292 research outputs found
How well does brand personality predict brand choice ?
The research proposes a methodology allowing both the construction of a brand personality scale and the test of the ability of the scale to predict brand choice. A brand personality scale is developed and tested via exploratory and confirmatory analyses. A brand personality structure composed of 12 facets is uncovered and allows clearly differentiating brands belonging to the same market. Predictive power of the scale is then tested using binary regression models.Brand personality, Human personality, Binary regression models, Positionnement, Brand management
The impact of step-down line extension on consumer-brand relationships: A risky strategy for luxury brands
Cahiers de recherche 2011-07 E3This paper analyzes the role of the brand concept (luxury vs. non-luxury) in the impact of step-down line extension on consumer-brand relationships. A before-and-after pseudo-experimental study conducted on the Internet among BMW and Peugeot buyers shows that step-down line extension negatively influences the main variables of consumer-brand relationships (e.g., self-brand connections, brand attachment, brand trust and brand commitment) only for the luxury brand BMW. On the contrary, no dilution effects are found for the non-luxury brand Peugeot.Cet article analyse le rôle du concept de marque (luxe vs. non-luxe) dans l'impact de l'extension verticale de gamme vers le bas sur la relation consommateur-marque. Une étude expérimentale avant-après menée auprès de clients des marques BMW et Peugeot, interrogés via des clubs de possesseurs sur Internet et des forums automobiles, montre que l'extension vers le bas détériore les principales variables de la relation consommateur-marque (connexions à la marque, attachement à la marque, confiance et engagement dans la marque) pour la marque luxueuse BMW alors qu'aucun effet de dilution n'est observé pour la marque non-luxueuse Peugeot
The impact of price display on perceptions of luxury: a masstige perspective
Based on two experimental studies in which college students participated, this paper investigates the impact of price display in the luxury sector on low-end brands perceived luxury and attitude. In Study 1, we show that price display is associated with higher perceived quality, uniqueness, and conspicuousness for a fictitious low-end brand. In Study 2, we confirm this positive influence for a real low-end brand, and show that it transfers to brand attitude through perceived quality and conspicuousness. In addition, Study 2 indicates no negative effect of price display on perceptions of luxury for a higher level brand. In a pioneering attempt to evaluate the effects of price display in the luxury sector, this paper adds value to the body of literature on luxury brand management. Besides, it provides insight to managers of luxury brands of different range levels on the effects of price display, a practice that develops as more and more luxury companies engage in masstige strategies or open commercial websites
The Intention-to-Repurchase Paradox: A Case of the Health and Fitness Industry
The factors that lead customers to continue to use a particular organization have been subject to extensive research which has focused on service quality (Olorunniwo, Hsu, & Udo, 2006; Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1985, 1994a, 1994b) satisfaction (Jones & Suh, 2000; Murray & Howat, 2002; Söderlund, 2006), and image (Lassar, Mittal, & Sharma, 1995; Zins, 2001). Although the factors investigated may be different, there is general agreement that the retention of customers is fundamental to the success of an organization (Oliver, 1999; Söderlund, 2006; Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1996). The notion of customer retention is encapsulated by the concept of customer loyalty (Ganesh, Arnold, & Reynolds, 2000; Zins, 2001) and it is evident that loyal customers are considered key to organizational profitability and success. Selin, Howard, Udd, and Cable (1987) found that consumers of municipal recreation programs who demonstrated the greatest levels of loyalty to the service tended to repurchase more often and spend more money. In addition, research carried out with theater customers showed that greater levels of loyalty led to greater repurchase behavior (Divett, Crittenden, & Henderson, 2003). From this it is apparent that it is of benefit to organizations to create loyal customer
How well does brand personality predict brand choice ?: A measurement scale and analysis using binary regression models
The research proposes a methodology allowing both the construction of a brand personality scale and the test of the ability of the scale to predict brand choice. A brand personality scale is developed and tested via exploratory and confirmatory analyses. A brand personality structure composed of 12 facets is uncovered and allows clearly differentiating brands belonging to the same market. Predictive power of the scale is then tested using binary regression models
Fibrilhação auricular paroxÃstica no contexto de sépsis, numa unidade de cuidados intensivos : incidência e implicações prognósticas
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2017Background: A fibrilhação auricular paroxÃstica é uma arritmia frequente no contexto do doente crÃtico e, em particular, em quadros sépticos. No entanto, são desconhecidos os preditores de risco para o desenvolvimento desta arritmia, assim como o seu impacto prognóstico nos pacientes.
Métodos: Foi utilizada a base de dados do Serviço de Medicina Intensiva do Hospital de Santa Maria relativa aos anos de 2014 e 2015, selecionando-se a partir de codificação informática, os pacientes com diagnósticos relacionados com sépsis, sendo destes identificado um subgrupo com fibrilhação auricular paroxÃstica, para a análise estatÃstica.
