6 research outputs found

    Greece’s European policy making

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    The paper examines the pattern of Greece’s European Union policy making in a historical perspective. It starts by presenting the phases of EU Policymaking of successive Greek governments since the 1980s, and considers the persistent deficiencies of the Greek public administration vis-à-vis EU law transposition and implementation. Then it turns to the different models for EU policymaking and introduces the Finnish case as a successful example. The final section outlines relevant policy proposals, taking into account the changing Greek and Eurozone environment amidst the ongoing crisis

    La GrĂšce dans la nouvelle Europe

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    Greece in the New Europe, by Yannis G. Valinakis The PASOK Governement takes over the presidency of the European Union at a moment that is crucial not only for European integration but also for Greece's rĂ©gional role. Since it joined the EC in 1982, despite some periods of disagreement with the Twelve, Greece has never stopped affirming its European vocation. However its partners have not been able to overcome Greece's sensĂ© of insecurity vis-Ă -vis Turkey (Greek defense policy is shaped by the Turkish threat) and the regional environment with the collapse of the Yugos-lav Federation, the war in Bosnia and the independence of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Greece may reinforce its role as mediator in the region and overcome its state of tension regarding the new regional environment with support from the Twelve and security guarantees.Le gouvernement du PASOK assume la responsabilitĂ© de la prĂ©sidence europĂ©enne Ă  un moment critique, tant pour l'intĂ©gration europĂ©enne elle-mĂȘme que pour la GrĂšce et son rĂŽle rĂ©gional. Depuis son adhĂ©sion Ă  la CE en 1982, la GrĂšce, malgrĂ© des pĂ©riodes de dĂ©saccord avec les Douze, n'a cessĂ© d'affirmer sa vocation europĂ©enne. Mais ses partenaires n'ont pu attĂ©nuer son sentiment d'insĂ©curitĂ©, d'une part, face Ă  la Turquie — la menace turque constituant la base de la politique de dĂ©fense grecque —, d'autre part, du fait de l'environnement rĂ©gional, avec l'Ă©clatement de la FĂ©dĂ©ration yougoslave, la guerre en Bosnie et l'indĂ©pendance de l'ancienne RĂ©publique yougoslave de MacĂ©doine (FYROM). La GrĂšce peut renforcer son rĂŽle de mĂ©diateur dans la rĂ©gion, Ă  deux conditions : surmonter sa crispation face Ă  un nouvel environnement rĂ©gional et obtenir le soutien des Douze et la garantie de sa sĂ©curitĂ©.Valinakis Yannis G. La GrĂšce dans la nouvelle Europe. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°1 - 1994 - 59ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 223-232