9 research outputs found

    Population Monte Carlo with Normalizing Flow

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    Adaptive importance sampling (AIS) methods provide a useful alternative to Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for performing inference of intractable distributions. Population Monte Carlo (PMC) algorithms constitute a family of AIS approaches which adapt the proposal distributions iteratively to improve the approximation of the target distribution. Recent work in this area primarily focuses on ameliorating the proposal adaptation procedure for high-dimensional applications. However, most of the AIS algorithms use simple proposal distributions for sampling, which might be inadequate in exploring target distributions with intricate geometries. In this work, we construct expressive proposal distributions in the AIS framework using normalizing flow, an appealing approach for modeling complex distributions. We use an iterative parameter update rule to enhance the approximation of the target distribution. Numerical experiments show that in high-dimensional settings, the proposed algorithm offers significantly improved performance compared to the existing techniques

    Personalized Negative Reservoir for Incremental Learning in Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems have become an integral part of online platforms. Every day the volume of training data is expanding and the number of user interactions is constantly increasing. The exploration of larger and more expressive models has become a necessary pursuit to improve user experience. However, this progression carries with it an increased computational burden. In commercial settings, once a recommendation system model has been trained and deployed it typically needs to be updated frequently as new client data arrive. Cumulatively, the mounting volume of data is guaranteed to eventually make full batch retraining of the model from scratch computationally infeasible. Naively fine-tuning solely on the new data runs into the well-documented problem of catastrophic forgetting. Despite the fact that negative sampling is a crucial part of training with implicit feedback, no specialized technique exists that is tailored to the incremental learning framework. In this work, we take the first step to propose, a personalized negative reservoir strategy which is used to obtain negative samples for the standard triplet loss. This technique balances alleviation of forgetting with plasticity by encouraging the model to remember stable user preferences and selectively forget when user interests change. We derive the mathematical formulation of a negative sampler to populate and update the reservoir. We integrate our design in three SOTA and commonly used incremental recommendation models. We show that these concrete realizations of our negative reservoir framework achieve state-of-the-art results in standard benchmarks, on multiple standard top-k evaluation metrics

    Contrastive Learning for Time Series on Dynamic Graphs

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    There have been several recent efforts towards developing representations for multivariate time-series in an unsupervised learning framework. Such representations can prove beneficial in tasks such as activity recognition, health monitoring, and anomaly detection. In this paper, we consider a setting where we observe time-series at each node in a dynamic graph. We propose a framework called GraphTNC for unsupervised learning of joint representations of the graph and the time-series. Our approach employs a contrastive learning strategy. Based on an assumption that the time-series and graph evolution dynamics are piecewise smooth, we identify local windows of time where the signals exhibit approximate stationarity. We then train an encoding that allows the distribution of signals within a neighborhood to be distinguished from the distribution of non-neighboring signals. We first demonstrate the performance of our proposed framework using synthetic data, and subsequently we show that it can prove beneficial for the classification task with real-world datasets

    Structure Aware Incremental Learning with Personalized Imitation Weights for Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems now consume large-scale data and play a significant role in improving user experience. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as one of the most effective recommender system models because they model the rich relational information. The ever-growing volume of data can make training GNNs prohibitively expensive. To address this, previous attempts propose to train the GNN models incrementally as new data blocks arrive. Feature and structure knowledge distillation techniques have been explored to allow the GNN model to train in a fast incremental fashion while alleviating the catastrophic forgetting problem. However, preserving the same amount of the historical information for all users is sub-optimal since it fails to take into account the dynamics of each user's change of preferences. For the users whose interests shift substantially, retaining too much of the old knowledge can overly constrain the model, preventing it from quickly adapting to the users' novel interests. In contrast, for users who have static preferences, model performance can benefit greatly from preserving as much of the user's long-term preferences as possible. In this work, we propose a novel training strategy that adaptively learns personalized imitation weights for each user to balance the contribution from the recent data and the amount of knowledge to be distilled from previous time periods. We demonstrate the effectiveness of learning imitation weights via a comparison on five diverse datasets for three state-of-art structure distillation based recommender systems. The performance shows consistent improvement over competitive incremental learning techninques

    Bag Graph: Multiple Instance Learning Using Bayesian Graph Neural Networks

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    Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) is a weakly supervised learning problem where the aim is to assign labels to sets or bags of instances, as opposed to traditional supervised learning where each instance is assumed to be independent and identically distributed (IID) and is to be labeled individually. Recent work has shown promising results for neural network models in the MIL setting. Instead of focusing on each instance, these models are trained in an end-to-end fashion to learn effective bag-level representations by suitably combining permutation invariant pooling techniques with neural architectures. In this paper, we consider modelling the interactions between bags using a graph and employ Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to facilitate end-to-end learning. Since a meaningful graph representing dependencies between bags is rarely available, we propose to use a Bayesian GNN framework that can generate a likely graph structure for scenarios where there is uncertainty in the graph or when no graph is available. Empirical results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed technique for several MIL benchmark tasks and a distribution regression task