Resultados: A fibrilhação auricular paroxÃstica foi positivamente associada a idade mais avançada e a Ãndices de gravidade mais elevados. Não foi encontrada associação com aumento de mortalidade.
Conclusões: A fibrilhação auricular paroxÃstica é prevalente no contexto de quadros sépticos, estando associada a pacientes com quadros de maior gravidade. Mais estudos são necessários para determinar o valor prognóstico desta arritmia e o impacto que a terapêutica tem sobre o desfecho final.Background: Paroxystic atrial fibrillation is frequently found in critical patients, particularly in septic patients. However, the main risk factors for the development of this arrhythmia have not yet been identified, nor its impact on the patient’s prognosis.
Methods: We used the data base of the Intensive Care Unit of Santa Maria Hospital (years 2014 and 2015), and the patients with sepsis related diagnosis were selected based on coding. Within these, we identified the subgroup with paroxystic atrial fibrillation for the statistic analysis.
Results: Paroxystic Atrial Fibrillation was positively associated with age and higher severity of illness scores. We did not found an association with mortality.
Conclusions: Paroxystic Atrial fibrillation is prevalent in the context of sepsis, being associated with more severely ill patients. More studies are necessary to determine the prognostic value of this arrhythmia, as well as the impact of the therapeutic management on the outcomes
A Test of the Quasi-Circumplex Structure of Human Values
Schwartz’s value system (SVS) has been widely used in diVerent disciplines (e.g., psychology, management, and marketing). Although the value structure seems to be validated when data are analyzed through multidimensional scaling, we show that the quasi-circumplex structure of human values is not supported when conWrmatory analysis approaches (e.g., CIRCUM and constrained conWrmatory factor analysis) are used. Based on two samples of French and Swiss respondents, conWrmatory tests of SVS provide little support for its quasi-circumplex structure, mainly due to problems of construct and discriminant validity resulting from multicollinearity between value types
Brand passion: Antecedents and consequences
Keywords: Brand passion Brand commitment Brand trust Brand identification Partial least squares This research explores the antecedents and consequences of brand passion. Consumer-brand relationship constructs (brand identification and brand trust) may influence consumers' passion for a brand. Brand passion in turn may influence brand commitment, willingness to pay a higher price for the brand, and positive word of mouth. A partial least squares structural equation model applied to data collected from a representative sample of 1505 study participants demonstrates that brand passion depends on brand identification and brand trust. Consumer's passion for a brand has great managerial relevance and a direct effect on word of mouth and commitment, as well as an indirect effect on willingness to pay a higher price, as mediated by commitment
Impact de l’organisation sur la définition d’une profession au sein du SAMU : le cas des assistants de régulation médicale
National audienceWithin the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), Medical Regulation Assistant (MRA) are in the front line when it comes to managing emergencies. MRA is the first point of contact to take charge of callers. This feature, in the heart of the functioning and prerogatives of EMS is at the crossroads of medical emergency services in the covered area. Even if the objectives and prerogatives of MRA are set nationally, it appears that the skills and responsibilities associated with this function may vary from one region to another and from one EMS to another. In our work, we propose to question the ARM professionalization process by conducting an ethnographic survey and interviews within the EMS from the Arras Hospital. It will highlight the process by which MRA build their own skills and knowledge. We also show that this improving professionalism is literally described in the documents produced by the sector. Furthermore, professionalism requires constant adaptation to the technical, organizational and territorial constraints. This issue is being addressed in the EQU 2 project (Ethics, Quality, Emergency) which is a collaboration of two laboratories (GERIICO and STL, University of Lille) and the EMS from the Arras Hospital.Au sein du SAMU, les assistants de régulation médicale (ARM) sont en première ligne lorsqu’il est question de gérer les urgences. L’ARM est le premier interlocuteur à prendre en charge les appelants. Cette fonction, au cœur du fonctionnement et des prérogatives du SAMU est donc au carrefour des services de prise en charge médicale d’urgence de la zone couverte. Si les objectifs et les prérogatives des ARM sont définies nationalement, il s’avère que les compétences et les responsabilités associées à cette fonction peuvent varier d’une région à l’autre, d’un SAMU à l’autre. Dans le cadre de nos travaux, nous proposons de questionner le processus de professionnalisation des ARM en menant une enquête ethnographique et des entretiens au sein du SAMU du centre hospitalier D’Arras. Dans cet article, il s’agira de mettre en lumière le processus par lequel les ARM construisent eux-mêmes des compétences et des savoirs. Nous montrerons également que cette professionnalisation, qui s’inscrit textuellement dans les documents produits par le secteur, nécessite une constante adaptation aux contraintes techniques, territoriales et organisationnelles. Cette analyse s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet EQU 2 (Éthique, Qualité, Urgence) faisant collaborer les laboratoires GERiiCO (Sciences de l’information et de la communication ; Université de Lille) et STL (Savoirs, Textes, Langage ; Université de Lille) ainsi que le SAMU du Centre Hospitalier d’Arras
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