenomena likuifaksi.Likuifaksi yaitu perubahan kondisi tanah yang awalnya solid menjadi cair sebagai akibat dari hilangnya tegangan geser tanah akibat kenaikan tegangan air pori yang disebabkan oleh beban cyclic atau beban berulang dalam hal ini beban gempa. Likuifaksi biasanya terjadi pada kondisi tanah yang  berbutir kasar (granular Soil) tanah bertipe seperti ini mencakup kerikil, pasir, atau lanau dengan sedikit atau tidak ada kandungan lempung. Tanah berjenis seperti ini tidak memiliki nilai kohesi yang berarti, melihat potensi likuifaksi yang sangat merusak dampaknya terhadap sutau bangunan konstruksi. Dalam hal ini PLTU Area Gorontalo menjadi lokasi penelitian potensi likuifaksi dengan menggunakan data dari Standart Penetration Test (SPT).Berdasarkan data dari Standart Penetration Test (SPT), kemudian dihitung parameter – parameter nilai yang akan dihitung dalam mengevaluasi potensi likuifaksi. Parameter – parameter tersebut yaitu nilai Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR) yaitu nilai ratio dari tegangan tanah akibat beban gempa dan nilai Cyclic Resistance Ratio) yaitu nilai ratio ketahanan tanah terhadap beban siklik atau beban gempa. Pada lokasi penelitian ada dua titik yang ditinjau yaitu titik BH-1 dan titik BH-3, dari hasil perhitungan potensi kedua titik, pada titik BH-1 terjadi potensi likuifaksi pada kedalaman 1.5 m dan kedalaman 3 m untuk semua variasi gempa yang dipakai. Pada titik BH-3 potensi likuifaksi terjadi pada kedalaman 1.5 m untuk gempa bermagnitude 7.0 dan 7.4 dan untuk gema 7.8 dan 8.0 magnitude potensi likuifaksinya terjadi pada kedalaman 1.5 m sampai 3 m. Faktor meningkatnya magnitude gempa juga mempengaruhi nilai CRR dan FS. Kata Kunci : Gempa Bumi, Likuifaksi, Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR), Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR), Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

    MASSART-PIÉRARD, Françoise. La langue : Vecteur d'organisation internationale. Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions d'Acadie, 1995, 194 v.

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    Gait and balance training is an essential ingredient for locomotor rehabilitation of patients with neurological impairments. Robotic overhead support systems may help these patients train, for example by relieving them of part of their body weight. However, there are only very few systems that provide support during overground gait, and these suffer from limited degrees of freedom and/or undesired interaction forces due to uncompensated robot dynamics, namely inertia. Here, we suggest a novel mechanical concept that is based on cable robot technology and that allows three-dimensional gait training while reducing apparent robot dynamics to a minimum. The solution does not suffer from the conventional drawback of cable robots, which is a limited workspace. Instead, displaceable deflection units follow the human subject above a large walking area. These deflection units are not actuated, instead they are implicitly displaced by means of the forces in the cables they deflect. This leads to an underactuated design, because the deflection units cannot be moved arbitrarily. However, the design still allows accurate control of a three-dimensional force vector acting on a human subject during gait. We describe the mechanical concept, the control concept, and we show first experimental results obtained with the device, including the force control performance during robot-supported overground gait of five human subjects without motor impairments

    Radiative Corrections to One-Photon Decays of Hydrogenic Ions

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    Radiative corrections to the decay rate of n=2 states of hydrogenic ions are calculated. The transitions considered are the M1 decay of the 2s state to the ground state and the E1(M2) decays of the 2p1/22p_{1/2} and 2p3/22p_{3/2} states to the ground state. The radiative corrections start in order α(Zα)2\alpha (Z \alpha)^2, but the method used sums all orders of ZαZ\alpha. The leading α(Zα)2\alpha (Z\alpha)^2 correction for the E1 decays is calculated and compared with the exact result. The extension of the calculational method to parity nonconserving transitions in neutral atoms is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Have mirror micrometeorites been detected?

