14,715 research outputs found

    Invisible decays of ultra-high energy neutrinos

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are expected to provide a source of ultra high energy cosmic rays, accompanied with potentially detectable neutrinos at neutrino telescopes. Recently, IceCube has set an upper bound on this neutrino flux well below theoretical expectation. We investigate whether this mismatch between expectation and observation can be due to neutrino decay. We demosntrate the phenomenological consistency and theoretical plausibility of the neutrino decay hypothesis. A potential implication is the observability of majoron-emitting neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Frontiers High Energy Physic

    Global constraints on muon-neutrino non-standard interactions

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    The search for new interactions of neutrinos beyond those of the Standard Model may help to elucidate the mechanism responsible for neutrino masses. Here we combine existing accelerator neutrino data with restrictions coming from a recent atmospheric neutrino data analysis in order to lift parameter degeneracies and improve limits on new interactions of muon neutrinos with quarks. In particular we re-consider the results of the NuTeV experiment in view of a new evaluation of its systematic uncertainties. We find that, although constraints for muon neutrinos are better than those applicable to tau or electron neutrinos, they lie at the few ×10−2\times 10^{-2} level, not as strong as previously believed. We briefly discuss prospects for further improvement.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Calculable inverse-seesaw neutrino masses in supersymmetry

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    We provide a scenario where naturally small and calculable neutrino masses arise from a supersymmetry breaking renormalization-group-induced vacuum expectation value. We adopt a minimal supergravity scenario without ad hoc supersymmetric mass parameters. The lightest supersymmetric particle can be an isosinglet scalar neutrino state, potentially viable as WIMP dark matter through its Higgs new boson coupling. The scenario leads to a plethora of new phenomenological implications at accelerators including the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, 4 figures. Comments and references added. Final version to appear in PR

    Effective penetration length and interstitial vortex pinning in superconducting films with regular arrays of defects

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    In order to compare magnetic and non-magnetic pinning we have nanostructured two superconducting films with regular arrays of pinning centers: Cu (non-magnetic) dots in one case, and Py (magnetic) dots in the other. For low applied magnetic fields, when all the vortices are pinned in the artificial inclusions, magnetic dots prove to be better pinning centers, as has been generally accepted. Unexpectedly, when the magnetic field is increased and interstitial vortices appear, the results are very different: we show how the stray field generated by the magnetic dots can produce an effective reduction of the penetration length. This results in strong consequences in the transport properties, which, depending on the dot separation, can lead to an enhancement or worsening of the transport characteristics. Therefore, the election of the magnetic or non-magnetic character of the pinning sites for an effective reduction of dissipation will depend on the range of the applied magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Probing neutrino transition magnetic moments with coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering

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    We explore the potential of current and next generation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEν\nuNS) experiments in probing neutrino electromagnetic interactions. On the basis of a thorough statistical analysis, we determine the sensitivities on each component of the Majorana neutrino transition magnetic moment (TMM), ∣Λi∣\left \vert \Lambda_i \right \vert, that follow from low-energy neutrino-nucleus experiments. We derive the sensitivity to neutrino TMM from the first CEν\nuNS measurement by the COHERENT experiment, at the Spallation Neutron Source. We also present results for the next phases of COHERENT using HPGe, LAr and NaI[Tl] detectors and for reactor neutrino experiments such as CONUS, CONNIE, MINER, TEXONO and RED100. The role of the CP violating phases in each case is also briefly discussed. We conclude that future CEν\nuNS experiments with low-threshold capabilities can improve current TMM limits obtained from Borexino data.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, analysis updated; conclusions unchanged; references added; matches published versio

    On the description of non-unitary neutrino mixing

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    Neutrino oscillations are well established and the relevant parameters determined with good precision, except for the CP phase, in terms of a unitary lepton mixing matrix. Seesaw extensions of the Standard Model predict unitarity deviations due to the admixture of heavy isosinglet neutrinos. We provide a complete description of the unitarity and universality deviations in the light neutrino sector. Neutrino oscillation experiments involving electron or muon neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are fully described in terms of just three new real parameters and a new CP phase, in addition to the ones describing oscillations with unitary mixing. Using this formalism we describe the implications of non-unitarity for neutrino oscillations and summarize the model-independent constraints on heavy neutrino couplings that arise from current experiments.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, modified bounds on non-unitarity parameters, new figs 3 and

    Inverse tri-bimaximal type-III seesaw and lepton flavor violation

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    We present a type-III version of inverse seesaw or, equivalently an inverse version of type-III seesaw. Naturally small neutrino masses arise at low-scale from the exchange of neutral fermions transforming as hyperchargeless SU(2) triplets. In order to implement tri-bimaximal lepton mixing we supplement the minimal SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) gauge symmetry with an A4-based flavor symmetry. Our scenario induces lepton flavour violating (LFV) three body decays that can proceed at the tree level, while radiative li to lj gamma decays and mu-e conversion in nuclei are also expected to be sizeable. LFV decays are related by the underlying flavor symmetry and the new fermions are also expected to be accessible for study at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
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