678 research outputs found

    Máiz, R., La frontera interior. El lugar de la nación en la teoría de la democracia y el federalismo. [Reseña]

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    Con esta obra, prosigue y progresa Ramón Máiz en su sólida refl exión sobre nación, federación y democracia. Cada una de estas controvertidas categorías recibe aquí un tratamiento a fondo, señalando lo que las vincula en la teoría política y en la práctica. Para ello, emprende el autor una reformulación en clave democrático-republicana del concepto de nación y propone una teoría normativa de la democracia federal

    Joan Poblet i Teixidó. La qüestió agrària com a qüestió nacional (Xavier Ferré Trill)

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    Joan Poblet i Teixidó. La qüestió agrària com a quüestió nacional (Xavier Ferré Trill

    Structural Path Analysis: Applications to Structural Changes in the Andalusian economy (1990-1999)

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    Social Accounting Matrices (SAM) are an useful tool that enables to get extenser information than Input-Output analysis as far as they work not only with an economy´s intersectorial relations, but also with consumers' behaviour, government or foreign sector; reflecting the income flow of rent. In this paper, we use Social Accounting Matrices for Andalusia for years 1990, 1995 y 1999, that we got from previous works. With this information we use "path analysis" technique to obtain the main changes in the productive structure and demand in Andalusia for the last ten years. Those changes will be represented in a three-dimensional picture. We also want to know which are the sectors that have strongly contributed to regional economic growth. Finally we measure the influence of sectorial shocks on themselves and also on the other sectors of this regional economy. Keywords: social accounting matrix, regional accounting, structural analysis. JEL: C67, D57, R15.

    Un proyecto tutorado interdisciplinar en la formación de maestros. Resultados del proceso de evaluación formativa

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    En este documento presentamos el trabajo realizado en el curso actual con futuros maestros de Educación Primaria a través de una metodología activa, como son los proyectos tutorados. La experiencia docente aborda contenidos propios de la anatomía y fisiología del aparato digestivo en la asignatura Biología del Cuerpo Humano, así como las implicaciones en el aula de Educación Primaria como contenidos propios de la asignatura Ciencias Experimentales y su Didáctica. En la presente comunicación se expone la planificación y el desarrollo del proyecto tutorado diseñado, señalando algunos de los aspectos más relevantes como las competencias, los contenidos, el proceso y el sistema de evaluación. Finalmente se muestran los primeros resultados de su puesta en práctica

    Effect of fruit-to-leaf area ratio on fruit quality and vegetative growth of 'bing' sweet cherry trees at optimal leaf area index

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    Fruit yield and quality determine grower income from commercial sweet cherry orchards. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Fruit Number to Leaf Area Ratio (FNLAR, fruit m-2 LA) on Mean Fruit Weight (MFW), firmness (F), soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and SSC:TA ratio of `Bing¿ sweet cherries trees of near-optimal leaf area index (LAI). The effect of FNLAR on Mean Shoot Growth (MSG) and trunk cross-sectional area increment (TCSAI) also was analysed to determine possible competition between reproductive and vegetative growth. Regression analysis was used with FNLAR as the independent variable. While SSC:TA, MSG and TCSAI were not significantly correlated to FNLAR (P>0.05), MFW, TA and SSC decreased linearly with increasing FNLAR (

    Coherent delocalization: Views of entanglement in different scenarios

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    The concept of entanglement was originally introduced to explain correlations existing between two spatially separated systems, that cannot be described using classical ideas. Interestingly, in recent years, it has been shown that similar correlations can be observed when considering different degrees of freedom of a single system, even a classical one. Surprisingly, it has also been suggested that entanglement might be playing a relevant role in certain biological processes, such as the functioning of pigment-proteins that constitute light-harvesting complexes of photosynthetic bacteria. The aim of this work is to show that the presence of entanglement in all of these different scenarios should not be unexpected, once it is realized that the very same mathematical structure can describe all of them. We show this by considering three different, realistic cases in which the only condition for entanglement to exist is that a single excitation is coherently delocalized between the different subsystems that compose the system of interest

    Conceptualization in the circular economy: analysing the influence of thinking profiles in creative groups

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    Eco-innovation initiatives include eco-ideation processes for proposing ideas that are innovative and represent an environmental improvement. The evaluation of the results of eco-ideation has been focused on evaluating these two aspects, but it is necessary to know how related factors, such as the thinking profile of group members, influence the generation of concepts during the creative process. This study proposes a metric that analyses the results of the creative process within conceptualization from three approaches: innovation, circularity and group activity. The group activity approach is related to the influence of the leader in the management of a creative group. The proposed metric allows us to observe the creative process, the interactions among the participants, the design decisions made, and the evaluation of the creative product which will determine which type of creative groups obtain better results. The application of the results and the proposed metric allow the creation of groups oriented to objectives, for both specific or permanent workgroups. This can be used for the initial selection of participants for eco-ideation groups, or to improve the group functionality during intermediate stages