55 research outputs found

    The Effect of Electron Lens as Landau Damping Device on Single Particle Dynamics in HL-LHC

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    An electron lens can serve as an effective mechanism for suppressing coherent instabilities in high intensity storage rings through nonlinear amplitude dependent betatron tune shift. However, the addition of a strong localized nonlinear focusing element to the accelerator lattice may lead to undesired effects in particle dynamics. We evaluate the effect of a Gaussian electron lens on single particle motion in HL-LHC using numerical tracking simulations, and compare the results to the case when an equal tune spread is generated by conventional octupole magnets

    Integrable RCS as a proposed replacement for Fermilab Booster

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    Integrable optics is an innovation in particle accelerator design that potentially enables a greater betatron tune spread and damps collective instabilities. An integrable rapid-cycling synchrotron (RCS) would be an effective replacement for the Fermilab Booster, as part of a plan to reach multi-MW beam power at 120 GeV for the Fermilab high-energy neutrino program. We provide an example integrable lattice with features of a modern RCS - dispersion-free drifts, low momentum compaction factor, superperiodicity, chromaticity correction, bounded beta functions, and separate-function magnets.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1703.0095

    Bunch-by-bunch measurement of transverse coherent beam-beam modes in the Fermilab Tevatron collider

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    A system for bunch-by-bunch detection of transverse proton and antiproton coherent oscillations in the Tevatron is described. It is based on the signal from a single beam-position monitor located in a region of the ring with large amplitude functions. The signal is digitized over a large number of turns and Fourier-analyzed offline with a dedicated algorithm. To enhance the signal, band-limited noise is applied to the beam for about 1 s. This excitation does not adversely affect the circulating beams even at high luminosities. The device has a response time of a few seconds, a frequency resolution of 1.6e-5 in fractional tune, and it is sensitive to oscillation amplitudes of 60 nm. It complements Schottky detectors as a diagnostic tool for tunes, tune spreads, and beam-beam effects. Measurements of coherent mode spectra are presented to show the effects of betatron tunes, beam-beam parameter, and collision pattern, and to provide an experimental basis for beam-beam numerical codes. Comparisons with a simplified model of beam-beam oscillations are also described.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Beam-beam compensation studies in the Tevatron with electron lenses

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    At the Fermilab Tevatron collider, we studied the feasibility of suppressing the antiproton head-on beam-beam tune spread using a magnetically confined 5-keV electron beam with Gaussian transverse profile overlapping with the circulating beam. When electron cooling of antiprotons was applied in regular Tevatron operations, the nonlinear head-on beam-beam effect on antiprotons was small. Therefore, we first focused on the operational aspects, such as beam alignment and stability, and on fundamental observations of tune shifts, tune spreads, lifetimes, and emittances. We also attempted two special collider stores with only 3 proton bunches colliding with 3 antiproton bunches, to suppress long-range forces and enhance head-on effects. We present here the results of this study and a comparison between numerical simulations and observations. These results contributed to the application of this compensation concept to RHIC at Brookhaven.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-beam Effects in Hadron Colliders (BB2013), Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 March 201

    Effect of pulsed hollow electron-lens operation on the proton beam core in LHC

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    Collimation with hollow electron beams is currently one of the most promising concepts for active halo control in the HL-LHC. In order to further increase the diffusion rates for a fast halo removal as e.g. desired before the squeeze, the electron lens (e-lens) can be operated in pulsed mode. In case of profile imperfections in the electron beam the pulsing of the e-lens induces noise on the proton beam which can, depending on the frequency content and strength, lead to emittance growth. In order to study the sensitivity to the pulsing pattern and the amplitude, a beam study (machine development MD) at the LHC has been proposed for August 2016 and we present in this note the preparatory simulations and estimates

    Resonant and random excitations on the proton beam in the Large Hadron Collider for active halo control with pulsed hollow electron lenses

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    We present the results of numerical simulations and experimental studies about the effects of resonant and random excitations on proton losses, emittances, and beam distributions in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In addition to shedding light on complex nonlinear effects, these studies are applied to the design of hollow electron lenses (HEL) for active beam halo control. In the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), a considerable amount of energy will be stored in the beam tails. To control and clean the beam halo, the installation of two hollow electron lenses, one per beam, is being considered. In standard electron-lens operation, a proton bunch sees the same electron current at every revolution. Pulsed electron beam operation (i.e., different currents for different turns) is also considered, because it can widen the range of achievable halo removal rates. For an axially symmetric electron beam, only protons in the halo are excited. If a residual field is present at the location of the beam core, these particles are exposed to time-dependent transverse kicks and to noise. We discuss the numerical simulations and the experiments conducted in 2016 and 2017 at injection energy in the LHC. The excitation patterns were generated by the transverse feedback and damping system, which acted as a flexible source of dipole kicks. Proton beam losses, emittances, and transverse distributions were recorded as a function of excitation patterns and strengths. The resonant excitations induced rich dynamical effects and nontrivial changes of the beam distributions, which, to our knowledge, have not previously been observed and studied in this detail. We conclude with a discussion of the tolerable and achievable residual fields and proposals for further studies.Comment: 33 pages, 32 figures, 46 references. Revised manuscript submitted to Phys. Rev. Accel. Beam
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