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    Slow-moving (v15v \sim 15 km/s) 'dark matter particles' have allegedly been discovered in a recent experiment. We explore the possibility that these slow moving dark matter particles are small mirror matter dust particles originating from our solar system. Ways of further testing our hypothesis, including the possibility of observing these dust particles in cryogenic detectors such as NAUTILUS, are also discussed.Comment: Few changes, about 8 pages lon

    Near-IR Type Ia SN distances: host galaxy extinction and mass-step corrections revisited

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    We present optical and near-infrared (NIR, YJH-band) observations of 42 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) discovered by the untargeted intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) survey. This new data-set covers a broad range of redshifts and host galaxy stellar masses, compared to previous SN Ia efforts in the NIR. We construct a sample, using also literature data at optical and NIR wavelengths, to examine claimed correlations between the host stellar masses and the Hubble diagram residuals. The SN magnitudes are corrected for host galaxy extinction using either a global total-to-selective extinction ratio, R_V = 2.0 for all SNe, or a best-fit RV for each SN individually. Unlike previous studies which were based on a narrower range in host stellar mass, we do not find evidence for a "mass-step", between the color- and stretch-corrected peak J and H magnitudes for galaxies below and above log(M_∗/M_⊙) = 10. However, the mass-step remains significant (3σ) at optical wavelengths (g,r,i) when using a global R_V, but vanishes when each SN is corrected using their individual best-fit R_V. Our study confirms the benefits of the NIR SN Ia distance estimates, as these are largely exempted from the empirical corrections dominating the systematic uncertainties in the optical

    Virtual prototyping of a semi-active transfemoral prosthetic leg

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    This article presents a virtual prototyping study of a semi-active lower limb prosthesis to improve the functionality of an amputee during prosthesis–environment interaction for level ground walking. Articulated ankle–foot prosthesis and a single-axis semi-active prosthetic knee with active and passive operating modes were considered. Data for level ground walking were collected using a photogrammetric method in order to develop a base-line simulation model and with the hip kinematics input to verify the proposed design. The simulated results show that the semi-active lower limb prosthesis is able to move efficiently in passive mode, and the activation time of the knee actuator can be reduced by approximately 50%. Therefore, this semi-active system has the potential to reduce the energy consumption of the actuators required during level ground walking and requires less compensation from the amputee due to lower deviation of the vertical excursion of body centre of mass

    Patient-cooperative control increases active participation of individuals with SCI during robot-aided gait training

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Manual body weight supported treadmill training and robot-aided treadmill training are frequently used techniques for the gait rehabilitation of individuals after stroke and spinal cord injury. Current evidence suggests that robot-aided gait training may be improved by making robotic behavior more patient-cooperative. In this study, we have investigated the immediate effects of patient-cooperative versus non-cooperative robot-aided gait training on individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI). METHODS: Eleven patients with iSCI participated in a single training session with the gait rehabilitation robot Lokomat. The patients were exposed to four different training modes in random order: During both non-cooperative position control and compliant impedance control, fixed timing of movements was provided. During two variants of the patient-cooperative path control approach, free timing of movements was enabled and the robot provided only spatial guidance. The two variants of the path control approach differed in the amount of additional support, which was either individually adjusted or exaggerated. Joint angles and torques of the robot as well as muscle activity and heart rate of the patients were recorded. Kinematic variability, interaction torques, heart rate and muscle activity were compared between the different conditions. RESULTS: Patients showed more spatial and temporal kinematic variability, reduced interaction torques, a higher increase of heart rate and more muscle activity in the patient-cooperative path control mode with individually adjusted support than in the non-cooperative position control mode. In the compliant impedance control mode, spatial kinematic variability was increased and interaction torques were reduced, but temporal kinematic variability, heart rate and muscle activity were not significantly higher than in the position control mode. CONCLUSIONS: Patient-cooperative robot-aided gait training with free timing of movements made individuals with iSCI participate more actively and with larger kinematic variability than non-cooperative, position-controlled robot-aided gait training

    Design of a series visco-elastic actuator for multi-purpose rehabilitation haptic device

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Variable structure parallel mechanisms, actuated with low-cost motors with serially added elasticity (series elastic actuator - SEA), has considerable potential in rehabilitation robotics. However, reflected masses of a SEA and variable structure parallel mechanism linked with a compliant actuator result in a potentially unstable coupled mechanical oscillator, which has not been addressed in previous studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The aim of this paper was to investigate through simulation, experimentation and theoretical analysis the necessary conditions that guarantee stability and passivity of a haptic device (based on a variable structure parallel mechanism driven by SEA actuators) when in contact with a human. We have analyzed an equivalent mechanical system where a dissipative element, a mechanical damper was placed in parallel to a spring in SEA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The theoretical analysis yielded necessary conditions relating the damping coefficient, spring stiffness, both reflected masses, controller's gain and desired virtual impedance that needs to be fulfilled in order to obtain stable and passive behavior of the device when in contact with a human. The validity of the derived passivity conditions were confirmed in simulations and experimentally.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results show that by properly designing variable structure parallel mechanisms actuated with SEA, versatile and affordable rehabilitation robotic devices can be conceived, which may facilitate their wide spread use in clinical and home environments.</p